1. Opening prayer: (Court/Sergio “Chico” Rodriguez) 2. Pledge of Allegiance: (Court’Sergio “Chico” Rodriguez)
CEREMONIAL ITEM(S): a. Presentation of a Hidalgo on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing Charlene Doria-Ortiz for her service as Community Health •tanager. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Nelson W. Wolff) b. Presentation of a Proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court celebrating the 224th birthday of Jose Antonio Navarro, and also celebrate the designation of the Casa Navarro State Historic Site as a National Historic Landmark. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Justin Rodriguez) c. Presentation of a Proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing the 50th anniversary of the Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service/Bexar County. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Tommy Calvert) d. Presentation of service pins recognizing empLoyees 30 years of service: Name Years Date Employed Department Barbara Espinoza-Vera 30 12/16/1988 County Clerk Katherine Rosales 30 1/03/1989 Constable Pct. 4 (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court)
a. 10:30 a.m. Presentation and briefing by ConnectSA Trichair. Henry Cisneros. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Nelson W. Wolff)
Request of Commissioners Court to identify items from the Consent Agenda for additional discussion and to approve remaining Consent Agenda items. Consent Items 1 - 47, 49 & 50.
Approval of a Funding and Development Agreement. Facility Lease, and Lease back Operating Agreement in the amount o$500.000. between Bexar County and the Esperanza Peace and Justice Center to provide for the acquisition, development and operation ofa cultural, historical and recreational facility available for the citizens of the County in the former Lerma Building.
Approval of a matching fund contribution in the amount of $25,000 for Kitchen Campus Culinary Program.
Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attomeys Office to take action, if necessary: a. Bexar County Sheriffs Office FY 2019 Budget for Stale Asset Forfeiture Fund — 312.
Commissioners Court minutes for February 12, 2019; and February 21, 2019.
Discussion and appropriate action regarding a delivery order to CaIdwell Country Chevrolet for a total amount of $495,350 for the purchase of ten (10) 2019 Chevrolet Tahoe PPV vehicles, as requested by the Sheriff’s Office through a Bu Board cooperative contract 521-16: and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and fiLe the appropriate award documents for record. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Mary Quinones)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding Bexar County’s Legislative Program and the 86th Session of the Texas Legislature. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Melissa Shannon)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the San Pedro Creek Culture Park project to include the following: a. A status update on the ongoing design and construction; and b. Approval of the recommended artist selection for the Plaza de Fundacion Art Piece, Creek Lines; and authorization for the San Antonio River Authority to proceed with the development and installation of the work. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Tony Canez)
Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding a report and update on the 13 Amateur Sports Facilities funded with 2008 Venue Funds, including status of the operations (facility and financial). (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Tony Canez)
Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding the Long Range Financial Forecast for Fiscal Year 2018-19 through Fiscal Year 2023-24. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Tina Smith-Dean)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the authorization of 13,629 hours in overtime to be paid to uniformed Detention Officers for mandatory overtime worked through March 31, 2019. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Tina Smith-Dean)
Drawing 25 names from the 2018 Grand Jury List, nine 9) of which will serve on the 2019 Salary Grievance Committee; an additional nine (9) names are needed to serve as Alternates. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Lucy Adame-Clark)
1. Opening prayer: (Court/Sergio “Chico” Rodriguez) 2. Pledge of Allegiance: (Court’Sergio “Chico” Rodriguez)
CEREMONIAL ITEM(S): a. Presentation of a Hidalgo on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing Charlene Doria-Ortiz for her service as Community Health •tanager. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Nelson W. Wolff) b. Presentation of a Proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court celebrating the 224th birthday of Jose Antonio Navarro, and also celebrate the designation of the Casa Navarro State Historic Site as a National Historic Landmark. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Justin Rodriguez) c. Presentation of a Proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing the 50th anniversary of the Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service/Bexar County. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Tommy Calvert) d. Presentation of service pins recognizing empLoyees 30 years of service: Name Years Date Employed Department Barbara Espinoza-Vera 30 12/16/1988 County Clerk Katherine Rosales 30 1/03/1989 Constable Pct. 4 (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court)
a. 10:30 a.m. Presentation and briefing by ConnectSA Trichair. Henry Cisneros. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Nelson W. Wolff)
Request of Commissioners Court to identify items from the Consent Agenda for additional discussion and to approve remaining Consent Agenda items. Consent Items 1 - 47, 49 & 50.
Approval of a Funding and Development Agreement. Facility Lease, and Lease back Operating Agreement in the amount o$500.000. between Bexar County and the Esperanza Peace and Justice Center to provide for the acquisition, development and operation ofa cultural, historical and recreational facility available for the citizens of the County in the former Lerma Building.
Approval of a matching fund contribution in the amount of $25,000 for Kitchen Campus Culinary Program.
Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attomeys Office to take action, if necessary: a. Bexar County Sheriffs Office FY 2019 Budget for Stale Asset Forfeiture Fund — 312.
Commissioners Court minutes for February 12, 2019; and February 21, 2019.
Discussion and appropriate action regarding a delivery order to CaIdwell Country Chevrolet for a total amount of $495,350 for the purchase of ten (10) 2019 Chevrolet Tahoe PPV vehicles, as requested by the Sheriff’s Office through a Bu Board cooperative contract 521-16: and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and fiLe the appropriate award documents for record. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Mary Quinones)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding Bexar County’s Legislative Program and the 86th Session of the Texas Legislature. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Melissa Shannon)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the San Pedro Creek Culture Park project to include the following: a. A status update on the ongoing design and construction; and b. Approval of the recommended artist selection for the Plaza de Fundacion Art Piece, Creek Lines; and authorization for the San Antonio River Authority to proceed with the development and installation of the work. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Tony Canez)
Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding a report and update on the 13 Amateur Sports Facilities funded with 2008 Venue Funds, including status of the operations (facility and financial). (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Tony Canez)
Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding the Long Range Financial Forecast for Fiscal Year 2018-19 through Fiscal Year 2023-24. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Tina Smith-Dean)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the authorization of 13,629 hours in overtime to be paid to uniformed Detention Officers for mandatory overtime worked through March 31, 2019. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Tina Smith-Dean)
Drawing 25 names from the 2018 Grand Jury List, nine 9) of which will serve on the 2019 Salary Grievance Committee; an additional nine (9) names are needed to serve as Alternates. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Lucy Adame-Clark)