Communications, including citizens who signed the register to speak, and reports.
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the proposed Bexar County Fiscal Year 2016-17 Operating and Capital Budget to include: a. Employee Compensation; and b. Health Insurance (Estimated Presentation Time: As Required) (Seth McCabe)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding Local Government Code 130.908 relating to the approval of spending by certain county and precinct officers. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Manuel Leal)
Communications, including citizens who signed the register to speak, and reports.
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the proposed Bexar County Fiscal Year 2016-17 Operating and Capital Budget to include: a. Employee Compensation; and b. Health Insurance (Estimated Presentation Time: As Required) (Seth McCabe)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding Local Government Code 130.908 relating to the approval of spending by certain county and precinct officers. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Manuel Leal)