1. Opening prayer: (Kevin Wolff) 2. Pledge of Allegiance: (Court/Kevin Wolff)
CEREMONIAL ITEM(S): a. Presentation of a Proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing the efforts of all involved in creating the Mentoring Organization Roundtable - San Antonio (MOR-SA). (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Nelson Wolff/Court)
SPECIAL PRESENTATION ITEM(S): a. Sheriff Salazar and Morgan's Wonderland would like to announce the 3 finalists for "Sheriff for a Day" during Commissioners Court. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Javier Salazar) b. Introduction often arts organizations and interns participating in the 2019 Bexar County Arts Internship Program. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (David Marquez/Rod Rubbo) c. Presentation of highlighted BiblioTech programs and partnerships including Estas en Casa, San Antonio Food Bank and San Antonio Housing Authority. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Laura Cole)
Recess Commissioners Court a. 10:30 a.m. - Convene as Board of Directors, Bexar County Housing Finance Corporation. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Board/Bracewell LLP) Reconvene Commissioners Court b. 11:00 a.m.: Discussion and appropriate action regarding: i. Alamo Colleges District regarding the Alamo Promise program; and ii. A grant agreement with SA Talent, Inc. dba SA Works in the amount of $100,000. (Estimated Presentation Time: 20 minutes) (Deborah Carter) c. 11:30 a.m.: Public Hearing The Commissioners Court invites public input regarding the preliminary selection of projects to be funded with Community Development Block Grant ($2,389,710), HOME ($737,702) and ESG ($196,678) Program funds. (Estimated Presentation Time: As needed) (Deborah Carter) d. Immediately following item 5c.: Discussion and appropriate action regarding the preliminary selection of projects to be funded with Community Development Block Grant ($2,389,710), HOME ($737,702) and ESG ($196,678) Program funds for the 2019-2020 Budget Year. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Deborah Carter)
Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding an Incentive Application from Toyota Motor Corporation. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (David Marquez)
Recess Commissioners Court a. 10:30 a.m. - Convene as Board of Directors, Bexar County Housing Finance Corporation. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Board/Bracewell LLP) Reconvene Commissioners Court b. 11:00 a.m.: Discussion and appropriate action regarding: i. Alamo Colleges District regarding the Alamo Promise program; and ii. A grant agreement with SA Talent, Inc. dba SA Works in the amount of $100,000. (Estimated Presentation Time: 20 minutes) (Deborah Carter) c. 11:30 a.m.: Public Hearing The Commissioners Court invites public input regarding the preliminary selection of projects to be funded with Community Development Block Grant ($2,389,710), HOME ($737,702) and ESG ($196,678) Program funds. (Estimated Presentation Time: As needed) (Deborah Carter) d. Immediately following item 5c.: Discussion and appropriate action regarding the preliminary selection of projects to be funded with Community Development Block Grant ($2,389,710), HOME ($737,702) and ESG ($196,678) Program funds for the 2019-2020 Budget Year. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Deborah Carter)
6. Request of Commissioners Court to identify items from the Consent Agenda for additional discussion and to approve remaining Consent Agenda items. Items 10 - 21 & 23 - 49
Cancel and reject all bids for IFB Event 688 for Annual Fire Sprinkler and Fire Suppression Testing/Inspection services as requested by the Facilities Management Department.
Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attorney's Office to take action, if necessary: a. Citation and Complaint and Claims, Re: Frederick Omoyuma Silver vs. Texas Ethics Commission; et al in Case No. D-l-GN-19-002420. b. Notice of Claim submitted by Meirowitz & Wasserberg, LLP, Re: Robert and Eva Jenkins. c. Bexar County Precinct 4 FY 2018-2019 Budget LEOSE Fund -119. d. Second Amended Notice of Lis Pendens and Second Amended Petition for Condemnation, Re: The State of Texas v. Cowboys Far West, LTD., a Texas LP, et al, Cause No. 2018-ED-0011. e. Proposed Judgement of Court in Absence in Objection, Re: The State of Texas v. Icon Interchange South Owner Pool 2, LLC, A Delaware Limited Liability Company, Et Al in Case No. 2018ED0014. f Notice of Claim submitted by Villarreal & Begum Law Group, Re: Floyd Hamilton. g. Citation and Plaintiffs First Amended Original Complaint and Application for Temporary Injunction Directed to Bexar County by Serving Judge Nelson Wolff, Re: Ernest Bustos vs. Bexar Appraisal District et al, Case Number: 2018-CI-16392. h. Citation and Plaintiffs First Amended Petition Directed to Bexar County c/o Judge Nelson Wolff, Re: Progressive County Mutual Insurance Company vs. Joe Martinez et al.
Commissioners Court minutes for May 21, 2019.
Communications from citizens who signed the register to speak.
Discussion and appropriate action regarding Bexar County's Legislative Program and the 86th Session of the Texas Legislature. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Melissa Shannon)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the ratification of approval to submit a grant application to the US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance for the solicitation entitled Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program in the total amount of $1,532,493 which includes $521,095 cash match and a $245,982 in-kind match for a total of $767,077 as part of the County's match requirement; and acceptance of funding upon award; the term of the grant will be from October 1, 2019 through September 30,2021. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes
Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding the Plaza de Fundacion Art Piece, Creek Lines; and authorization for the San Antonio River Authority to proceed with the development and installation of the work. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the approval of the Fifth Amendment to the CMAR agreement between Bexar County and Turner Construction, reducing the GMP in the amount of $13,515,000; in relation to the ADC Annex Conversion Project. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Dan Curry)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the Talley Road Phase II Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Improvement Project (MPO): a. Approval of Engineering Services Agreement between Bexar County and CP&Y, Inc. in the amount of $2,647,745.10 for professional engineering services in connection with the Talley Road Phase II-Wiseman Boulevard to Tamron Pass Project. Precinct Number 1. b. Approval of a Local Transportation Project Advance Funding Agreement (LPAFA) between Bexar County and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for $243,590 for the Talley Road Phase II-Wiseman Boulevard to Tamron Pass Project. Precinct Number 1. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Renee Green)
Drawing 25 names from the 2018 Grand Jury List, nine (9) of which will serve on the 2019 Salary Grievance Committee; an additional nine (9) names are needed to serve as Alternates. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Lucy Adame-Clark)
EXECUTIVE SESSION (DISCUSSION ONLY: CLOSED TO PUBLIC (Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code) EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS MAY BE DISCUSSED AND ACTED UPON, IF APPROPRIATE, IN OPEN SESSION. 58. §551.071 Consultation with Attorney for advice regarding: a. Pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers in the following matters: i. Jeanne Russell, et.al. v. Bexar County ii. Tyrone Lashawn Clay v. Juan Macias and Angel Limon b. Legal issues pertaining to the following matters in which the duty of the attorney for Bexar County under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Open Meetings Act i. Right-of-way acquisition related to construction of State Highway 211 and ancillary agreements with Westside 211 Special Improvement District.
Discussion and appropriate action regarding a settlement proposal in the following litigation: Jeanne Russell, et.al. v. Bexar County (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Larry Roberson)
1. Opening prayer: (Kevin Wolff) 2. Pledge of Allegiance: (Court/Kevin Wolff)
CEREMONIAL ITEM(S): a. Presentation of a Proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing the efforts of all involved in creating the Mentoring Organization Roundtable - San Antonio (MOR-SA). (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Nelson Wolff/Court)
SPECIAL PRESENTATION ITEM(S): a. Sheriff Salazar and Morgan's Wonderland would like to announce the 3 finalists for "Sheriff for a Day" during Commissioners Court. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Javier Salazar) b. Introduction often arts organizations and interns participating in the 2019 Bexar County Arts Internship Program. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (David Marquez/Rod Rubbo) c. Presentation of highlighted BiblioTech programs and partnerships including Estas en Casa, San Antonio Food Bank and San Antonio Housing Authority. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Laura Cole)
Recess Commissioners Court a. 10:30 a.m. - Convene as Board of Directors, Bexar County Housing Finance Corporation. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Board/Bracewell LLP) Reconvene Commissioners Court b. 11:00 a.m.: Discussion and appropriate action regarding: i. Alamo Colleges District regarding the Alamo Promise program; and ii. A grant agreement with SA Talent, Inc. dba SA Works in the amount of $100,000. (Estimated Presentation Time: 20 minutes) (Deborah Carter) c. 11:30 a.m.: Public Hearing The Commissioners Court invites public input regarding the preliminary selection of projects to be funded with Community Development Block Grant ($2,389,710), HOME ($737,702) and ESG ($196,678) Program funds. (Estimated Presentation Time: As needed) (Deborah Carter) d. Immediately following item 5c.: Discussion and appropriate action regarding the preliminary selection of projects to be funded with Community Development Block Grant ($2,389,710), HOME ($737,702) and ESG ($196,678) Program funds for the 2019-2020 Budget Year. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Deborah Carter)
Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding an Incentive Application from Toyota Motor Corporation. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (David Marquez)
Recess Commissioners Court a. 10:30 a.m. - Convene as Board of Directors, Bexar County Housing Finance Corporation. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Board/Bracewell LLP) Reconvene Commissioners Court b. 11:00 a.m.: Discussion and appropriate action regarding: i. Alamo Colleges District regarding the Alamo Promise program; and ii. A grant agreement with SA Talent, Inc. dba SA Works in the amount of $100,000. (Estimated Presentation Time: 20 minutes) (Deborah Carter) c. 11:30 a.m.: Public Hearing The Commissioners Court invites public input regarding the preliminary selection of projects to be funded with Community Development Block Grant ($2,389,710), HOME ($737,702) and ESG ($196,678) Program funds. (Estimated Presentation Time: As needed) (Deborah Carter) d. Immediately following item 5c.: Discussion and appropriate action regarding the preliminary selection of projects to be funded with Community Development Block Grant ($2,389,710), HOME ($737,702) and ESG ($196,678) Program funds for the 2019-2020 Budget Year. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Deborah Carter)
6. Request of Commissioners Court to identify items from the Consent Agenda for additional discussion and to approve remaining Consent Agenda items. Items 10 - 21 & 23 - 49
Cancel and reject all bids for IFB Event 688 for Annual Fire Sprinkler and Fire Suppression Testing/Inspection services as requested by the Facilities Management Department.
Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attorney's Office to take action, if necessary: a. Citation and Complaint and Claims, Re: Frederick Omoyuma Silver vs. Texas Ethics Commission; et al in Case No. D-l-GN-19-002420. b. Notice of Claim submitted by Meirowitz & Wasserberg, LLP, Re: Robert and Eva Jenkins. c. Bexar County Precinct 4 FY 2018-2019 Budget LEOSE Fund -119. d. Second Amended Notice of Lis Pendens and Second Amended Petition for Condemnation, Re: The State of Texas v. Cowboys Far West, LTD., a Texas LP, et al, Cause No. 2018-ED-0011. e. Proposed Judgement of Court in Absence in Objection, Re: The State of Texas v. Icon Interchange South Owner Pool 2, LLC, A Delaware Limited Liability Company, Et Al in Case No. 2018ED0014. f Notice of Claim submitted by Villarreal & Begum Law Group, Re: Floyd Hamilton. g. Citation and Plaintiffs First Amended Original Complaint and Application for Temporary Injunction Directed to Bexar County by Serving Judge Nelson Wolff, Re: Ernest Bustos vs. Bexar Appraisal District et al, Case Number: 2018-CI-16392. h. Citation and Plaintiffs First Amended Petition Directed to Bexar County c/o Judge Nelson Wolff, Re: Progressive County Mutual Insurance Company vs. Joe Martinez et al.
Commissioners Court minutes for May 21, 2019.
Communications from citizens who signed the register to speak.
Discussion and appropriate action regarding Bexar County's Legislative Program and the 86th Session of the Texas Legislature. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Melissa Shannon)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the ratification of approval to submit a grant application to the US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance for the solicitation entitled Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program in the total amount of $1,532,493 which includes $521,095 cash match and a $245,982 in-kind match for a total of $767,077 as part of the County's match requirement; and acceptance of funding upon award; the term of the grant will be from October 1, 2019 through September 30,2021. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes
Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding the Plaza de Fundacion Art Piece, Creek Lines; and authorization for the San Antonio River Authority to proceed with the development and installation of the work. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the approval of the Fifth Amendment to the CMAR agreement between Bexar County and Turner Construction, reducing the GMP in the amount of $13,515,000; in relation to the ADC Annex Conversion Project. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Dan Curry)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the Talley Road Phase II Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Improvement Project (MPO): a. Approval of Engineering Services Agreement between Bexar County and CP&Y, Inc. in the amount of $2,647,745.10 for professional engineering services in connection with the Talley Road Phase II-Wiseman Boulevard to Tamron Pass Project. Precinct Number 1. b. Approval of a Local Transportation Project Advance Funding Agreement (LPAFA) between Bexar County and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for $243,590 for the Talley Road Phase II-Wiseman Boulevard to Tamron Pass Project. Precinct Number 1. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Renee Green)
Drawing 25 names from the 2018 Grand Jury List, nine (9) of which will serve on the 2019 Salary Grievance Committee; an additional nine (9) names are needed to serve as Alternates. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Lucy Adame-Clark)
EXECUTIVE SESSION (DISCUSSION ONLY: CLOSED TO PUBLIC (Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code) EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS MAY BE DISCUSSED AND ACTED UPON, IF APPROPRIATE, IN OPEN SESSION. 58. §551.071 Consultation with Attorney for advice regarding: a. Pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers in the following matters: i. Jeanne Russell, et.al. v. Bexar County ii. Tyrone Lashawn Clay v. Juan Macias and Angel Limon b. Legal issues pertaining to the following matters in which the duty of the attorney for Bexar County under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Open Meetings Act i. Right-of-way acquisition related to construction of State Highway 211 and ancillary agreements with Westside 211 Special Improvement District.
Discussion and appropriate action regarding a settlement proposal in the following litigation: Jeanne Russell, et.al. v. Bexar County (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Larry Roberson)