1. Opening Prayer; Jacquelyn F. Callanen, Bexar County Elections Administrator 2. Pledge of Allegiance
CEREMONIAL ITEMS: a. Presentation of a service pin recognizing a Bexar County employee for 20 years of service: Name Years Date Employed Office/Department Jacquelyn F. Callanen 20 5-20-1996 Elections Administrator (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court) b. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing Johnson High School Jaguars baseball team. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes)
Communications from citizens who signed the register to speak.
All items under the Consent Agenda are heard and acted upon collectively unless opposition is presented, in which case the contested item will be considered, discussed, and appropriate action taken separately. Item(s) Brought by the Commissioners Court: (Court) 8. Approval of a request from Commissioner Kevin A. Wolff, Precinct 3 to appoint Arthur N. Rasmussen to replace Charles Laljer on the Bexar County Emergency Service District #4 board of commissioners to serve a term that begins upon appointment and expires on December 31,2017. 9. Approval of a request from Commissioner Kevin Wolff, Precinct 3, to reappoint and appoint the following appointees to the Emergency Services District # 8. Name Date of Appointment Expire Replacing Linda Reeves July 26, 2016 December 31,2016 Reappointment Linda L. Logan July 26. 2016 December 31, 2017 Anthony Ludolph Mario Hune July 26, 2016 December 31, 2017 Carl Kunz 10. Approval of a request from Commissioner Tommy Calvert, Precinct 4, to appoint Briana Lyssy to the Child Welfare Board to fill the vacant position for a 3 year term to begin upon appointment and expire on July 31,2019. 11. Approval of a request from Commissioner Tommy Calvert, Precinct 4, to appoint Edward Collins to replace Joe Newton on the Inner City Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) Board for a term to begin upon appointment and expire on July 31, 2018. 12. Approval of a request from County Judge Nelson W. Wolff to reappoint Bexar County Commissioners Court appointees Bobby Perez and Rebecca Cedillo to the VIA Metropolitan Transit Authority Board of Trustees for a 2 year term ending on December 31, 2017. Item(s) Brought by County Tax Assessor-Collector: (Albert Uresti) 13. An amendment to the current lease agreement between Bexar County and the State of Texas authorizing the lease of an additional State-owned automation equipment workstation (RTS) on behalf of San Antonio Auto Title, Inc. 14. Approval of title services agreement with Tisdale, Inc. in order to allow Tisdale, Inc. to process vehicle titles and registrations on behalf of the Bexar County Tax Assessor-Collector at no cost to Bexar County. 15. Approval of title services agreement with Auto Tag of America, LLC in order to allow Auto Tag of America, LLC to process vehicle titles and registrations on behalf of the Bexar County Tax Assessor- Collector at no cost to Bexar County. 16. Approval of a contract between Bexar County and NPTBH, LLC d/b/a North Park Toyota to act as a Deputy Tax Collector for the purpose of processing vehicle title and registration transactions. Item(s) Brought by Civil District Court Administration: (Peter Sakai) 17. Approval of a professional services contract between Bexar County and Deborah Johnson, dba Each Life is Truly Essential (ELITE Counseling) for the time period of April 1, 2016 through August 31, 2016, with total expenditures not exceeding $25,000, to provide therapy services to adults and children who are participating in the Children's Court Early Intervention Court Program funded by a grant from the Baptist Foundation. Item(s) Brought by County Court Administration: (John Longoria) 18. Authorization and approval for the DWI Court to pay bills from DWI Court program income for invoices in the amount of $718 for services rendered by Smart Start to DWI Court participants to include monthly lease charges for mobile devices and ignition interlock devices. Item(s) Brought by County Auditor: (Susan Yeatts) 19. Authorization and approval for the County Auditor to pay routine bills from Monday, July 25, 2016 through Friday, August 5, 2016. 20. Authorization to distribute payroll, including overtime, uniform allowances, and auto allowances to be paid Friday, July 29, 2016. 21. Approval of bills to include claims registers for Wednesday, July 13, 2016; Friday, July 15, 2016; Wednesday, July 20, 2016; and Friday July 22, 2016. 22. Request approval for $83,146.59 in refunds for payments received by the Tax Assessor-Collector's Office in the form of tax overpayments made by individuals, businesses, corporations, etc. due to 9 individual tax accounts per Section 31.11, which have been reviewed by the Auditor's Office and found to be valid. 23. Acceptance of the certification by the County Auditor, pursuant to Local Government Code §111.0108, of additional revenue available for the Bexar County Sheriffs State Asset Forfeiture Fund 312 in the amount of $23,762. The Commissioners Court is not hereby adopting a special budget. 24. Approval of Tax Assessor-Collector's Report of Taxes collected in June 2016 and approval of the order transferring tax collections for the month of June 2016 from unallocated receipts. Item(s) Brought by Purchasing: (Mary Quinones) 25. Authorizing the renewal of a service contract with First Memorial Park Cemetery to provide for the purchase of Burial Services for the Pauper Burial Program on a requirements contract basis for a oneyear period beginning upon award and ending August 31, 2017 in the estimated annual amount of $ 111,750, as requested by the Department of Community Resources; authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 26. Awarding a contract to the lowest and best qualified bid submitted by Henock Construction, LLC (SMWBE) for the purchase of facility upgrade services at the Light Fleet Maintenance Facility totaling $225,837, and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for the record. 27. Award a delivery order to Grande Truck Center to purchase one (1) 2016 Ford F-150, for the Bexar Heritage and Parks Division, in the amount of $31,710 through a State of Texas cooperative contract; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 28. Award a delivery order to Texas Wilson for the one-time purchase of courtroom tables for the Cadena Reeves Justice Center Courtroom Renovations Project totaling $51,579.03 through a State of Texas cooperative contract; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 29. Awarding a contract on a sole source basis to VOTEC to provide for the purchase of Election Management Software for Votesafe support, VEMACS support, BallotBoard annual license and support, for a period beginning upon award and ending August 24, 2017 in the annual amount of $187,804.19; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for the record. 30. Approval to declare seven (7) vehicles as surplus from the general fund for auction in accordance with Local Government Code 263.152. (A)(1)(C)(6). 31. Authorizing the Purchasing Agent to reject bids submitted in response to Bexar County IFB 2016-019 for the purchase of construction services for the Huebner Creek Enhanced Conveyance NWWC Segment II (LC-17) Mitigation in Precinct 2, and to re-advertise bid. Item(s) Brought by Community Resources: (Eddie Ortega) 32. Approval and execution of the Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement between Bexar County and the City of Somerset to provide funds for the City Park Improvements Project utilizing Project Year 2014 Community Development Block Grant reprogrammed funds in the amount of $43,000. 33. Approval and execution of the Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement between Bexar County and the City of Kirby to provide CDBG Program and Reprogram funds for the John Sterling Park Improvements Project utilizing Program Years (PY) 2014 and 2015 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds in the amount of $67,066.01. 34. Approval and execution of the Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement between Bexar County and the City of Leon Valley to provide CDBG Program funds for the Timberhill Drive and Huebner Road Drainage Improvements Project utilizing Program Years (PY) 2015 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds in the amount of $175,000. 35. Approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Collaborative Research in the amount of $72,000 for program and clinical quality management monitoring services, technical review and assistance for the 2017 Ryan White Part A Application, and general technical assistance. 36. Approval of contract Amendment #1 for an increase in funds totaling $258,364.65 with Centro Med d/b/a El Centro del Barrio for services funded under FY2016-2017 Ryan White Part A Formula, Part A Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI), and Part A Supplemental for the contract period beginning March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017. 37. Approval of contract totaling $337,932.33 with Centro Med d/b/a El Centro del Barrio for services funded under FY2016-2017 Ryan White Part B Service Delivery and Service Delivery Supplemental for the following contract periods: Ryan White Part B Service Delivery - 4/1/2016-3/31/2017 Ryan White Part B Service Delivery Supplemental - 4/1/2016-9/29/2016 38. Approval of contract Amendment #1 for an increase in funds totaling $477,754.71 with the San Antonio AIDS Foundation for services funded under FY2016-2017 Ryan White Part A Formula, Part A Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI), and Part A Supplemental for the contract period beginning March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017. 39. Approval of contract totaling $303,336.23 with the San Antonio AIDS Foundation for services funded under FY2016-2017 Ryan White Part B Service Delivery and Service Delivery Supplemental for the following contract periods: Ryan White Part B Service Delivery - 4/1/2016-3/31/2017 Ryan White Part B Service Delivery Supplemental - 4/1/2016-9/29/2016 40. Approval of contract Amendment #1 for an increase in funds totaling $619,152.75 with the Alamo Area Resource Center for services funded under FY2016-2017 Ryan White Part A Formula, Part A Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI), and Part A Supplemental for the contract period beginning March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017. 41. Approval of contract totaling $396,219.50 with the Alamo Area Resource Center for services funded under FY2016-2017 Ryan White Part B Service Delivery and Service Delivery Supplemental for the following contract periods: Ryan White Part B Service Delivery - 4/1/2016-3/31/2017 Ryan White Part B Service Delivery Supplemental- 4/1/2016-9/29/2016 42. Approval of contract Amendment #1 for an increase in funds totaling $46,085.98 with BEAT AIDS Coalition Trust for services funded under FY2016-2017 Ryan White Part A Formula, Part A Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI), and Part A Supplemental for the contract period beginning March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017. Amendment #1 also serves to amend the current contract to include the provision of services at the following BEAT AIDS Coalition Trust locations: 1017 N. Main Avenue, Suite 200, San Antonio, TX 78212 and 618 Hudson Street, San Antonio, TX 78202. 43. Approval of contract totaling $25,400 with the Beat AIDS for services funded under FY2016-2017 Ryan White Part B Service Delivery for the following contract period of April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2017. Item(s) Brought by Public Works: (Renee Green) 44. Approval of Roadway Field Alteration Request Number 3 between Bexar County and Spaw Glass Civil Construction, Inc., requesting to increase the contract amount by $22,513.45, in connection with the Public Works Capital Project, Walzem Road Reconstruction Project. Precinct Number 4. 45. Approval of SAWS Field Alteration Request Number 1 between Bexar County and J3 Company, LLC, requesting a change in scope to the contract with an increase in the amount of $49,625.39 to be paid by SAWS, at no additional cost to Bexar County, in connection with Flood Control Capital Project, Knoll Creek, SC4, Purchase Order No. 4229484. Precincts Number 3 and 4. 46. Approval of subdivision plat#150185 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Mirabel Unit 2, owner: KB Home, located northeast of Lost Creek Way and Mission Ledge, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 3. 47. Approval of subdivision plat#l 50498 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Luckey Ranch Unit 26 & 27, owner: Luckey Ranch Partners, LLC, located southeast of WT Montgomery and Claiboerne, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 1. 48. Approval of a Lease Agreement between Bexar County, Texas and Bushick Development, LLC, for an initial term of seven years, plus an optional five year extension for 9,386 square feet of rentable office space located at 408 Bushick Drive, at an initial rate of $20,179.90 per month, effective upon delivery of remodeled space from Landlord, anticipated to be November 1, 2016, for use by the Community Supervision and Corrections Department as there southeast substation location. Precinct Number 4. 49. Approval of subdivision plat#l 50596 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Champions Park Unit 9B, owner: TXBC Meadows, LP, located northeast of Just Because and Silver Rose, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 1. 50. Approval of subdivision plat#l 60063 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Arcadia Ridge Phase 1 Unit IB, owner: Meritage Homes, located northwest of Silas Creek and Tyrou Lane, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 1. 51. Approval of subdivision plat#l 60074 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Miller Ranch Unit 5, owner: Sivage Investments, LTD, located south of Lazo Valley and Indian Forest, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 4. 52. Approval of subdivision plat#160090 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Alamo Ranch Unit 18A , owner: Continental Homes of Texas, LP, located northwest of Sweetwater Way and Red Maple Way, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 1. 53. Approval to negotiate with the following firms selected for Public Works Capital Improvement Program Construction Quality Assurance/Material Testing Services: Alpha Testing, Inc. Arias & Associates, Inc. (SBE, MBE, HUB, DBE, SBA) Burge Martinez Consulting, Inc. (SBE, MBE, HBE) Drash Consultants, LLC (SBE, WBE, HUB) Fugro Consultants Geoscience Engineering & Testing, Inc. (SBE) HVJ Associates, Inc. (SBE, MBE, HUB, AABE, DBE) Integrated Testing and Engineering Company of San Antonio, LP (SBE, WBE, MBE, HUB, DBE) Pave Tex Engineering & Testing, Inc. (SBE, WBE, MBE, HUB, DBE) Professional Service Industries, Inc. Raba-Kistner Consultants, Inc. Rock Engineering & Testing Laboratory (SBE, WBE, MBE, HUB, DBE) Terracon Consultants, Inc. 54. Authorizing the sale of property struck off to Bexar County for delinquent taxes known as cause number 2012-TA1-02578; account number 013340310060; New City Block 1334, Block 31, Lot 6 in the City of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, as shown in Volume 11376, Page 0532 of the Deed and Plat records of Bexar County, Texas; located at 411 Blaine St. for $5,520.00 (the adjudged value of the property) to San Antonio Affordable Housing, Inc., pursuant to Section 34.05(h) of the Texas Tax Code and authorizing the execution of deed. Precinct Number 4. 55. Order accepting the following streets and drains in the identified subdivisions for County maintenance to begin July 26, 2016: SUBDIVISION STREET/DRAIN Arcadia Ridge, Unit 01-A-Phase 01 Tyrou Lane 681.79 If Plat No. 140531 Asphalt Width: 325.0 If of 40' wide Precinct # 1 356.79 If of 28' wide Pursley Ridge 290.23 If Asphalt Width: 28' Silas Creek 444.58 If Asphalt Width: 28' ParliaLane 327.12 If Asphalt Width: 28' Tribeca 343.72 If Asphalt Width: 28' Drain "A" 11.0 If Meadow Plains 104.72 If Asphalt Width: 28' Colorado Parke 120.62 If Asphalt Width: 28' Frio Parke 101.19 If Asphalt Width: 28' Angelina Parke 2,114.75 If Remuda Ranch South, Unit 03 Plat No. 140452 Precinct # 2 Asphalt Width: 28' Canadian Parke 145.0 If Asphalt Width: 28' Canyon Meadow 145.22 If Asphalt Width: 40' Drain "P" 16.07 If SUBDIVISION STREET/DRAIN Redbird Ranch, Unit 11-B Snowy Egret 849.81 If Plat No. 140431 Asphalt Width: 28' Precinct # 3 Night Heron 872.08 If Asphalt Width: 28' Storm Drain "A" 155.70 If Storm Drain "B" 11.0 If 56. Approval to establish Traffic Control devices as Stop Zones at specified locations in Precincts 1, 2, 3, and 4. STOP ZONES TO BE ESTABLISHED: Precinct Number 1 Seale Subdivision Unit 8 Plat #150304 The Stop Sign shall be on Golden Maple at its intersection with Verdis Valley. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Golden Maple at its intersection with Garnet Sunset. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Camp Light Way at its intersection with Verdis Valley. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Spoonwood Path at its intersection with Camp Light Way. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Butterfly Walk at its intersection with Camp Light Way. (1 stop) Redbird Ranch Unit 8A Plat #150124 The Stop Sign shall be on Red Crossbill at its intersection with Sage Thrasher. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Horned Lark at its intersection with Sage Thrasher. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Horned Lark at its intersection with Rose Spoonbill. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Goldfinch Way at its intersection with Rose Spoonbill. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Rose Spoonbill at its intersection with Reeves Loop. (1 stop) Precinct Number 2 Savannah Subdivision Unit 1C Plat #150157 The Stop Sign shall be on Palmetto Falls at its intersection with Ranch Bend. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Addison Ridge at its intersection with Ranch Bend. (1 stop) Savannah Subdivision Unit 2A Plat #140536 The Stop Sign shall be on Ironwood Hill at its intersection with Ranch Bend. (1 stop) The Stop Signs shall be on Tyler Point at its intersection with Ironwood Hill. (2 stops) The Stop Sign shall be on Ironwood Hill at its intersection with Double Oak. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Hughes Creek at its intersection with Double Oak. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Double Oak at its intersection with Ranch Bend. (1 stop) Remuda Ranch North Subdivision Unit 10 Plat # 150300 The Stop Sign shall be on Highland Gate at its intersection with Highland Trace. (1 stop) Precinct Number 3 The Oaks At Fox Grove Units 3 & 4 Plat #140516 The Stop Sign shall be on Roche Oak at its intersection with Montrose Wood. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Oak Roset at its intersection with Hillbrook Park. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Oak Roset at its intersection with Montrose Wood. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Montrose Wood at its intersection with Sebastian Oak. (1 stop) Precinct Number 4 Horizon Pointe Subdivision Unit 8A Plat #150468 The Stop Sign shall be on Davenport Bay at its intersection with Camberly View. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Labelle Etoile at its intersection with Port Elizabeth. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Salmon Creek at its intersection with Davenport Bay. (1 stop) Item(s) Brought by Resource Management: (Tina Smith-Dean) 57. Approval of the Investment Quarterly Report for the 2nd Quarter of FY 2015-16 in accordance with Section 2256.023 (a) of the Texas Public Funds Investment Act.
6. Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attorney's Office to take action, if necessary: a. Bexar County and CentroMed agreements for the Development and Operation of a Bexar County Recreation and Wellness Center approved June 7, 2016. b. Grant Agreement between Bexar County, Texas and Chamber Orchestra of San Antonio, approved January 12, 2016. c. County Auditor's Monthly Financial Report (Unaudited and Unadjusted) for the months of April 30, 2016 and May 31, 2016. d. Bexar County Sheriffs FY2016 Budgets for State Asset Forfeiture Fund - 312 for June 2016 and State Asset Forfeiture Fund - 312 for July 2016. e. FVA Veterans Treatment Court - Notice of Grant Award to Bexar County, Texas FY 2016-17. f. Certified Letter from John Marsh, Re: Notice of Trustee's Sale - John & Ingrid Marsh for the property located at 2 Montique Court. g. U.S. District Court - Summons in a Civil Action - Re: Lauren Klonek v. Bexar County Emergency Services District No. 2. h. U.S. District Court - Summons in a Civil Action - Re: Albert J. Castillo, Jr. v. Bexar County Emergency Services District No. 2. i. Fax Letters from Juan Contreras, President for Deputy Sheriffs' Association of Bexar County, regarding the following claims: Grievance 2016-DSABC-04 (Gabriel Rodriguez); and Contract Grievance 2016-DSABC-Class02 7. Approval of Commissioners Court minutes for July 12, 2016.
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the upcoming The Winds of War: World War I Posters and Prints Exhibit to be hosted by Bexar County and displayed in the Historic Bexar County Courthouse. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding a request from the Sheriffs Office to authorize 17,075 hours of paid overtime to uniformed Detention Officers for mandatory overtime worked for the remainder of FY 2015-16. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes)
Acceptance of an FLSA summary report regarding non-exempt County personnel that have accrued FLSA hours in excess of 199 but less than 240, and law enforcement personnel FLSA hours in excess of 439 but less than 480, as of the month ending June 2016. Authorizing to pay those employees who have accumulated hours in excess of the FLSA maximum level for an estimated amount of $108,364. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding an Order restricting outdoor burning, effective July 26, 2016 for a period of 90 days from the effective date unless terminated by the Commissioners Court or the Bexar County Fire Marshal. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding recommendations from the Citizens Advisory Committee on Elected Officials' Salaries FY 2016-17 and the Elected Official Salary Grievance process. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes)
Drawing 15 names from the 2015 Grand Jury List, nine (9) of which will serve on the 2016 Salary Grievance Committee; additional names as needed to serve as Alternates. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding mental health services provided by the statutory probate courts, including the statutory probate court associate judge position and its creation, funding, appointment, termination and abolishment. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
(Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code) EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS MAY BE DISCUSSED AND ACTED UPON, IF APPROPRIATE, IN OPEN SESSION. § 551.071 Consultation with Attorney for advice regarding: a. Pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers in the following matters: i. John Corey Garcia v. Sheriffs Deputy Avery Lawrence and Bexar County, Texas
1. Opening Prayer; Jacquelyn F. Callanen, Bexar County Elections Administrator 2. Pledge of Allegiance
CEREMONIAL ITEMS: a. Presentation of a service pin recognizing a Bexar County employee for 20 years of service: Name Years Date Employed Office/Department Jacquelyn F. Callanen 20 5-20-1996 Elections Administrator (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court) b. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing Johnson High School Jaguars baseball team. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes)
Communications from citizens who signed the register to speak.
All items under the Consent Agenda are heard and acted upon collectively unless opposition is presented, in which case the contested item will be considered, discussed, and appropriate action taken separately. Item(s) Brought by the Commissioners Court: (Court) 8. Approval of a request from Commissioner Kevin A. Wolff, Precinct 3 to appoint Arthur N. Rasmussen to replace Charles Laljer on the Bexar County Emergency Service District #4 board of commissioners to serve a term that begins upon appointment and expires on December 31,2017. 9. Approval of a request from Commissioner Kevin Wolff, Precinct 3, to reappoint and appoint the following appointees to the Emergency Services District # 8. Name Date of Appointment Expire Replacing Linda Reeves July 26, 2016 December 31,2016 Reappointment Linda L. Logan July 26. 2016 December 31, 2017 Anthony Ludolph Mario Hune July 26, 2016 December 31, 2017 Carl Kunz 10. Approval of a request from Commissioner Tommy Calvert, Precinct 4, to appoint Briana Lyssy to the Child Welfare Board to fill the vacant position for a 3 year term to begin upon appointment and expire on July 31,2019. 11. Approval of a request from Commissioner Tommy Calvert, Precinct 4, to appoint Edward Collins to replace Joe Newton on the Inner City Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) Board for a term to begin upon appointment and expire on July 31, 2018. 12. Approval of a request from County Judge Nelson W. Wolff to reappoint Bexar County Commissioners Court appointees Bobby Perez and Rebecca Cedillo to the VIA Metropolitan Transit Authority Board of Trustees for a 2 year term ending on December 31, 2017. Item(s) Brought by County Tax Assessor-Collector: (Albert Uresti) 13. An amendment to the current lease agreement between Bexar County and the State of Texas authorizing the lease of an additional State-owned automation equipment workstation (RTS) on behalf of San Antonio Auto Title, Inc. 14. Approval of title services agreement with Tisdale, Inc. in order to allow Tisdale, Inc. to process vehicle titles and registrations on behalf of the Bexar County Tax Assessor-Collector at no cost to Bexar County. 15. Approval of title services agreement with Auto Tag of America, LLC in order to allow Auto Tag of America, LLC to process vehicle titles and registrations on behalf of the Bexar County Tax Assessor- Collector at no cost to Bexar County. 16. Approval of a contract between Bexar County and NPTBH, LLC d/b/a North Park Toyota to act as a Deputy Tax Collector for the purpose of processing vehicle title and registration transactions. Item(s) Brought by Civil District Court Administration: (Peter Sakai) 17. Approval of a professional services contract between Bexar County and Deborah Johnson, dba Each Life is Truly Essential (ELITE Counseling) for the time period of April 1, 2016 through August 31, 2016, with total expenditures not exceeding $25,000, to provide therapy services to adults and children who are participating in the Children's Court Early Intervention Court Program funded by a grant from the Baptist Foundation. Item(s) Brought by County Court Administration: (John Longoria) 18. Authorization and approval for the DWI Court to pay bills from DWI Court program income for invoices in the amount of $718 for services rendered by Smart Start to DWI Court participants to include monthly lease charges for mobile devices and ignition interlock devices. Item(s) Brought by County Auditor: (Susan Yeatts) 19. Authorization and approval for the County Auditor to pay routine bills from Monday, July 25, 2016 through Friday, August 5, 2016. 20. Authorization to distribute payroll, including overtime, uniform allowances, and auto allowances to be paid Friday, July 29, 2016. 21. Approval of bills to include claims registers for Wednesday, July 13, 2016; Friday, July 15, 2016; Wednesday, July 20, 2016; and Friday July 22, 2016. 22. Request approval for $83,146.59 in refunds for payments received by the Tax Assessor-Collector's Office in the form of tax overpayments made by individuals, businesses, corporations, etc. due to 9 individual tax accounts per Section 31.11, which have been reviewed by the Auditor's Office and found to be valid. 23. Acceptance of the certification by the County Auditor, pursuant to Local Government Code §111.0108, of additional revenue available for the Bexar County Sheriffs State Asset Forfeiture Fund 312 in the amount of $23,762. The Commissioners Court is not hereby adopting a special budget. 24. Approval of Tax Assessor-Collector's Report of Taxes collected in June 2016 and approval of the order transferring tax collections for the month of June 2016 from unallocated receipts. Item(s) Brought by Purchasing: (Mary Quinones) 25. Authorizing the renewal of a service contract with First Memorial Park Cemetery to provide for the purchase of Burial Services for the Pauper Burial Program on a requirements contract basis for a oneyear period beginning upon award and ending August 31, 2017 in the estimated annual amount of $ 111,750, as requested by the Department of Community Resources; authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 26. Awarding a contract to the lowest and best qualified bid submitted by Henock Construction, LLC (SMWBE) for the purchase of facility upgrade services at the Light Fleet Maintenance Facility totaling $225,837, and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for the record. 27. Award a delivery order to Grande Truck Center to purchase one (1) 2016 Ford F-150, for the Bexar Heritage and Parks Division, in the amount of $31,710 through a State of Texas cooperative contract; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 28. Award a delivery order to Texas Wilson for the one-time purchase of courtroom tables for the Cadena Reeves Justice Center Courtroom Renovations Project totaling $51,579.03 through a State of Texas cooperative contract; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 29. Awarding a contract on a sole source basis to VOTEC to provide for the purchase of Election Management Software for Votesafe support, VEMACS support, BallotBoard annual license and support, for a period beginning upon award and ending August 24, 2017 in the annual amount of $187,804.19; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for the record. 30. Approval to declare seven (7) vehicles as surplus from the general fund for auction in accordance with Local Government Code 263.152. (A)(1)(C)(6). 31. Authorizing the Purchasing Agent to reject bids submitted in response to Bexar County IFB 2016-019 for the purchase of construction services for the Huebner Creek Enhanced Conveyance NWWC Segment II (LC-17) Mitigation in Precinct 2, and to re-advertise bid. Item(s) Brought by Community Resources: (Eddie Ortega) 32. Approval and execution of the Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement between Bexar County and the City of Somerset to provide funds for the City Park Improvements Project utilizing Project Year 2014 Community Development Block Grant reprogrammed funds in the amount of $43,000. 33. Approval and execution of the Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement between Bexar County and the City of Kirby to provide CDBG Program and Reprogram funds for the John Sterling Park Improvements Project utilizing Program Years (PY) 2014 and 2015 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds in the amount of $67,066.01. 34. Approval and execution of the Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement between Bexar County and the City of Leon Valley to provide CDBG Program funds for the Timberhill Drive and Huebner Road Drainage Improvements Project utilizing Program Years (PY) 2015 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds in the amount of $175,000. 35. Approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Collaborative Research in the amount of $72,000 for program and clinical quality management monitoring services, technical review and assistance for the 2017 Ryan White Part A Application, and general technical assistance. 36. Approval of contract Amendment #1 for an increase in funds totaling $258,364.65 with Centro Med d/b/a El Centro del Barrio for services funded under FY2016-2017 Ryan White Part A Formula, Part A Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI), and Part A Supplemental for the contract period beginning March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017. 37. Approval of contract totaling $337,932.33 with Centro Med d/b/a El Centro del Barrio for services funded under FY2016-2017 Ryan White Part B Service Delivery and Service Delivery Supplemental for the following contract periods: Ryan White Part B Service Delivery - 4/1/2016-3/31/2017 Ryan White Part B Service Delivery Supplemental - 4/1/2016-9/29/2016 38. Approval of contract Amendment #1 for an increase in funds totaling $477,754.71 with the San Antonio AIDS Foundation for services funded under FY2016-2017 Ryan White Part A Formula, Part A Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI), and Part A Supplemental for the contract period beginning March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017. 39. Approval of contract totaling $303,336.23 with the San Antonio AIDS Foundation for services funded under FY2016-2017 Ryan White Part B Service Delivery and Service Delivery Supplemental for the following contract periods: Ryan White Part B Service Delivery - 4/1/2016-3/31/2017 Ryan White Part B Service Delivery Supplemental - 4/1/2016-9/29/2016 40. Approval of contract Amendment #1 for an increase in funds totaling $619,152.75 with the Alamo Area Resource Center for services funded under FY2016-2017 Ryan White Part A Formula, Part A Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI), and Part A Supplemental for the contract period beginning March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017. 41. Approval of contract totaling $396,219.50 with the Alamo Area Resource Center for services funded under FY2016-2017 Ryan White Part B Service Delivery and Service Delivery Supplemental for the following contract periods: Ryan White Part B Service Delivery - 4/1/2016-3/31/2017 Ryan White Part B Service Delivery Supplemental- 4/1/2016-9/29/2016 42. Approval of contract Amendment #1 for an increase in funds totaling $46,085.98 with BEAT AIDS Coalition Trust for services funded under FY2016-2017 Ryan White Part A Formula, Part A Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI), and Part A Supplemental for the contract period beginning March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017. Amendment #1 also serves to amend the current contract to include the provision of services at the following BEAT AIDS Coalition Trust locations: 1017 N. Main Avenue, Suite 200, San Antonio, TX 78212 and 618 Hudson Street, San Antonio, TX 78202. 43. Approval of contract totaling $25,400 with the Beat AIDS for services funded under FY2016-2017 Ryan White Part B Service Delivery for the following contract period of April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2017. Item(s) Brought by Public Works: (Renee Green) 44. Approval of Roadway Field Alteration Request Number 3 between Bexar County and Spaw Glass Civil Construction, Inc., requesting to increase the contract amount by $22,513.45, in connection with the Public Works Capital Project, Walzem Road Reconstruction Project. Precinct Number 4. 45. Approval of SAWS Field Alteration Request Number 1 between Bexar County and J3 Company, LLC, requesting a change in scope to the contract with an increase in the amount of $49,625.39 to be paid by SAWS, at no additional cost to Bexar County, in connection with Flood Control Capital Project, Knoll Creek, SC4, Purchase Order No. 4229484. Precincts Number 3 and 4. 46. Approval of subdivision plat#150185 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Mirabel Unit 2, owner: KB Home, located northeast of Lost Creek Way and Mission Ledge, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 3. 47. Approval of subdivision plat#l 50498 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Luckey Ranch Unit 26 & 27, owner: Luckey Ranch Partners, LLC, located southeast of WT Montgomery and Claiboerne, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 1. 48. Approval of a Lease Agreement between Bexar County, Texas and Bushick Development, LLC, for an initial term of seven years, plus an optional five year extension for 9,386 square feet of rentable office space located at 408 Bushick Drive, at an initial rate of $20,179.90 per month, effective upon delivery of remodeled space from Landlord, anticipated to be November 1, 2016, for use by the Community Supervision and Corrections Department as there southeast substation location. Precinct Number 4. 49. Approval of subdivision plat#l 50596 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Champions Park Unit 9B, owner: TXBC Meadows, LP, located northeast of Just Because and Silver Rose, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 1. 50. Approval of subdivision plat#l 60063 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Arcadia Ridge Phase 1 Unit IB, owner: Meritage Homes, located northwest of Silas Creek and Tyrou Lane, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 1. 51. Approval of subdivision plat#l 60074 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Miller Ranch Unit 5, owner: Sivage Investments, LTD, located south of Lazo Valley and Indian Forest, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 4. 52. Approval of subdivision plat#160090 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Alamo Ranch Unit 18A , owner: Continental Homes of Texas, LP, located northwest of Sweetwater Way and Red Maple Way, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 1. 53. Approval to negotiate with the following firms selected for Public Works Capital Improvement Program Construction Quality Assurance/Material Testing Services: Alpha Testing, Inc. Arias & Associates, Inc. (SBE, MBE, HUB, DBE, SBA) Burge Martinez Consulting, Inc. (SBE, MBE, HBE) Drash Consultants, LLC (SBE, WBE, HUB) Fugro Consultants Geoscience Engineering & Testing, Inc. (SBE) HVJ Associates, Inc. (SBE, MBE, HUB, AABE, DBE) Integrated Testing and Engineering Company of San Antonio, LP (SBE, WBE, MBE, HUB, DBE) Pave Tex Engineering & Testing, Inc. (SBE, WBE, MBE, HUB, DBE) Professional Service Industries, Inc. Raba-Kistner Consultants, Inc. Rock Engineering & Testing Laboratory (SBE, WBE, MBE, HUB, DBE) Terracon Consultants, Inc. 54. Authorizing the sale of property struck off to Bexar County for delinquent taxes known as cause number 2012-TA1-02578; account number 013340310060; New City Block 1334, Block 31, Lot 6 in the City of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, as shown in Volume 11376, Page 0532 of the Deed and Plat records of Bexar County, Texas; located at 411 Blaine St. for $5,520.00 (the adjudged value of the property) to San Antonio Affordable Housing, Inc., pursuant to Section 34.05(h) of the Texas Tax Code and authorizing the execution of deed. Precinct Number 4. 55. Order accepting the following streets and drains in the identified subdivisions for County maintenance to begin July 26, 2016: SUBDIVISION STREET/DRAIN Arcadia Ridge, Unit 01-A-Phase 01 Tyrou Lane 681.79 If Plat No. 140531 Asphalt Width: 325.0 If of 40' wide Precinct # 1 356.79 If of 28' wide Pursley Ridge 290.23 If Asphalt Width: 28' Silas Creek 444.58 If Asphalt Width: 28' ParliaLane 327.12 If Asphalt Width: 28' Tribeca 343.72 If Asphalt Width: 28' Drain "A" 11.0 If Meadow Plains 104.72 If Asphalt Width: 28' Colorado Parke 120.62 If Asphalt Width: 28' Frio Parke 101.19 If Asphalt Width: 28' Angelina Parke 2,114.75 If Remuda Ranch South, Unit 03 Plat No. 140452 Precinct # 2 Asphalt Width: 28' Canadian Parke 145.0 If Asphalt Width: 28' Canyon Meadow 145.22 If Asphalt Width: 40' Drain "P" 16.07 If SUBDIVISION STREET/DRAIN Redbird Ranch, Unit 11-B Snowy Egret 849.81 If Plat No. 140431 Asphalt Width: 28' Precinct # 3 Night Heron 872.08 If Asphalt Width: 28' Storm Drain "A" 155.70 If Storm Drain "B" 11.0 If 56. Approval to establish Traffic Control devices as Stop Zones at specified locations in Precincts 1, 2, 3, and 4. STOP ZONES TO BE ESTABLISHED: Precinct Number 1 Seale Subdivision Unit 8 Plat #150304 The Stop Sign shall be on Golden Maple at its intersection with Verdis Valley. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Golden Maple at its intersection with Garnet Sunset. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Camp Light Way at its intersection with Verdis Valley. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Spoonwood Path at its intersection with Camp Light Way. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Butterfly Walk at its intersection with Camp Light Way. (1 stop) Redbird Ranch Unit 8A Plat #150124 The Stop Sign shall be on Red Crossbill at its intersection with Sage Thrasher. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Horned Lark at its intersection with Sage Thrasher. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Horned Lark at its intersection with Rose Spoonbill. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Goldfinch Way at its intersection with Rose Spoonbill. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Rose Spoonbill at its intersection with Reeves Loop. (1 stop) Precinct Number 2 Savannah Subdivision Unit 1C Plat #150157 The Stop Sign shall be on Palmetto Falls at its intersection with Ranch Bend. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Addison Ridge at its intersection with Ranch Bend. (1 stop) Savannah Subdivision Unit 2A Plat #140536 The Stop Sign shall be on Ironwood Hill at its intersection with Ranch Bend. (1 stop) The Stop Signs shall be on Tyler Point at its intersection with Ironwood Hill. (2 stops) The Stop Sign shall be on Ironwood Hill at its intersection with Double Oak. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Hughes Creek at its intersection with Double Oak. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Double Oak at its intersection with Ranch Bend. (1 stop) Remuda Ranch North Subdivision Unit 10 Plat # 150300 The Stop Sign shall be on Highland Gate at its intersection with Highland Trace. (1 stop) Precinct Number 3 The Oaks At Fox Grove Units 3 & 4 Plat #140516 The Stop Sign shall be on Roche Oak at its intersection with Montrose Wood. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Oak Roset at its intersection with Hillbrook Park. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Oak Roset at its intersection with Montrose Wood. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Montrose Wood at its intersection with Sebastian Oak. (1 stop) Precinct Number 4 Horizon Pointe Subdivision Unit 8A Plat #150468 The Stop Sign shall be on Davenport Bay at its intersection with Camberly View. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Labelle Etoile at its intersection with Port Elizabeth. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Salmon Creek at its intersection with Davenport Bay. (1 stop) Item(s) Brought by Resource Management: (Tina Smith-Dean) 57. Approval of the Investment Quarterly Report for the 2nd Quarter of FY 2015-16 in accordance with Section 2256.023 (a) of the Texas Public Funds Investment Act.
6. Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attorney's Office to take action, if necessary: a. Bexar County and CentroMed agreements for the Development and Operation of a Bexar County Recreation and Wellness Center approved June 7, 2016. b. Grant Agreement between Bexar County, Texas and Chamber Orchestra of San Antonio, approved January 12, 2016. c. County Auditor's Monthly Financial Report (Unaudited and Unadjusted) for the months of April 30, 2016 and May 31, 2016. d. Bexar County Sheriffs FY2016 Budgets for State Asset Forfeiture Fund - 312 for June 2016 and State Asset Forfeiture Fund - 312 for July 2016. e. FVA Veterans Treatment Court - Notice of Grant Award to Bexar County, Texas FY 2016-17. f. Certified Letter from John Marsh, Re: Notice of Trustee's Sale - John & Ingrid Marsh for the property located at 2 Montique Court. g. U.S. District Court - Summons in a Civil Action - Re: Lauren Klonek v. Bexar County Emergency Services District No. 2. h. U.S. District Court - Summons in a Civil Action - Re: Albert J. Castillo, Jr. v. Bexar County Emergency Services District No. 2. i. Fax Letters from Juan Contreras, President for Deputy Sheriffs' Association of Bexar County, regarding the following claims: Grievance 2016-DSABC-04 (Gabriel Rodriguez); and Contract Grievance 2016-DSABC-Class02 7. Approval of Commissioners Court minutes for July 12, 2016.
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the upcoming The Winds of War: World War I Posters and Prints Exhibit to be hosted by Bexar County and displayed in the Historic Bexar County Courthouse. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding a request from the Sheriffs Office to authorize 17,075 hours of paid overtime to uniformed Detention Officers for mandatory overtime worked for the remainder of FY 2015-16. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes)
Acceptance of an FLSA summary report regarding non-exempt County personnel that have accrued FLSA hours in excess of 199 but less than 240, and law enforcement personnel FLSA hours in excess of 439 but less than 480, as of the month ending June 2016. Authorizing to pay those employees who have accumulated hours in excess of the FLSA maximum level for an estimated amount of $108,364. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding an Order restricting outdoor burning, effective July 26, 2016 for a period of 90 days from the effective date unless terminated by the Commissioners Court or the Bexar County Fire Marshal. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding recommendations from the Citizens Advisory Committee on Elected Officials' Salaries FY 2016-17 and the Elected Official Salary Grievance process. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes)
Drawing 15 names from the 2015 Grand Jury List, nine (9) of which will serve on the 2016 Salary Grievance Committee; additional names as needed to serve as Alternates. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding mental health services provided by the statutory probate courts, including the statutory probate court associate judge position and its creation, funding, appointment, termination and abolishment. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
(Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code) EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS MAY BE DISCUSSED AND ACTED UPON, IF APPROPRIATE, IN OPEN SESSION. § 551.071 Consultation with Attorney for advice regarding: a. Pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers in the following matters: i. John Corey Garcia v. Sheriffs Deputy Avery Lawrence and Bexar County, Texas