1. Opening prayer; Michael Garofalo (Court/Nelson W. Wolff) 2. Pledge of Allegiance: (Court/NelsonW. Wolff)
CEREMONIAL ITEM(S): a. Presentation of a Proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing February 12, 2019 as "San Antonio Men's Senior Baseball League Day." (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Nelson W. Wolff/Court) b. Presentation of a Proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing March 2, 2019 as "St. Luke Men's Club Wild Game Dinner Day." (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Nelson W. Wolff/Court) c. Presentation of a Proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing May 23, 2019 to be a day of observance for Texas A&M University-San Antonio's 10th Anniversary. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Nelson W. Wolff/Court) d. Presentation of service pins recognizing employees for 25 and 30 years of service: Name Years Date Employed Department Diana Fox 30 12/27/1988 Sheriff Ramon Martinez 30 12/27/1988 Sheriff Roger Pedraza 30 12/27/1988 Sheriff Christine McLauin 25 12/13/1993 Sheriff (Estimated Presentation" Ime: 5 min utes) (Court)
SPECIAL PRESENTATION ITEM(S) a. Presentation by Dr. Kevin Downey, CEO, Crosspoint Inc., to provide an update on the Behavioral Health Residential Program. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Tommy Calvert)
Request of Commissioners Court to identify items from the Consent Agenda for additional discussion and to approve remaining Consent Agenda items. Consent Items 1 - 28, 30 - 51 & 53.
Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding an Incentive Application submitted by Pentagon Federal Credit Union. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (David Marquez)
Approval of subdivision plat#CP201610 outside of the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Wisdom Road Estates, owner: Adolf Pruneda, located southwest of Wisdom Road and Brewer Road, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 1.
Approval of a request from Commissioner Justin Rodriguez, Precinct 2, and Commissioner Tommy Calvert, Precinct 4, for a Bexar County contribution for costs associated with the Cesar E. Chavez March to be held on Saturday, March 30, 2019 to include $8,000 to VIA Metropolitan Transit and $10,000 to the Cesar E. Chavez Legacy & Educational Foundation.
Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attorney's Office to take action, if necessary: a. Bexar County Constable Precinct 1 2018 Racial Profiling Report. b. Eleventh Amendment to Lease Agreement between Bexar County, Texas and 8918 Tesoro Partners, LLC, approved September 11, 2018. c. Notice of Hearing Re: The State of Texas v. Icon Interchange South Owner Pool 2, LLC, A Delaware Limited Liability Company, Et Al in Case No. 2018ED0014. d. Statement of Officer and Oath of Office for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4, Place 1, Rogelio Lopez, Jr. e. Bexar County District Attorney, Revised Budget for Federal Asset Forfeiture Fund - 308. f. Bexar County Sheriffs Office FY 2019 Budget for State Asset Forfeiture Fund - 312. g. Agreement for Cafeteria Concession Services at the Cadena-Reeves Justice Center and Legal Eats, LLC, approved December 11, 2018. h. Order for Appointment of Temporary Justices of the Peace: Jack Price, William Donovan, Alfredo Tavera, Gary Hutton, David Peeples and Al Alonso.
Commissioners Court minutes for January 29, 2019.
Discussion and appropriate action regarding Bexar County's Legislative Program and the 86* Session of the Texas Legislature. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Melissa Shannon)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the renewal of an existing agreement with 4M Building Services to provide Custodial Services at various County Facilities for a one-year period beginning March 25, 2019 and ending March 24, 2020 under the same terms and conditions, as requested by the County Facilities Management Department in the estimated amount of $1,471,881; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute contract modification and file the appropriate award documents for record to include the appropriate budget transfer. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Mary Quinones)
Drawing 25 names from the 2018 Grand Jury List, nine (9) of which will serve on the 2019 Salary Grievance Committee; an additional nine (9) names are needed to serve as Alternates. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Lucy Adame-Clark)
EXECUTIVE SESSION (DISCUSSION ONLY: CLOSED TO PUBLIC (Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code) EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS MAY BE DISCUSSED AND ACTED UPON, IF APPROPRIATE, IN OPEN SESSION. 59. §551.071 Consultation with Attorney for advice regarding: a. Pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers in the following matters: i. Legal claims against Bexar County by Jeanne Russell; and ii. Rene Zuniga Lopez v. Bexar County.
Discussion and appropriate action regarding a settlement offer in the following litigation: Rene Zuniga Lopez v. Bexar County. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Larry Roberson)
1. Opening prayer; Michael Garofalo (Court/Nelson W. Wolff) 2. Pledge of Allegiance: (Court/NelsonW. Wolff)
CEREMONIAL ITEM(S): a. Presentation of a Proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing February 12, 2019 as "San Antonio Men's Senior Baseball League Day." (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Nelson W. Wolff/Court) b. Presentation of a Proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing March 2, 2019 as "St. Luke Men's Club Wild Game Dinner Day." (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Nelson W. Wolff/Court) c. Presentation of a Proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing May 23, 2019 to be a day of observance for Texas A&M University-San Antonio's 10th Anniversary. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Nelson W. Wolff/Court) d. Presentation of service pins recognizing employees for 25 and 30 years of service: Name Years Date Employed Department Diana Fox 30 12/27/1988 Sheriff Ramon Martinez 30 12/27/1988 Sheriff Roger Pedraza 30 12/27/1988 Sheriff Christine McLauin 25 12/13/1993 Sheriff (Estimated Presentation" Ime: 5 min utes) (Court)
SPECIAL PRESENTATION ITEM(S) a. Presentation by Dr. Kevin Downey, CEO, Crosspoint Inc., to provide an update on the Behavioral Health Residential Program. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Tommy Calvert)
Request of Commissioners Court to identify items from the Consent Agenda for additional discussion and to approve remaining Consent Agenda items. Consent Items 1 - 28, 30 - 51 & 53.
Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding an Incentive Application submitted by Pentagon Federal Credit Union. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (David Marquez)
Approval of subdivision plat#CP201610 outside of the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Wisdom Road Estates, owner: Adolf Pruneda, located southwest of Wisdom Road and Brewer Road, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 1.
Approval of a request from Commissioner Justin Rodriguez, Precinct 2, and Commissioner Tommy Calvert, Precinct 4, for a Bexar County contribution for costs associated with the Cesar E. Chavez March to be held on Saturday, March 30, 2019 to include $8,000 to VIA Metropolitan Transit and $10,000 to the Cesar E. Chavez Legacy & Educational Foundation.
Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attorney's Office to take action, if necessary: a. Bexar County Constable Precinct 1 2018 Racial Profiling Report. b. Eleventh Amendment to Lease Agreement between Bexar County, Texas and 8918 Tesoro Partners, LLC, approved September 11, 2018. c. Notice of Hearing Re: The State of Texas v. Icon Interchange South Owner Pool 2, LLC, A Delaware Limited Liability Company, Et Al in Case No. 2018ED0014. d. Statement of Officer and Oath of Office for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4, Place 1, Rogelio Lopez, Jr. e. Bexar County District Attorney, Revised Budget for Federal Asset Forfeiture Fund - 308. f. Bexar County Sheriffs Office FY 2019 Budget for State Asset Forfeiture Fund - 312. g. Agreement for Cafeteria Concession Services at the Cadena-Reeves Justice Center and Legal Eats, LLC, approved December 11, 2018. h. Order for Appointment of Temporary Justices of the Peace: Jack Price, William Donovan, Alfredo Tavera, Gary Hutton, David Peeples and Al Alonso.
Commissioners Court minutes for January 29, 2019.
Discussion and appropriate action regarding Bexar County's Legislative Program and the 86* Session of the Texas Legislature. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Melissa Shannon)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the renewal of an existing agreement with 4M Building Services to provide Custodial Services at various County Facilities for a one-year period beginning March 25, 2019 and ending March 24, 2020 under the same terms and conditions, as requested by the County Facilities Management Department in the estimated amount of $1,471,881; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute contract modification and file the appropriate award documents for record to include the appropriate budget transfer. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Mary Quinones)
Drawing 25 names from the 2018 Grand Jury List, nine (9) of which will serve on the 2019 Salary Grievance Committee; an additional nine (9) names are needed to serve as Alternates. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Lucy Adame-Clark)
EXECUTIVE SESSION (DISCUSSION ONLY: CLOSED TO PUBLIC (Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code) EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS MAY BE DISCUSSED AND ACTED UPON, IF APPROPRIATE, IN OPEN SESSION. 59. §551.071 Consultation with Attorney for advice regarding: a. Pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers in the following matters: i. Legal claims against Bexar County by Jeanne Russell; and ii. Rene Zuniga Lopez v. Bexar County.
Discussion and appropriate action regarding a settlement offer in the following litigation: Rene Zuniga Lopez v. Bexar County. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Larry Roberson)