1. Opening Prayer: Pastor Chris Johnson, First Baptist Church of San Antonio (Nelson W. Wolff) 2. Pledge of Allegiance: (Nelson W. Wolff)
Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing and celebrating 2021 as the 25th anniversary of the Edwards Aquifer Authority. (Estimated presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Nelson Wolff)
Presentation of a Hidalgo Award honoring Bexar County Precinct 1 Constable Ruben Tejeda for over 40 years of serving Bexar County in the Sheriffs Department and Constable of Precinct 1. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Rebeca Clay-Flores)
CEREMONIAL ITEM(S): Recognition and presentation of awards to the Bexar County Historical Commission (BCHC): i. 2020 Texas Historical Commission's Distinguished Service Award; and ii. Hidalgo Award to Dr. Felix Almaraz for his years of service on the BCHC. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Nelson Wolff)
TIME CERTAIN ITEM(S): 9:15 a.m - Discussion and appropriate action regarding the Approval of the San Antonio Mobile Mental Wellness Collaborative of $750,000 for the first year and $1 million for years 2-5 totaling $4,750,000 for 5 years total. This is for operational/backbone costs to expand the program offerings in the schools through more counseling and education. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Rebeca Clay-Flores)
9:30 a.m. - Discussion and appropriate action regarding selection of a qualified law firm to assist and advise Bexar County with the 2021 redistricting process following final publication of the 2020 United States decennial census and authorization to enter into a professional services agreement for an amount not to exceed the amount set out in the proposal of the selected law firm. (Estimated Presentation Time: 20 minutes) (Joe Gonzales)
10:00 a.m - Approval of a resolution of Bexar County Commissioners Court acknowledging the service of certain County Court Judges hearing cases involving domestic violence and expressing a commitment to the Bexar County District Attorney to provide the resources necessary to alleviate the backlog of misdemeanor domestic violence cases in Bexar County. (Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Trish DeBerry)
All items under the Consent Agenda are heard and acted upon collectively unless opposition is presented, in which case the contested item will be considered, discussion, and appropriate action taken separately. Items 9 - 64, 66 - 92
Authorization to update Bexar County Human Resources policy 7.2.01 to support a reduction of paper, in the distribution of employee pay statements.
All items under the Consent Agenda are heard and acted upon collectively unless opposition is presented, in which case the contested item will be considered, discussion, and appropriate action taken separately. Items 9 - 64, 66 - 92
Authorization to update Bexar County Human Resources policy 7.2.01 to support a reduction of paper, in the distribution of employee pay statements.
Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attorney's Office to take action, if necessary: a. Summons in Civil Action directed to Bexar County Judge Nelson W. Wolff, Plaintiffs Original Complaint and Jury Demand, Re: Justin Fischer vs. Bexar County, Texas et al, Case No. 5:21-cv-00418. b. Bexar County Auditor's Year End Monthly Financial Reports (Unaudited and Unadjusted) for February 28, 2021. c. Citation directed to County Judge, The Honorable Nelson Wolfe, Plaintiffs Original Petition, Re: Alexandria G Millan vs. Bexar County Government, Case No. 2021-CI-10818. d. Citation directed to County Judge, The Honorable Nelson Wolfe, Plaintiffs Original Petition, Re: Nancy A McClure-Soto vs. Bexar County Government, Case No. 2021-CI-10816. e. Fax letter from Deputy Sheriffs Association of Bexar County, Re: Grievance 2021-' DSABC-Class-01 (Kevin Hodgkinson) to proceed to Step 1. f. Attachments for the Professional Services Agreement between County of Bexar and Guidehouse Inc., approved April 6, 2021. g. Letter from Prichard Young representing Inmate Calling Solutions LLC, Re: Bexar County Inmate Phone System, Agenda Item #53. h. Letter from K&L Gates representing Securus Technologies, LLC, Re: Request for Proposal Event #657, Bexar County Inmate Phone System.
Commissioners Court minutes for Tuesday, June 15, 2021 and Wednesday, June 16, 2021.
Communications from citizens who signed the register to speak.
INDIVIDUAL AGENDA ITEMS: The following Individual Agenda Item may be considered at any time during this meeting: Item(s) Brought by Elections Department: (Jacque Calhinon) Discussion and appropriate action on the bi-annual appointment of election judges for the period of August 1, 2021 thru July 31, 2023 as presented with the approval of additions and subtractions made to the list during the appointment term. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes (Jacque Callanen)
Item(s) Brought by Economic & Community Development: (David Marquez) Approval and execution of the FY 2020/2021 Management Agreement between Bexar County and The Health Collaborative, beginning October 1, 2020 and ending on September 30, 2021, in the amount of $500,000 from the General Fund. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (David Marquez)
11:30 a.m. - Discussion and appropriate action regarding the proposed Bexar County Emergency Services District Number 9, items include: i. 11:30 a.m. Public Hearing on granting of the petition to establish the Bexar County Emergency Services District No. 9; ii. As outlined by Sec. 775.016(b) of the Texas Health and Safety Code, any interested person may appear before the Commissioners Court in person or by attorney to support or oppose the creation of the district and each issue relating to creation of the district. (Presentation Time: as needed) (Chris Lopez)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding: a. Approval of the 2021 Annual Action Plan and 2021 - 2025 Five Year Consolidated Plan. b. Final selection of projects to be funded with Community Development Block Grant ($2,374,828), HOME Investment Partnerships Program ($702,066) and Emergency Solutions Grant ($204,107) entitlement funds for the 2021-2022 Budget Year. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (David Marquez)
Item(s) Brought by Commissioners Court: (Court) Briefing and discussion regarding support of the City of San Antonio's Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability & Equity (RAISE) grant application for completion of the 4.7-mile Zarzamora Creek segment of the Howard W. Peak Greenway Trails System, Precinct 2. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) , (Justin Rodriguez)
Item(s) Brought by Sheriff: (Javier Salazar) Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding the request for approval of 96,170 hours of paid overtime for uniformed officers required to work mandatory hours in the Adult Detention Center between May 31 and September 30, 2021. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Javier Salazar)
Item(s) Brought by Heritage & Parks: (Betty Bueche) Approval of the 2021 Bexar County Parks Master Plan as requested by the Bexar County Heritage Department. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Betty Bueche)
Item(s) Brought by Office of the County Manager: (David Smith) Presentation, discussion, and appropriate action regarding the San Pedro Creek Culture Park project to include the following: a. A status update on the ongoing design and construction activities for the San Pedro Creek Culture Park; and b. Approval of the recommended artist selection for the Five Panel Mural public art project, La Gloriosa Historia de San Pedro Creek On My Mind: A Story in Five Panels; and authorization for the San Antonio River Authority to proceed with the development and installation of the work. (Estimated Presentation Time: 20 minutes) (Tony Canez)
Item(s) Brought by County Clerk's Office: (Lucy Adame-Clark) Drawing 25 names from the 2020 Grand Jury List, nine (9) of which will serve on the 2021 Salary Grievance Committee; an additional nine (9) names are needed to serve as Alternates. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Lucy Adame-Clark)
EXECUTIVE SESSION (DISCUSSION ONLY: CLOSED TO PUBLIC) (Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code) EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS MAY BE DISCUSSED AND ACTED UPON, IF APPROPRIATE, IN OPEN SESSION. 102. §551.071 Consultation with Attorney for advice regarding: a. Pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers in the following matters: i. Alexandria Millan v. Bexar County, Texas; Nancy A. McClure-Soto v. Bexar County, Texas; Allen Castro, PhD. V. Bexar County, Texas; ii. Moses Lozano v. Bexar County; and iii. Joe Martinez Jr., and Maria Martinez v. Bexar County.
Item(s) Brought by Criminal District Attorney: (Larry Roberson) Discussion and appropriate action regarding a professional services agreement with Cavaretta, Katona & Leighner, P.L.L.C, for certain representation of Bexar County in the matters of Alexandria Millan v. Bexar County, Texas; Nancy A. McClure-Soto v. Bexar County; and Allen Castro, PhD. V. Bexar County, Texas (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Larry Roberson)
1. Opening Prayer: Pastor Chris Johnson, First Baptist Church of San Antonio (Nelson W. Wolff) 2. Pledge of Allegiance: (Nelson W. Wolff)
Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing and celebrating 2021 as the 25th anniversary of the Edwards Aquifer Authority. (Estimated presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Nelson Wolff)
Presentation of a Hidalgo Award honoring Bexar County Precinct 1 Constable Ruben Tejeda for over 40 years of serving Bexar County in the Sheriffs Department and Constable of Precinct 1. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Rebeca Clay-Flores)
CEREMONIAL ITEM(S): Recognition and presentation of awards to the Bexar County Historical Commission (BCHC): i. 2020 Texas Historical Commission's Distinguished Service Award; and ii. Hidalgo Award to Dr. Felix Almaraz for his years of service on the BCHC. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Nelson Wolff)
TIME CERTAIN ITEM(S): 9:15 a.m - Discussion and appropriate action regarding the Approval of the San Antonio Mobile Mental Wellness Collaborative of $750,000 for the first year and $1 million for years 2-5 totaling $4,750,000 for 5 years total. This is for operational/backbone costs to expand the program offerings in the schools through more counseling and education. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Rebeca Clay-Flores)
9:30 a.m. - Discussion and appropriate action regarding selection of a qualified law firm to assist and advise Bexar County with the 2021 redistricting process following final publication of the 2020 United States decennial census and authorization to enter into a professional services agreement for an amount not to exceed the amount set out in the proposal of the selected law firm. (Estimated Presentation Time: 20 minutes) (Joe Gonzales)
10:00 a.m - Approval of a resolution of Bexar County Commissioners Court acknowledging the service of certain County Court Judges hearing cases involving domestic violence and expressing a commitment to the Bexar County District Attorney to provide the resources necessary to alleviate the backlog of misdemeanor domestic violence cases in Bexar County. (Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Trish DeBerry)
All items under the Consent Agenda are heard and acted upon collectively unless opposition is presented, in which case the contested item will be considered, discussion, and appropriate action taken separately. Items 9 - 64, 66 - 92
Authorization to update Bexar County Human Resources policy 7.2.01 to support a reduction of paper, in the distribution of employee pay statements.
All items under the Consent Agenda are heard and acted upon collectively unless opposition is presented, in which case the contested item will be considered, discussion, and appropriate action taken separately. Items 9 - 64, 66 - 92
Authorization to update Bexar County Human Resources policy 7.2.01 to support a reduction of paper, in the distribution of employee pay statements.
Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attorney's Office to take action, if necessary: a. Summons in Civil Action directed to Bexar County Judge Nelson W. Wolff, Plaintiffs Original Complaint and Jury Demand, Re: Justin Fischer vs. Bexar County, Texas et al, Case No. 5:21-cv-00418. b. Bexar County Auditor's Year End Monthly Financial Reports (Unaudited and Unadjusted) for February 28, 2021. c. Citation directed to County Judge, The Honorable Nelson Wolfe, Plaintiffs Original Petition, Re: Alexandria G Millan vs. Bexar County Government, Case No. 2021-CI-10818. d. Citation directed to County Judge, The Honorable Nelson Wolfe, Plaintiffs Original Petition, Re: Nancy A McClure-Soto vs. Bexar County Government, Case No. 2021-CI-10816. e. Fax letter from Deputy Sheriffs Association of Bexar County, Re: Grievance 2021-' DSABC-Class-01 (Kevin Hodgkinson) to proceed to Step 1. f. Attachments for the Professional Services Agreement between County of Bexar and Guidehouse Inc., approved April 6, 2021. g. Letter from Prichard Young representing Inmate Calling Solutions LLC, Re: Bexar County Inmate Phone System, Agenda Item #53. h. Letter from K&L Gates representing Securus Technologies, LLC, Re: Request for Proposal Event #657, Bexar County Inmate Phone System.
Commissioners Court minutes for Tuesday, June 15, 2021 and Wednesday, June 16, 2021.
Communications from citizens who signed the register to speak.
INDIVIDUAL AGENDA ITEMS: The following Individual Agenda Item may be considered at any time during this meeting: Item(s) Brought by Elections Department: (Jacque Calhinon) Discussion and appropriate action on the bi-annual appointment of election judges for the period of August 1, 2021 thru July 31, 2023 as presented with the approval of additions and subtractions made to the list during the appointment term. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes (Jacque Callanen)
Item(s) Brought by Economic & Community Development: (David Marquez) Approval and execution of the FY 2020/2021 Management Agreement between Bexar County and The Health Collaborative, beginning October 1, 2020 and ending on September 30, 2021, in the amount of $500,000 from the General Fund. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (David Marquez)
11:30 a.m. - Discussion and appropriate action regarding the proposed Bexar County Emergency Services District Number 9, items include: i. 11:30 a.m. Public Hearing on granting of the petition to establish the Bexar County Emergency Services District No. 9; ii. As outlined by Sec. 775.016(b) of the Texas Health and Safety Code, any interested person may appear before the Commissioners Court in person or by attorney to support or oppose the creation of the district and each issue relating to creation of the district. (Presentation Time: as needed) (Chris Lopez)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding: a. Approval of the 2021 Annual Action Plan and 2021 - 2025 Five Year Consolidated Plan. b. Final selection of projects to be funded with Community Development Block Grant ($2,374,828), HOME Investment Partnerships Program ($702,066) and Emergency Solutions Grant ($204,107) entitlement funds for the 2021-2022 Budget Year. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (David Marquez)
Item(s) Brought by Commissioners Court: (Court) Briefing and discussion regarding support of the City of San Antonio's Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability & Equity (RAISE) grant application for completion of the 4.7-mile Zarzamora Creek segment of the Howard W. Peak Greenway Trails System, Precinct 2. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) , (Justin Rodriguez)
Item(s) Brought by Sheriff: (Javier Salazar) Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding the request for approval of 96,170 hours of paid overtime for uniformed officers required to work mandatory hours in the Adult Detention Center between May 31 and September 30, 2021. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Javier Salazar)
Item(s) Brought by Heritage & Parks: (Betty Bueche) Approval of the 2021 Bexar County Parks Master Plan as requested by the Bexar County Heritage Department. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Betty Bueche)
Item(s) Brought by Office of the County Manager: (David Smith) Presentation, discussion, and appropriate action regarding the San Pedro Creek Culture Park project to include the following: a. A status update on the ongoing design and construction activities for the San Pedro Creek Culture Park; and b. Approval of the recommended artist selection for the Five Panel Mural public art project, La Gloriosa Historia de San Pedro Creek On My Mind: A Story in Five Panels; and authorization for the San Antonio River Authority to proceed with the development and installation of the work. (Estimated Presentation Time: 20 minutes) (Tony Canez)
Item(s) Brought by County Clerk's Office: (Lucy Adame-Clark) Drawing 25 names from the 2020 Grand Jury List, nine (9) of which will serve on the 2021 Salary Grievance Committee; an additional nine (9) names are needed to serve as Alternates. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Lucy Adame-Clark)
EXECUTIVE SESSION (DISCUSSION ONLY: CLOSED TO PUBLIC) (Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code) EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS MAY BE DISCUSSED AND ACTED UPON, IF APPROPRIATE, IN OPEN SESSION. 102. §551.071 Consultation with Attorney for advice regarding: a. Pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers in the following matters: i. Alexandria Millan v. Bexar County, Texas; Nancy A. McClure-Soto v. Bexar County, Texas; Allen Castro, PhD. V. Bexar County, Texas; ii. Moses Lozano v. Bexar County; and iii. Joe Martinez Jr., and Maria Martinez v. Bexar County.
Item(s) Brought by Criminal District Attorney: (Larry Roberson) Discussion and appropriate action regarding a professional services agreement with Cavaretta, Katona & Leighner, P.L.L.C, for certain representation of Bexar County in the matters of Alexandria Millan v. Bexar County, Texas; Nancy A. McClure-Soto v. Bexar County; and Allen Castro, PhD. V. Bexar County, Texas (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Larry Roberson)