1. Opening prayer: Llewellyn (Lew) Fambles (Court/Nelson W. Wolff) 2. Pledge of Allegiance: (Court/Nelson W. Wolf!)
Consent Items 7 - 66
Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attorney’s Office to take action, if necessary: a. U.S. District Court — Summons in a Civil Action — Bexar County, Judge Nelson W. Wolff — Re: Wendy Cummings v. Bexar County, Susan Parmerleau. Former Bexar Counts’ Sherim and Humberto llernandez. Sherifrs Deputy. Individually. b. Bexar Count Auditor’s Monthly Financial Report (Unaudited and Unadjusted) for the month of September 30. 2017. c. Notice of Texas Tort Claim submitted by Attorney Anton Paul Hajek Ill. Re: Eliseo Galvan. d. Order to Delegate Authority to Hear TABC Protest Hearings.
Approval of Commissioners Court minutes for Tuesday. December 5. 2017.
Communications from citizens who signed the register to speak.
Discussion and appropriate action directing staff to prepare a Counts’ position statement in support of the military missions at Brooke Army Medical Center. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding approval of a 381 Development Agreement between Bexar Count’ and Marmaxx Operating Corporation for reimbursement of certain public transportation infrastructure improvements in and around a new ihcility to be constructed in south Bexar County in an amount not exceed $1.3 Million to be paid out over a five (5) year period. (Precinct 1). (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action directing staff to prepare a Counts’ position statement in support of the military missions at Brooke Army Medical Center. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action of awarding contracts to Caldwell Country Chevrolet and Caldwell Country Ford to provide for the purchase of eighty-nine (89) various vehicle types for various Bexar County departments. for a total amount of $3,309,968; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
Presentation, discussion, and appropriate action regarding the following related to the San Pedro Creek Restoration Project: a. A status update on the ongoing design and construction on Phase I of San Pedro Creek; and b. Approval for SARA to proceed with Work Packages 11 and 2 to initiate construction of Phase 1. Segment 2 including additional construction administration, design, and pre-construction services required for a total amount not to exceed S 19.829.486; and approval of Amendments to the Design Phase and Construction Phase Agreements between Bexar Count” and SARA to reflect these funding authorizations. (Estimated Presentation Time: 30 minutes)
EXECUTIVE SESSION (DISCUSSION ONLY: CLOSED TO PUBLIC (Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code) EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS MAY BE DISCUSSED AND ACTED UPON, IF APPROPRIATE, IN OPEN SESSION. 71. §551.071 Consultation with Attorney for advice regarding: a. Pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers in the following matters: i. Civil Service Appeal of Lucy Adame-Clark. b. Legal issues pertaining to the following matters in which the duty of the attorney tbr Bexar County under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Open Meetings Act i. P-25 Radio System Project among City of San Antonio and City Public Service;
1. Opening prayer: Llewellyn (Lew) Fambles (Court/Nelson W. Wolff) 2. Pledge of Allegiance: (Court/Nelson W. Wolf!)
Consent Items 7 - 66
Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attorney’s Office to take action, if necessary: a. U.S. District Court — Summons in a Civil Action — Bexar County, Judge Nelson W. Wolff — Re: Wendy Cummings v. Bexar County, Susan Parmerleau. Former Bexar Counts’ Sherim and Humberto llernandez. Sherifrs Deputy. Individually. b. Bexar Count Auditor’s Monthly Financial Report (Unaudited and Unadjusted) for the month of September 30. 2017. c. Notice of Texas Tort Claim submitted by Attorney Anton Paul Hajek Ill. Re: Eliseo Galvan. d. Order to Delegate Authority to Hear TABC Protest Hearings.
Approval of Commissioners Court minutes for Tuesday. December 5. 2017.
Communications from citizens who signed the register to speak.
Discussion and appropriate action directing staff to prepare a Counts’ position statement in support of the military missions at Brooke Army Medical Center. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding approval of a 381 Development Agreement between Bexar Count’ and Marmaxx Operating Corporation for reimbursement of certain public transportation infrastructure improvements in and around a new ihcility to be constructed in south Bexar County in an amount not exceed $1.3 Million to be paid out over a five (5) year period. (Precinct 1). (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action directing staff to prepare a Counts’ position statement in support of the military missions at Brooke Army Medical Center. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action of awarding contracts to Caldwell Country Chevrolet and Caldwell Country Ford to provide for the purchase of eighty-nine (89) various vehicle types for various Bexar County departments. for a total amount of $3,309,968; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
Presentation, discussion, and appropriate action regarding the following related to the San Pedro Creek Restoration Project: a. A status update on the ongoing design and construction on Phase I of San Pedro Creek; and b. Approval for SARA to proceed with Work Packages 11 and 2 to initiate construction of Phase 1. Segment 2 including additional construction administration, design, and pre-construction services required for a total amount not to exceed S 19.829.486; and approval of Amendments to the Design Phase and Construction Phase Agreements between Bexar Count” and SARA to reflect these funding authorizations. (Estimated Presentation Time: 30 minutes)
EXECUTIVE SESSION (DISCUSSION ONLY: CLOSED TO PUBLIC (Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code) EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS MAY BE DISCUSSED AND ACTED UPON, IF APPROPRIATE, IN OPEN SESSION. 71. §551.071 Consultation with Attorney for advice regarding: a. Pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers in the following matters: i. Civil Service Appeal of Lucy Adame-Clark. b. Legal issues pertaining to the following matters in which the duty of the attorney tbr Bexar County under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Open Meetings Act i. P-25 Radio System Project among City of San Antonio and City Public Service;