1. Opening prayer: (Court/Kevin A. Wolff) 2. Pledge of Allegiance: (Court/Kevin A. Wolff)
Item(s) Brought by Economic and Community Development: (David Marquez) 50. Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding a Bexar County Skills Development Program Application submitted by FunnelAI. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (David Marquez)
CEREMONIAL ITEM(S): a. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing March 26, 2019 as "Bexar County Women's Day" to commemorate Women's History Month, supporting the National theme of "Honoring Visionary Women: Champions of Peace & Nonviolence" in support of the Bexar County Small Business and Entrepreneurship Department's efforts to accelerate women and LGBT business ownership. The Court will also present the 2019 Bexar County Pioneer Award to Bexar County Judge Rosie Speedlin Gonzalez, Court at Law No. 13. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Nelson W. Wolff) b. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing March 26, 2019 to be a day of observance for Alamo Architects' 35th Anniversary. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Nelson W. Wolff) c. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing April 7, 2019 through April, 13, 2019 to be recognized as "National Crime Victims' Rights Week" in Bexar County and throughout the year. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Justin Rodriguez) d. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing April 2019 as "National Child Abuse Awareness Month" in Bexar County. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Justin Rodriguez) e. Presentation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing the 218-2019 Judson High School Lady Rockets Basketball UIL 6A States Champions. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Tommy Calvert) f. Presentation of a $34,000 check to Bexar County from the Canary Islands Descendants Association for the installation and lighting of the Founders Monument. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Nelson W. Wolff) g. Presentation of Statewide Award from Preservation Texas to Bexar County Judge Nelson W. Wolff for achievements and commitments to historic preservation (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Nelson W. Wolff)
10:30 a.m.: Update on the San Antonio State Hospital reconstruction and redesign. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Sergio "Chico" Rodriguez/Gilbert R. Gonzales)
SPECIAL PRESENTATION ITEM(S) a. Presentation of the Bexar County JROTC Championship awards for the Orienteering and Air Rifle Marksmanship for 2019. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Kevin A. Wolff)
Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attorney's Office to take action, if necessary: a. U.S. District Court - Summons in a Civil Action Directed to Bexar County by Serving County Judge Nelson W. Wolff, Re: Douglas Thomas v. Sheriff Javier Salazar et al, Civil Action No. 5:18-cv-01260-OLG-HJB. b. U.S. District Court - Summons in a Civil Action Directed to Bexar County by Serving County Judge Nelson Wolff, Re: Robert M. Casillas Sid# 764027 v. Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar & Bexar County Adult Detention Center, and Unknown S.E.R.T. Officer, Civil Action No. SA-19-CV-157-DAE(HJB). c. U.S. District Court - Summons in a Civil Action Directed to Bexar County by Serving County Judge Nelson Wolff, Re: Luis Antonio Arroyo #575952 v. Bexar County, Texas et. al., Civil Action No. SA-19-CV-0067-OG(ESC).
Commissioners Court minutes for March 12, 2019 and March 19, 2019.
Request of Commissioners Court to identify items from the Consent Agenda for additional discussion and to approve remaining Consent Agenda items. Items 10 - 25 & 27 - 45, 48, 49
Approval of an Interlocai Lease Agreement between Bexar County, Texas, and Alamo Community College District, for an initial term of three years, plus up to two one year optional extensions for 5,760 square feet of rentable space located at 15775 IH-35 South, at a rate of $5,000 per month, effective April 15, 2019, for use by the Bexar County Sheriffs Department as their Training Academy classroom space. Precinct 1.
11:30 a.m.: Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding Workforce Solutions Alamo Local Plan Two-Year Modifications for the Alamo Workforce Area for Program Year 2017-2020. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (David Marquez)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding approval of a Resolution by the Commissioners Court of the County of Bexar, Texas urging the President of the United States and the Leaders of both houses of Congress to take the necessary steps for United States Mexico-Canada Agreement ratification and implementation. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Tommy Calvert /Nelson Wolff)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding Bexar County's Legislative Program and the 86th Session of the Texas Legislature. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Melissa Shannon)
Presentation and discussion regarding the expansion of the Talley Road Special Improvement District. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Manuel Leal)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the following End of Year Budget Transfers for FY 2017-18: Office/Department Total Civil District Courts $541,127 Commissioners Court $199,855 County Courts at Law $283,684 Criminal District Courts $1,424,316 District Attorney $1,183,539 District Clerk $139,821 Facilities - Jail $134,303 Facilities - Energy $129,874 Judicial Services $181,765 Judicial Services Crime Lab $170,610 Juvenile Detention $146,224 Juvenile Probation $ 448,505 Sheriffs Office Jail $ 10,064,650 Sheriffs Law Enforcement$ 979,051 Tax Assessor/Collector $ 292,940 Trial Expense $ 108,614 $ 16,428,878
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the following: a. Awarding a contract to the lowest and best qualified bid submitted by Winters Construction, Inc. to provide for the purchase of roadway construction services for the Bridgewood Subdivision Project in Precinct 2, in the amount of $3,877,600, as requested by the Public Works Department; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for the record. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Mary Quinones) b. Approval of an Inspection Services Agreement between Bexar County and CMT Engineering, Inc. dba PaveTex for construction inspection services for the Bridgewood Subdivision Project in an amount not to exceed $409,999. Precinct 2. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Renee Green)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding authorizing a contract modification with Clampitt Paper Company regarding price per case due to mill price increases; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for the record. (Item Deferred on March 12, 2019, Item Number 17) (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Mary Quinones)
Drawing 25 names from the 2018 Grand Jury List, nine (9) of which will serve on the 2019 Salary Grievance Committee; an additional nine (9) names are needed to serve as Alternates. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Lucy Adame-Clark)
12:30 p.m.: Discussion and appropriate action authorizing the selection of a vendor for Election Voting Systems Equipment and Supplies for the Elections Department and authorizing Staff to negotiate a contract for approval by Commissioners Court. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Mary Quinones)
Communications from citizens who signed the register to speak.
EXECUTIVE SESSION (DISCUSSION ONLY: CLOSED TO PUBLIC (Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code) EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS MAY BE DISCUSSED AND ACTED UPON, IF APPROPRIATE, IN OPEN SESSION. 58. §551.071 Consultation with Attorney for advice regarding: a. Pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers in the following matters: i. In the Interest of Z.M. and K.M. Children (being handled by the Bexar County Domestic Relations Office) b. Legal issues pertaining to the following matters in which the duty of the attorney for Bexar County under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Open Meetings Act: i. Right-of-way acquisition related to construction of State Highway 211 and ancillary agreements with Westside 211 Special Improvement District.
1. Opening prayer: (Court/Kevin A. Wolff) 2. Pledge of Allegiance: (Court/Kevin A. Wolff)
Item(s) Brought by Economic and Community Development: (David Marquez) 50. Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding a Bexar County Skills Development Program Application submitted by FunnelAI. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (David Marquez)
CEREMONIAL ITEM(S): a. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing March 26, 2019 as "Bexar County Women's Day" to commemorate Women's History Month, supporting the National theme of "Honoring Visionary Women: Champions of Peace & Nonviolence" in support of the Bexar County Small Business and Entrepreneurship Department's efforts to accelerate women and LGBT business ownership. The Court will also present the 2019 Bexar County Pioneer Award to Bexar County Judge Rosie Speedlin Gonzalez, Court at Law No. 13. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Nelson W. Wolff) b. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing March 26, 2019 to be a day of observance for Alamo Architects' 35th Anniversary. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Nelson W. Wolff) c. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing April 7, 2019 through April, 13, 2019 to be recognized as "National Crime Victims' Rights Week" in Bexar County and throughout the year. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Justin Rodriguez) d. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing April 2019 as "National Child Abuse Awareness Month" in Bexar County. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Justin Rodriguez) e. Presentation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing the 218-2019 Judson High School Lady Rockets Basketball UIL 6A States Champions. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Tommy Calvert) f. Presentation of a $34,000 check to Bexar County from the Canary Islands Descendants Association for the installation and lighting of the Founders Monument. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Nelson W. Wolff) g. Presentation of Statewide Award from Preservation Texas to Bexar County Judge Nelson W. Wolff for achievements and commitments to historic preservation (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Nelson W. Wolff)
10:30 a.m.: Update on the San Antonio State Hospital reconstruction and redesign. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Sergio "Chico" Rodriguez/Gilbert R. Gonzales)
SPECIAL PRESENTATION ITEM(S) a. Presentation of the Bexar County JROTC Championship awards for the Orienteering and Air Rifle Marksmanship for 2019. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Kevin A. Wolff)
Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attorney's Office to take action, if necessary: a. U.S. District Court - Summons in a Civil Action Directed to Bexar County by Serving County Judge Nelson W. Wolff, Re: Douglas Thomas v. Sheriff Javier Salazar et al, Civil Action No. 5:18-cv-01260-OLG-HJB. b. U.S. District Court - Summons in a Civil Action Directed to Bexar County by Serving County Judge Nelson Wolff, Re: Robert M. Casillas Sid# 764027 v. Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar & Bexar County Adult Detention Center, and Unknown S.E.R.T. Officer, Civil Action No. SA-19-CV-157-DAE(HJB). c. U.S. District Court - Summons in a Civil Action Directed to Bexar County by Serving County Judge Nelson Wolff, Re: Luis Antonio Arroyo #575952 v. Bexar County, Texas et. al., Civil Action No. SA-19-CV-0067-OG(ESC).
Commissioners Court minutes for March 12, 2019 and March 19, 2019.
Request of Commissioners Court to identify items from the Consent Agenda for additional discussion and to approve remaining Consent Agenda items. Items 10 - 25 & 27 - 45, 48, 49
Approval of an Interlocai Lease Agreement between Bexar County, Texas, and Alamo Community College District, for an initial term of three years, plus up to two one year optional extensions for 5,760 square feet of rentable space located at 15775 IH-35 South, at a rate of $5,000 per month, effective April 15, 2019, for use by the Bexar County Sheriffs Department as their Training Academy classroom space. Precinct 1.
11:30 a.m.: Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding Workforce Solutions Alamo Local Plan Two-Year Modifications for the Alamo Workforce Area for Program Year 2017-2020. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (David Marquez)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding approval of a Resolution by the Commissioners Court of the County of Bexar, Texas urging the President of the United States and the Leaders of both houses of Congress to take the necessary steps for United States Mexico-Canada Agreement ratification and implementation. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Tommy Calvert /Nelson Wolff)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding Bexar County's Legislative Program and the 86th Session of the Texas Legislature. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Melissa Shannon)
Presentation and discussion regarding the expansion of the Talley Road Special Improvement District. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Manuel Leal)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the following End of Year Budget Transfers for FY 2017-18: Office/Department Total Civil District Courts $541,127 Commissioners Court $199,855 County Courts at Law $283,684 Criminal District Courts $1,424,316 District Attorney $1,183,539 District Clerk $139,821 Facilities - Jail $134,303 Facilities - Energy $129,874 Judicial Services $181,765 Judicial Services Crime Lab $170,610 Juvenile Detention $146,224 Juvenile Probation $ 448,505 Sheriffs Office Jail $ 10,064,650 Sheriffs Law Enforcement$ 979,051 Tax Assessor/Collector $ 292,940 Trial Expense $ 108,614 $ 16,428,878
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the following: a. Awarding a contract to the lowest and best qualified bid submitted by Winters Construction, Inc. to provide for the purchase of roadway construction services for the Bridgewood Subdivision Project in Precinct 2, in the amount of $3,877,600, as requested by the Public Works Department; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for the record. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Mary Quinones) b. Approval of an Inspection Services Agreement between Bexar County and CMT Engineering, Inc. dba PaveTex for construction inspection services for the Bridgewood Subdivision Project in an amount not to exceed $409,999. Precinct 2. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Renee Green)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding authorizing a contract modification with Clampitt Paper Company regarding price per case due to mill price increases; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for the record. (Item Deferred on March 12, 2019, Item Number 17) (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Mary Quinones)
Drawing 25 names from the 2018 Grand Jury List, nine (9) of which will serve on the 2019 Salary Grievance Committee; an additional nine (9) names are needed to serve as Alternates. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Lucy Adame-Clark)
12:30 p.m.: Discussion and appropriate action authorizing the selection of a vendor for Election Voting Systems Equipment and Supplies for the Elections Department and authorizing Staff to negotiate a contract for approval by Commissioners Court. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Mary Quinones)
Communications from citizens who signed the register to speak.
EXECUTIVE SESSION (DISCUSSION ONLY: CLOSED TO PUBLIC (Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code) EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS MAY BE DISCUSSED AND ACTED UPON, IF APPROPRIATE, IN OPEN SESSION. 58. §551.071 Consultation with Attorney for advice regarding: a. Pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers in the following matters: i. In the Interest of Z.M. and K.M. Children (being handled by the Bexar County Domestic Relations Office) b. Legal issues pertaining to the following matters in which the duty of the attorney for Bexar County under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Open Meetings Act: i. Right-of-way acquisition related to construction of State Highway 211 and ancillary agreements with Westside 211 Special Improvement District.