1. Opening prayer: Rev. Bob Clark from Trinity United Methodist Church (Court/Nelson W. Wolff) 2. Pledge of Allegiance: (Court/Nelson W. Wolff)
CEREMONIAL ITEM(S): a. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court designating "The Tip of the Spear" statue, remembering and recognizing all veterans who defended our freedom, to be placed at the Bexar County Public Works Headquarters. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Sergio "Chico" Rodriguez/Court) b. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing January 24, 2020 to be Cowboy Breakfast Day. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Tommy Calvert/Court)
Request of Commissioners Court to identify items from the Consent Agenda for additional discussion and to approve remaining Consent Agenda items. Consent Items 8 - 41
Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attorney's Office to take action, if necessary: a. Bexar County Auditor's Monthly Financial Reports (Unaudited and Unadjusted) for October 31, 2019. b. Notice of Lawsuit and Request to Waive Service of Summons, Re: Christopher Prescott & Rubi Prescott, Individually and as Next Personal Representatives of the Estate of Kameron Prescott, Deceased vs. Bexar County, Javier Salazar, Individually and as the Bexar County Sheriff, John Aguillon, George Herrera, Jesse Arias, and Johnny Longoria, Cause Number: 5:19-cv-01392-JKP, United States District Court, Western District of Texas - San Antonio Division. c. U.S. District Court - Summons in a Civil Action Directed to Bexar County, Nelson Wolff, County Judge of Bexar County, Re: Joe Ule, Individually and as a Personal Representative of the Estate of Jack Ule, decedent v. Bexar County, Sheriff Javier Salazar, and Bexar County Hospital District d/b/aUniversity Health Systems, Civil ActionNo. 5:19-CV-1459-JKP. d. Texas Tort Claims Notice Letter and Spoliation Letter, submitted by Law Offices of Fidel Rodriguez, Jr., Re: Officer Ralph Delgado. e. U.S. District Court - Summons in a Civil Action Directed to Bexar County, Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff, Re: Rene Jones, Individually and as a Personal Representative of the Estate of Amanda Jones, Deceased v. Bexar County, Javier Salazar, John Aguillon, George Herrera, Jesse Arias, and Johnny Longoria, Civil Action No. 5:19-CV-01392-JKP-RBF.
Commissioners Court minutes for December 17, 2019 and December 27, 2019.
Communications from citizens who signed the register to speak.
Discussion and appropriate action for the orders necessary for the conduct of early voting for the Joint Primary to be held on Tuesday, March 3, 2020 and the Runoff, if necessary, on Tuesday, May 26, 2020 to include: a. An Order to Conduct Early Voting for the Primary and Runoff Election b. An Order designating the main early voting location and branch locations; c. An Order setting compensation for the deputy early voting clerks for early voting; d. An Order adopting a voting system to be used; e. An Order adopting the voting times for Saturdays and Sundays. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Jacque Callanen)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding a request from Commissioner Tommy Calvert for a re-affirmation of existing policy directives from the Office of the County Manager that requires all departments under its authority to post open RFPs/RFQs/SOQs for Architectural and Engineering Services on the respective department's website as well as Bexar County Purchasing and Bexar County's Small Business & Entrepreneurship Department websites (website, portal, & CDMS). Further, open RFPs/RFQs/SOQs will require that respondents seeking to perform Architectural and Engineering Services shall complete a SMWBE affidavit accurately listing all subconsultants to be utilized as per Bexar County Administrative Policy 8.0. SMWBE and issuing addendums immediately to any solicitations for vendors that do not have the aforementioned listings. Staff should extend submissions for SWMBEs 21 days in order to allow for SWMBE Policy 8.0 to be properly adhered to. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Court)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the request approval for 61,000 hours of paid overtime for uniformed officers required to work mandatory hours (MOT) in the Adult Detention Center between December 28, 2019 and February 29, 2020. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Javier Salazar)
45. Discussion and appropriate action regarding a settlement proposal in the following litigation: Vanae Wright and Leilani Green v. BCSO, et al. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Larry Roberson) EXECUTIVE SESSION (DISCUSSION ONLY: CLOSED TO PUBLIC (Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code) EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS MAY BE DISCUSSED AND ACTED UPON, IF APPROPRIATE, IN OPEN SESSION. 46. §551.071 Consultation with Attorney for advice regarding: a. Pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers in the following matters: i. Vanae Wright and Leilani Green v. BCSO, et al; ii. Crawford v. Hernandez; iii. Joshua Ruiz v. Bexar County. b. Legal issues pertaining to the following matters in which the duty of the attorney for Bexar County under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Open Meetings Act: i. Bexar County v. Purdue Pharma, L.P., et al. / In Re: Texas Opioid Litigation.
1. Opening prayer: Rev. Bob Clark from Trinity United Methodist Church (Court/Nelson W. Wolff) 2. Pledge of Allegiance: (Court/Nelson W. Wolff)
CEREMONIAL ITEM(S): a. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court designating "The Tip of the Spear" statue, remembering and recognizing all veterans who defended our freedom, to be placed at the Bexar County Public Works Headquarters. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Sergio "Chico" Rodriguez/Court) b. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing January 24, 2020 to be Cowboy Breakfast Day. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Tommy Calvert/Court)
Request of Commissioners Court to identify items from the Consent Agenda for additional discussion and to approve remaining Consent Agenda items. Consent Items 8 - 41
Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attorney's Office to take action, if necessary: a. Bexar County Auditor's Monthly Financial Reports (Unaudited and Unadjusted) for October 31, 2019. b. Notice of Lawsuit and Request to Waive Service of Summons, Re: Christopher Prescott & Rubi Prescott, Individually and as Next Personal Representatives of the Estate of Kameron Prescott, Deceased vs. Bexar County, Javier Salazar, Individually and as the Bexar County Sheriff, John Aguillon, George Herrera, Jesse Arias, and Johnny Longoria, Cause Number: 5:19-cv-01392-JKP, United States District Court, Western District of Texas - San Antonio Division. c. U.S. District Court - Summons in a Civil Action Directed to Bexar County, Nelson Wolff, County Judge of Bexar County, Re: Joe Ule, Individually and as a Personal Representative of the Estate of Jack Ule, decedent v. Bexar County, Sheriff Javier Salazar, and Bexar County Hospital District d/b/aUniversity Health Systems, Civil ActionNo. 5:19-CV-1459-JKP. d. Texas Tort Claims Notice Letter and Spoliation Letter, submitted by Law Offices of Fidel Rodriguez, Jr., Re: Officer Ralph Delgado. e. U.S. District Court - Summons in a Civil Action Directed to Bexar County, Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff, Re: Rene Jones, Individually and as a Personal Representative of the Estate of Amanda Jones, Deceased v. Bexar County, Javier Salazar, John Aguillon, George Herrera, Jesse Arias, and Johnny Longoria, Civil Action No. 5:19-CV-01392-JKP-RBF.
Commissioners Court minutes for December 17, 2019 and December 27, 2019.
Communications from citizens who signed the register to speak.
Discussion and appropriate action for the orders necessary for the conduct of early voting for the Joint Primary to be held on Tuesday, March 3, 2020 and the Runoff, if necessary, on Tuesday, May 26, 2020 to include: a. An Order to Conduct Early Voting for the Primary and Runoff Election b. An Order designating the main early voting location and branch locations; c. An Order setting compensation for the deputy early voting clerks for early voting; d. An Order adopting a voting system to be used; e. An Order adopting the voting times for Saturdays and Sundays. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Jacque Callanen)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding a request from Commissioner Tommy Calvert for a re-affirmation of existing policy directives from the Office of the County Manager that requires all departments under its authority to post open RFPs/RFQs/SOQs for Architectural and Engineering Services on the respective department's website as well as Bexar County Purchasing and Bexar County's Small Business & Entrepreneurship Department websites (website, portal, & CDMS). Further, open RFPs/RFQs/SOQs will require that respondents seeking to perform Architectural and Engineering Services shall complete a SMWBE affidavit accurately listing all subconsultants to be utilized as per Bexar County Administrative Policy 8.0. SMWBE and issuing addendums immediately to any solicitations for vendors that do not have the aforementioned listings. Staff should extend submissions for SWMBEs 21 days in order to allow for SWMBE Policy 8.0 to be properly adhered to. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Court)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the request approval for 61,000 hours of paid overtime for uniformed officers required to work mandatory hours (MOT) in the Adult Detention Center between December 28, 2019 and February 29, 2020. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Javier Salazar)
45. Discussion and appropriate action regarding a settlement proposal in the following litigation: Vanae Wright and Leilani Green v. BCSO, et al. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Larry Roberson) EXECUTIVE SESSION (DISCUSSION ONLY: CLOSED TO PUBLIC (Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code) EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS MAY BE DISCUSSED AND ACTED UPON, IF APPROPRIATE, IN OPEN SESSION. 46. §551.071 Consultation with Attorney for advice regarding: a. Pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers in the following matters: i. Vanae Wright and Leilani Green v. BCSO, et al; ii. Crawford v. Hernandez; iii. Joshua Ruiz v. Bexar County. b. Legal issues pertaining to the following matters in which the duty of the attorney for Bexar County under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Open Meetings Act: i. Bexar County v. Purdue Pharma, L.P., et al. / In Re: Texas Opioid Litigation.