1. Opening Prayer: Anastacio Hinojosa - Catholic Charities Outreach Director 2. Pledge of Allegiance
CEREMONIAL ITEM(S): a. Presentation of a service pin recognizmg a Bexar County employee for 20 years of service: Name Years Date Employed Office/Department Jacquelyn F. Callanen 20 5-20-1996 Elections Administrator (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court) b. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing and proclaiming October 4, 2016 through October 8, 2016 to be "Peanut Festival Days" in Floresville, Texas celebrating its 72nd Annual Peanut Festival. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Nelson W. Wolff)
TIME CERTAIN ITEMS: a. 10:30 a.m.: Discussion and appropriate action regarding the 2016-2020 Bexar County Five year Consolidated Plan for the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs. (Estimated Presentation Time: 20 minutes) (Eddie Ortega) b. 10:50 a.m.: immediately following item 4a Discussion and appropriate action regarding the final selections of projects to be funded with Community Development Block Grant ($2,180,749) HOME ($536,215) and ESG ($189,629) Program funds for the 2016-2017 budget year. (Estimated Presentation Time: 20 minutes)
All items under the Consent Agenda are heard and acted upon collectively unless opposition is presented, in which case the contested item will be considered, discussed, and appropriate action taken separately. Item(s) Brought by the Commissioners Court: (Court) 9. Approval of a request from Commissioner Tommy Calvert, Precinct 4, to appoint Donnie Whited to the Center for Health Care Services to replace Ruben Zamora for a 2 year term to begin upon appointment and expire on June 30, 2018. 10. Approval of a request from County Judge Nelson W. Wolff to reappoint Commissioner Tommy Calvert as the Bexar County Commissioners Court appointee to the following TIRZ, for a two year term expiring on July 12, 2018: TIRZ Zone 04 (Highland Heights - Precinct 4) TIRZ Zone 09 (Houston Street - Precinct 4) TIRZ Zone 11 (Inner City - Precinct 4) TIRZ Zone 15 (North East Crossing - Precinct 4) 3 Item(s^ Brought by District Attorney: (Nicholas "Nico" LaHood) 11. Approving a revised budget for FY 2014 increasing the reimbursable costs associated with "Direct Other Costs" which includes costs for subpoena services, from $37,500 to $105,000, with said revised budget to be submitted to the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services for legal services rendered by the Criminal District Attorney's Office from 10/2013 through 09/2014. Items(s) Brought by Sheriffs Office: (Susan Pamerleau) 12. Authorization and approval for the Sheriffs to pay bill(s) from Fiscal Year 16 invoices(s) in the amount of $3,137.38 for Polygraph Exam, K-9 Medical Exam and Physicals & Fit for Duty. 13. Request acceptance of Bexar Hugs Auxiliary of the Assistance League of San Antonio's continuing donation of stuffed animals (teddy bears) to the Bexar County Sheriffs Office and approval of a memorandum of understanding. Item(s) Brought by County Tax Assessor-Collector: (Albert Uresti) 14. Approval of a request for the waiver of penalty and interest, for the Bexar County taxing jurisdiction, in the amount of $106.85 on account #04400-948-0260, Ellen T. Skiba, tax year(s) 2015 in accordance with Section 33.011 of the Texas Property Tax Code. 15. Approval of a request for the waiver of penalty and interest, for the Bexar County taxing jurisdiction, in the amount of $.84 on account #07332-019-0362, Susan Cadena, tax year(s) 2015 in accordance with Section 33.011 of the Texas Property Tax Code. 16. Approval of a request for the waiver of penalty and interest, for the Bexar County taxing jurisdiction, in the amount of $619.59 on account #17333-001-0041, Murray Properties Ltd., tax year(s) 2015 in accordance with Section 33.011 of the Texas Property Tax Code. Item(s) Brought by County Auditor: (Susan Yeatts) 17. Authorization and approval for the County Auditor to pay routine bills from Monday, July 11, 2016 through Friday, July 22, 2016. 18. Authorization to distribute payroll, including overtime, uniform allowances, and auto allowances to be paid Friday, July 15, 2016. 19. Approval of bills to include claims registers for Wednesday, June 22, 2016; Friday, June 24, 2016; Wednesday, June 29, 2016; Friday, July 1, 2016; Wednesday, July 6, 2016 and Friday July 8, 2016. 20. Request approval for $238,598.14 in refunds for payments received by the Tax Assessor-Collector's Office in the form of tax overpayments made by individuals, businesses, corporations, etc. due to 21 individual tax accounts per Section 31.11, which have been reviewed by the Auditor's Office and found to be valid. 21. Acceptance of the certification by the County Auditor, pursuant to Local Government Code §111.0108, of additional revenue available for the Bexar County Sheriffs State Asset Forfeiture Fund 313 in the amount of $24,178. The Commissioners Court is not hereby adopting a special budget. Item(s) Brought by Purchasing: (Mary Quinones) 22. Awarding a delivery order to Sam Pack's Five Star Ford to provide for the purchase of two (2) 2016 Ford Explorers in the amount of $62,686.26 as requested by the Judicial Services Department through a State of Texas cooperative agreement; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 23. Awarding a delivery order to Sam Pack's Five Star Ford to provide for the purchase of two (2) 2016 F250 Regular Cab and Animal Transport unit in the amount of $95,503.88 as requested by the Fleet Maintenance Office through a State of Texas contract and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 24. Awarding a delivery order to Sam Pack's Five Star Ford to provide for the purchase of one (1) 2017 Transit Wagon XLT in the amount of $33,019 as requested by the County Clerk's Office through a State of Texas cooperative agreement; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 25. Awarding a delivery order to Sam Pack's Five Star Chevrolet to provide for the purchase of one (1) 2016 Chevrolet Tahoe for the Judicial Services Department in the amount of $35,376.30 through a State of Texas cooperative agreement; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 26. Awarding a delivery order to Pitney Bowes Software, Inc. for the purchase of shipping and mailing services, software maintenance and database access in the total amount of $53,897 as requested by the Bexar County Information Technology Department; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute contract and file appropriate award documents for the record, 27. Award a contract to Gilbert's Utility and Concrete Work, Inc. (ESBE, HABE, MBE, and SBE) for construction services for the Greater Randolph Area Services Program, Inc. Parking Lot Improvements Project, in Precinct 4, in the amount of $121,542 for the Community Resources Department and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 28. Awarding a contract to the lowest and best bid submitted by Park Place Recreation Designs to provide for the purchase of construction services of Fall Zone Material, Playground Equipment and ADA renovations at MacArthur County Park in the amount of $179,837, as requested by the Heritage and Parks Department; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 29. Authorizing the Purchasing Agent to reject bids submitted in response to Bexar County IFB 2016-021 for the purchase of ASSIST, Inc. Basketball Court Project in Precinct 1, and requesting authority to readvertise as requested by the Bexar County Community Resources. 30. Rejecting all proposals submitted in response to RFP Event 436 for stabilization of the ruins at the Hot Wells Bath House as requested by the Heritage and Parks Department. 31. Authorizing the removal and sale of one (1) surplus firearm weapon to retired Bexar County Sheriffs Office Corporal Kimberly M. Robinson in the amount of $414 in accordance with attached Surplus Firearms Equipment List, as requested by the Bexar County Sheriffs Office; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to update the Bexar County Inventory Records and file the appropriate documents for record. 32. Authorizing the removal and sale of one (1) surplus firearm weapon to retired Bexar County Constable Office Deputy Donald Rogers in the amount of $320 as requested by the Bexar County Constable's Office Pet. 2; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to update the Bexar County Inventory Records and file the appropriate documents for record. 33. Awarding a contract to Tiburon Lockers, IXC to provide for the lease of lockers at the Video Visitation Center for a 4 year lease with 5 additional one year options; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 34. Awarding a requirements contract to AG-Pro Texas, LLC and Romeo Equipment Company, LLC to provide for the purchase of Heavy Equipment Parts and Services on a two-year period beginning upon award through May 31, 2018 as requested by the Bexar County Public Works Department, in the estimated combined bi-annual amount of $225,000; authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 35. Awarding the renewal of requirements contract to Clampitt Paper Company for county-wide use in the estimated annual amount of $181,260 to provide for the purchase of bond paper for a period beginning upon award and ending September 30, 2017, as requested by Bexar County department and offices; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for the record. 36. Awarding a requirements contract to Ozarka Materials to provide for the purchase of Thermoplastic Alkyd Resin for the Public Works Department at an estimated annual amount of $200,000 and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 37. Awarding a requirements contract to Alamo Auto Enterprises, Inc. to provide for the purchase of automotive, truck, and equipment glass replacement services on a two-year period beginning upon award and ending June 30, 2018 for a bi-annual estimated amount of $52,010; authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. Item(s) Brought by Community Resources: (Eddie Ortega) 38. Approval of the Agreement between Bexar County and ASSIST, Inc. to provide funds for the Bleacher Installation Project Year 2014 Community Development Block Grant reprogrammed funds in the amount of $20,000. 39. Approval and execution of the contract between Bexar County and Thrive Youth Center, Inc. in the amount of $9,982 to be paid from the Bexar County Prescription Card fund for the Street Outreach Program for a one-year period to begin upon execution of the contract. 40. Approval of the Interlocal Agreement between Bexar County and San Antonio Water System (SAWS) in the amount of $153,820.55 to be paid by SAWS for the utility adjustments in connection with the City of Von Ormy Quaterhorse Street Reconstruction Project at no cost to the County, Precinct 1. 41. Approval of contract totaling $451,355.33 with University Health System for services funded under FY2016-2017 Ryan White Part A Formula for the contract period beginning March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017. Item(s) Brought by Public Works: (Renee Green) 42. Approval of the Ancillary Agreement between Bexar County and Milestone Potranco Development, Ltd. and Field Alteration Request Number 2 between Bexar County and D. Plata Construction Co., LLC, at no cost to the County, in connection with Flood Control Capital Project, Grosenbacher Road at Madrona Outfall, MR30, Precinct Number 1. a. Ancillary Agreement between Bexar County and Milestone Potranco Development, Ltd. for the funding of Field Alteration Number 2. b. Field Alteration Request Number 2 between Bexar County and D. Plata Construction Co., LLC, requesting to increase the contract amount by $74,044.64, and a partial payment retainage release to D. Plata Construction Co., LLC, to be paid by Milestone Potranco Development, Ltd. at no cost to the County. 43. Approval of Final Recapitulation of project cost between Bexar County and Texas Sterling Construction Co., in connection with Public Works Capital Project, Boerne Stage Road. The recapitulation shows a decrease of $503,466.14. The recapitulation shows a final construction amount of $7,707,597.95, Precinct Number 3. 44. Approval of the Interlocal Agreement between Bexar County and San Antonio Water System (SAWS) in the amount of $137,266.99 to be paid by SAWS for utility adjustments on the FM 471 (Culebra Road) Pass Through Finance project and at no cost to the County, Precinct Number 1 & 2. 45. Approval to negotiate with the following firms selected for Public Works Professional Traffic Engineering Services: Atkins North America, Inc. Dannenbaum Engineering Corporation Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. RPS Klotz Associates Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc. 46. Authorizing the County Judge to execute a Release of Lien for the property located in; Parcel 43, Sandy Hills Subdivision, Unit 7, C.B. 4151(A). Owner(s): Vincent and Angelita C. Valdez, Precinct Number 1. 47. Approval to negotiate with Jasmine Engineering, Inc. (SMWBE) for Public Works Capital Improvement Program Construction Inspection Services for Huebner Creek Enhanced Conveyance NWWC, Segment III LC17 Project, Precinct Number 2. 48. Approval of subdivision plat#l 50162 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Big Wolf Creek Corner, owner: Rajsha Real Estate Group, Inc., located southwest of Marbach Road and Big Wolf Creek Road, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone, Precinct Number 1. 49. Approval of subdivision plat#l 50388 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Grosenbacher Ranch Unit 1A Replat, owner: Milestone Potranco Development, LTD, located southwest of Gosenbacher Road and Madrona, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone, Precinct Number 1. 50. Approval of subdivision plat#160259 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Falcon Landing Unit 1 BSL, owner: K.B. Home, located southeast of Catalina Port and Culebra Road - F.M. 471, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone, Precinct Number 1. 51. Approval to rename Branching Pass to Sawyer Valley in accordance with the Addressing Standards as adopted by Bexar County Commissioners Court on April 27, 1993 and last revised on July 12, 1995. The street Sawyer Valley connects with Branching Pass so the change would be to establish continuity, Precinct Number 2. 52. Approval of a Second Amendment to Lease Agreement between Bexar County, Texas and BFSC Group, L.P., for an initial term of three years, plus an optional two year extension for the currently leased 6,000 square feet of rentable office space located at 8407 Bandera Road, at an initial rate of $12,780 per month, effective April 1, 2016, for the continued use by the Tax Office for their NW Tax Office location, Precinct Number 2. 53. Authorizing the purchase of a Permanent Drainage Easement being 0.015 of an acre, or 649 square feet, tract of land being out of Lot 4, Block 3, of the Helotes Park Subdivision, recorded in Volume 4900, Pages 231 - 239 of the Deed and Plat Records of Bexar County, Texas, said Lot 4 conveyed to David M. Caton, and wife, Janice K. Caton by instrument recorded in Volume 7401, Pages 1982 - 1983 of the Official Public Records of Bexar County, Texas, from David M. Caton and wife, Janice K. Caton in the amount of $9,960 total appraised value, including administrative settlement for damages not included in appraisal, plus applicable closing costs. French Creek Tributary NWWC (LC23) Flood Control Project, Precinct Number 3. 54. Authorizing the purchase of a Permanent Drainage Easement being 0.027 of an acre, or 1,182 square feet, tract of land being out of Lot 18, Block 1 of the Evans Valley Acres Subdivision, recorded in Volume 6400, Pages 185-188 of the Deed and Plat Records of Bexar County, Texas, said Lot 18 conveyed to Jerry J. Estrada and Jane E. Estrada by instrument recorded in Volume 8740, Pages 301 - 303 of the Official Public Records of Bexar County, Texas, all within C.B. 4526A of the City of Helotes, Bexar County, Texas from Jerry J. Estrada and Jane E. Estrada, Owners of Record, in the amount of $2,000 total appraised value, plus applicable closing costs. French Creek Tributary NWWC (LC23) Flood Control Project, Precinct Number 3. 55. Authorizing the purchase of a Permanent Drainage Easement being 0.032 of an acre, or 1,374 square feet, tract of land being out of Lot 19, Block 1 of the Evans Valley Acres Subdivision, recorded in Volume 6400, Pages 185 - 188 of the Deed and Plat Records of Bexar County, Texas, said Lot 19 conveyed to the Trustees of the June Sako Living Trust, by instrument recorded in Volume 15337, Pages 1941 - 1974 of the Official Public Records of Bexar County, Texas, all within C.B. 4526A of the City of Helotes, Bexar County, Texas from Yuexin He and Xiao Dong Jin, Owners of Record, in the amount of $2,300 total appraised value, plus applicable closing costs. French Creek Tributary NWWC (LC23) Flood Control Project, Precinct Number 3. 56. Authorizing the purchase of a Permanent Drainage Easement being 0.355 of an acre, or 15,459 square feet tract of land being out of Lot 2, Block 3 of the Evans Valley Acres Subdivision, recorded in Volume 6400, Pages 185 - 188 of the Deed and Plat Records of Bexar County, Texas, said Lot 2 conveyed to Ruben Yanez, Sr. and Sylvia M. Yanez by instrument recorded in Volume 11599, Pages 208 - 210 of the Official Public Records of Bexar County, Texas, all within the C.B. 4526A of the City of Helotes, Bexar County, Texas, from Ruben Yanez, Sr. and Sylvia M. Yanez, Owners of Record, in the amount of $48,200, total appraised value, including administrative settlement for damages not included in appraisal, plus applicable closing costs. French Creek Tributary NWWC (LC23) Flood Control Project, Precinct Number 3. Item(s) Brought by Resource Management: (Tina Smith-Dean) 66. Approval of a change request to the client Specification Document with Benelogic, LLC for configuration for setup of voluntary benefit plans associated with Minnesota Life. 67. Approval of the appointment of Frost Bank (acting as the Senior Manager), Estrada Hinojosa, and Siebert Brandford Shank & Company as members of the Underwriting Syndicate for the proposed issuance of "Bexar County, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2016". Item(s) Brought by Judicial Services: (Mike Lozito) 68. Approval and execution of the Sixth Amendment and Extension to Agreement between Center for Healthcare Services to increase funding by $29,500 for treatment services to the Adult Felony Drug Court participants utilizing Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Grant#lH79TI026078-01 and Grant#5H79TI0224177-03 and Bureau of Justice Grant# 2015-DC-BX0059. The term of the Agreement will begin September 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016 and not exceed $388,064.42. 69. Approval and execution of the Seventh Amendment to an Agreement for Professional Services between Bexar County and Elite Counseling to increase funding by $39,835.59 to provide treatment services to the Felony Drug Court; Felony Dual Diagnosis, Felony Reentry and Esperanza Courts for an amount not to exceed $287,623.84. The term of the Agreement will begin September 30, 2015 through September 29, 2016 with approved funding from the SAMHSA Grant Year 1, Grant# 1H79TI026078-01, Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant# 2015-DC-BX0059 and Criminal Justice Division Grant#2760302. 70. Approval and execution of the Fifth Amendment to Agreement for Professional Services between Bexar County and San Antonio Lifetime Recovery Inc., to increase the amount by $39,675.23 for substance abuse treatment services for the Misdemeanor Adult Drug Court with approved funding not to exceed $195,653.23 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration Grant#lH79TI026078-01 funding to cover the grant terms of September 30, 2015 to September 29, 2016.
Attorney's Office to take action, if necessary: a. Security Guard Services Agreement between Bexar County and Blue Armor Security Services, Inc., approved June 7, 2016. b. Third Amendment to Interlocal Agreement, the City of San Antonio and the Board of Directors for the Verano TIRZ, approved May 3, 2016. c. Amended and Restated Development Agreement with the City of San Antonio, Bexar County, Verano Land Group, LP and the Board of Directors of the Verano TIRZ, approved May 3, 2016. d. Non-Disclosure Agreement between Bexar County and CIVQ Smartscapes, LLC, approved May 17, 2016. e. Memorandum of Agreement between Bexar County and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for Vehicle Idling Limitations, approved May 3, 2016. f. Agreement for Reap Contribution and Services between Bexar County and Residential Energy Assistance Partnership, Inc., approved May 17, 2016. g. Contract between Bexar County and the Texas Department of State Health Service. h. Notice of Claim Ramos, submitted by Law Office of Robert M. Stone, Re: Esmeralda Morales
Discussion and appropriate action authorizing the County Judge to execute a professional services agreement with Marmon Mok in the amount of $1,301,150 for design and construction administration related to new Public Works Building Project as requested by Facilities Management to include the associated budgetary transfer. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
a. 10:30 a.m.: Discussion and appropriate action regarding the 2016-2020 Bexar County Five year Consolidated Plan for the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs. (Estimated Presentation Time: 20 minutes) (Eddie Ortega) b. 10:50 a.m.: immediately following item 4a Discussion and appropriate action regarding the final selections of projects to be funded with Community Development Block Grant ($2,180,749) HOME ($536,215) and ESG ($189,629) Program funds for the 2016-2017 budget year. (Estimated Presentation Time: 20 minutes) (Eddie Ortega)
Presentation discussion and appropriate action authorizing the County Judge to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Munoz & Company in the amount of $1,235,000 for design and services through the completion of construction documents for the necessary upgrades and improvements, Phase 1, to the Bexar County Adult Detention Center Facility (ADC), and appropriate budget transfers. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Dan Curry)
Discussion and appropriate action related to the release of RFP's for Construction Manager at Risk Services related to multiple capital projects as requested by the Facilities Management Department. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Dan Curry)
Presentation, discussion, and appropriate action regarding the intermediate design of the San Pedro Creek Restoration Project. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (David Smith/Suzanne Scott)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding San Pedro Creek Improvements project: a. Approval of a Cooperative Agreement between Bexar County and the San Antonio River Authority for the completion of construction of Phases 1&2 of the San Pedro Creek Improvements project; and b. Authorization for the San Antonio River Authority to enter into an Agreement with Sundt/Davila, J.V., for pre-construction and construction services for Phases 1&2; and c. Authorization for the San Antonio River Authority to enter in to an Agreement with HDR Engineering Munoz & Company, and Pape-Dawson, for pre-construction phase services required for Phases 1&2. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (David Smith/Suzanne Scott)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding de-obligation of 2014 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program funds in the amount of $155,522.10 from Housing Authority of Bexar County. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Eddie Ortega)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the execution of an Agreement with Infor (US), Inc. for the purchase of Upgrade and Cloud Hosting Subscription Services and support for the Infor (Lawson) application implemented in Bexar County not to exceed amount of $754,077.20 for a one-year period beginning July 31, 2016 and ending June 30, 2017 and providing for two (2) automatic one (1) year options to renew, as requested by the Bexar County Information Technology (BCIT) Department, and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for the record. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Catherine Maras)
1. Opening Prayer: Anastacio Hinojosa - Catholic Charities Outreach Director 2. Pledge of Allegiance
CEREMONIAL ITEM(S): a. Presentation of a service pin recognizmg a Bexar County employee for 20 years of service: Name Years Date Employed Office/Department Jacquelyn F. Callanen 20 5-20-1996 Elections Administrator (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court) b. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing and proclaiming October 4, 2016 through October 8, 2016 to be "Peanut Festival Days" in Floresville, Texas celebrating its 72nd Annual Peanut Festival. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Nelson W. Wolff)
TIME CERTAIN ITEMS: a. 10:30 a.m.: Discussion and appropriate action regarding the 2016-2020 Bexar County Five year Consolidated Plan for the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs. (Estimated Presentation Time: 20 minutes) (Eddie Ortega) b. 10:50 a.m.: immediately following item 4a Discussion and appropriate action regarding the final selections of projects to be funded with Community Development Block Grant ($2,180,749) HOME ($536,215) and ESG ($189,629) Program funds for the 2016-2017 budget year. (Estimated Presentation Time: 20 minutes)
All items under the Consent Agenda are heard and acted upon collectively unless opposition is presented, in which case the contested item will be considered, discussed, and appropriate action taken separately. Item(s) Brought by the Commissioners Court: (Court) 9. Approval of a request from Commissioner Tommy Calvert, Precinct 4, to appoint Donnie Whited to the Center for Health Care Services to replace Ruben Zamora for a 2 year term to begin upon appointment and expire on June 30, 2018. 10. Approval of a request from County Judge Nelson W. Wolff to reappoint Commissioner Tommy Calvert as the Bexar County Commissioners Court appointee to the following TIRZ, for a two year term expiring on July 12, 2018: TIRZ Zone 04 (Highland Heights - Precinct 4) TIRZ Zone 09 (Houston Street - Precinct 4) TIRZ Zone 11 (Inner City - Precinct 4) TIRZ Zone 15 (North East Crossing - Precinct 4) 3 Item(s^ Brought by District Attorney: (Nicholas "Nico" LaHood) 11. Approving a revised budget for FY 2014 increasing the reimbursable costs associated with "Direct Other Costs" which includes costs for subpoena services, from $37,500 to $105,000, with said revised budget to be submitted to the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services for legal services rendered by the Criminal District Attorney's Office from 10/2013 through 09/2014. Items(s) Brought by Sheriffs Office: (Susan Pamerleau) 12. Authorization and approval for the Sheriffs to pay bill(s) from Fiscal Year 16 invoices(s) in the amount of $3,137.38 for Polygraph Exam, K-9 Medical Exam and Physicals & Fit for Duty. 13. Request acceptance of Bexar Hugs Auxiliary of the Assistance League of San Antonio's continuing donation of stuffed animals (teddy bears) to the Bexar County Sheriffs Office and approval of a memorandum of understanding. Item(s) Brought by County Tax Assessor-Collector: (Albert Uresti) 14. Approval of a request for the waiver of penalty and interest, for the Bexar County taxing jurisdiction, in the amount of $106.85 on account #04400-948-0260, Ellen T. Skiba, tax year(s) 2015 in accordance with Section 33.011 of the Texas Property Tax Code. 15. Approval of a request for the waiver of penalty and interest, for the Bexar County taxing jurisdiction, in the amount of $.84 on account #07332-019-0362, Susan Cadena, tax year(s) 2015 in accordance with Section 33.011 of the Texas Property Tax Code. 16. Approval of a request for the waiver of penalty and interest, for the Bexar County taxing jurisdiction, in the amount of $619.59 on account #17333-001-0041, Murray Properties Ltd., tax year(s) 2015 in accordance with Section 33.011 of the Texas Property Tax Code. Item(s) Brought by County Auditor: (Susan Yeatts) 17. Authorization and approval for the County Auditor to pay routine bills from Monday, July 11, 2016 through Friday, July 22, 2016. 18. Authorization to distribute payroll, including overtime, uniform allowances, and auto allowances to be paid Friday, July 15, 2016. 19. Approval of bills to include claims registers for Wednesday, June 22, 2016; Friday, June 24, 2016; Wednesday, June 29, 2016; Friday, July 1, 2016; Wednesday, July 6, 2016 and Friday July 8, 2016. 20. Request approval for $238,598.14 in refunds for payments received by the Tax Assessor-Collector's Office in the form of tax overpayments made by individuals, businesses, corporations, etc. due to 21 individual tax accounts per Section 31.11, which have been reviewed by the Auditor's Office and found to be valid. 21. Acceptance of the certification by the County Auditor, pursuant to Local Government Code §111.0108, of additional revenue available for the Bexar County Sheriffs State Asset Forfeiture Fund 313 in the amount of $24,178. The Commissioners Court is not hereby adopting a special budget. Item(s) Brought by Purchasing: (Mary Quinones) 22. Awarding a delivery order to Sam Pack's Five Star Ford to provide for the purchase of two (2) 2016 Ford Explorers in the amount of $62,686.26 as requested by the Judicial Services Department through a State of Texas cooperative agreement; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 23. Awarding a delivery order to Sam Pack's Five Star Ford to provide for the purchase of two (2) 2016 F250 Regular Cab and Animal Transport unit in the amount of $95,503.88 as requested by the Fleet Maintenance Office through a State of Texas contract and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 24. Awarding a delivery order to Sam Pack's Five Star Ford to provide for the purchase of one (1) 2017 Transit Wagon XLT in the amount of $33,019 as requested by the County Clerk's Office through a State of Texas cooperative agreement; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 25. Awarding a delivery order to Sam Pack's Five Star Chevrolet to provide for the purchase of one (1) 2016 Chevrolet Tahoe for the Judicial Services Department in the amount of $35,376.30 through a State of Texas cooperative agreement; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 26. Awarding a delivery order to Pitney Bowes Software, Inc. for the purchase of shipping and mailing services, software maintenance and database access in the total amount of $53,897 as requested by the Bexar County Information Technology Department; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute contract and file appropriate award documents for the record, 27. Award a contract to Gilbert's Utility and Concrete Work, Inc. (ESBE, HABE, MBE, and SBE) for construction services for the Greater Randolph Area Services Program, Inc. Parking Lot Improvements Project, in Precinct 4, in the amount of $121,542 for the Community Resources Department and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 28. Awarding a contract to the lowest and best bid submitted by Park Place Recreation Designs to provide for the purchase of construction services of Fall Zone Material, Playground Equipment and ADA renovations at MacArthur County Park in the amount of $179,837, as requested by the Heritage and Parks Department; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 29. Authorizing the Purchasing Agent to reject bids submitted in response to Bexar County IFB 2016-021 for the purchase of ASSIST, Inc. Basketball Court Project in Precinct 1, and requesting authority to readvertise as requested by the Bexar County Community Resources. 30. Rejecting all proposals submitted in response to RFP Event 436 for stabilization of the ruins at the Hot Wells Bath House as requested by the Heritage and Parks Department. 31. Authorizing the removal and sale of one (1) surplus firearm weapon to retired Bexar County Sheriffs Office Corporal Kimberly M. Robinson in the amount of $414 in accordance with attached Surplus Firearms Equipment List, as requested by the Bexar County Sheriffs Office; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to update the Bexar County Inventory Records and file the appropriate documents for record. 32. Authorizing the removal and sale of one (1) surplus firearm weapon to retired Bexar County Constable Office Deputy Donald Rogers in the amount of $320 as requested by the Bexar County Constable's Office Pet. 2; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to update the Bexar County Inventory Records and file the appropriate documents for record. 33. Awarding a contract to Tiburon Lockers, IXC to provide for the lease of lockers at the Video Visitation Center for a 4 year lease with 5 additional one year options; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 34. Awarding a requirements contract to AG-Pro Texas, LLC and Romeo Equipment Company, LLC to provide for the purchase of Heavy Equipment Parts and Services on a two-year period beginning upon award through May 31, 2018 as requested by the Bexar County Public Works Department, in the estimated combined bi-annual amount of $225,000; authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 35. Awarding the renewal of requirements contract to Clampitt Paper Company for county-wide use in the estimated annual amount of $181,260 to provide for the purchase of bond paper for a period beginning upon award and ending September 30, 2017, as requested by Bexar County department and offices; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for the record. 36. Awarding a requirements contract to Ozarka Materials to provide for the purchase of Thermoplastic Alkyd Resin for the Public Works Department at an estimated annual amount of $200,000 and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 37. Awarding a requirements contract to Alamo Auto Enterprises, Inc. to provide for the purchase of automotive, truck, and equipment glass replacement services on a two-year period beginning upon award and ending June 30, 2018 for a bi-annual estimated amount of $52,010; authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. Item(s) Brought by Community Resources: (Eddie Ortega) 38. Approval of the Agreement between Bexar County and ASSIST, Inc. to provide funds for the Bleacher Installation Project Year 2014 Community Development Block Grant reprogrammed funds in the amount of $20,000. 39. Approval and execution of the contract between Bexar County and Thrive Youth Center, Inc. in the amount of $9,982 to be paid from the Bexar County Prescription Card fund for the Street Outreach Program for a one-year period to begin upon execution of the contract. 40. Approval of the Interlocal Agreement between Bexar County and San Antonio Water System (SAWS) in the amount of $153,820.55 to be paid by SAWS for the utility adjustments in connection with the City of Von Ormy Quaterhorse Street Reconstruction Project at no cost to the County, Precinct 1. 41. Approval of contract totaling $451,355.33 with University Health System for services funded under FY2016-2017 Ryan White Part A Formula for the contract period beginning March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017. Item(s) Brought by Public Works: (Renee Green) 42. Approval of the Ancillary Agreement between Bexar County and Milestone Potranco Development, Ltd. and Field Alteration Request Number 2 between Bexar County and D. Plata Construction Co., LLC, at no cost to the County, in connection with Flood Control Capital Project, Grosenbacher Road at Madrona Outfall, MR30, Precinct Number 1. a. Ancillary Agreement between Bexar County and Milestone Potranco Development, Ltd. for the funding of Field Alteration Number 2. b. Field Alteration Request Number 2 between Bexar County and D. Plata Construction Co., LLC, requesting to increase the contract amount by $74,044.64, and a partial payment retainage release to D. Plata Construction Co., LLC, to be paid by Milestone Potranco Development, Ltd. at no cost to the County. 43. Approval of Final Recapitulation of project cost between Bexar County and Texas Sterling Construction Co., in connection with Public Works Capital Project, Boerne Stage Road. The recapitulation shows a decrease of $503,466.14. The recapitulation shows a final construction amount of $7,707,597.95, Precinct Number 3. 44. Approval of the Interlocal Agreement between Bexar County and San Antonio Water System (SAWS) in the amount of $137,266.99 to be paid by SAWS for utility adjustments on the FM 471 (Culebra Road) Pass Through Finance project and at no cost to the County, Precinct Number 1 & 2. 45. Approval to negotiate with the following firms selected for Public Works Professional Traffic Engineering Services: Atkins North America, Inc. Dannenbaum Engineering Corporation Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. RPS Klotz Associates Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc. 46. Authorizing the County Judge to execute a Release of Lien for the property located in; Parcel 43, Sandy Hills Subdivision, Unit 7, C.B. 4151(A). Owner(s): Vincent and Angelita C. Valdez, Precinct Number 1. 47. Approval to negotiate with Jasmine Engineering, Inc. (SMWBE) for Public Works Capital Improvement Program Construction Inspection Services for Huebner Creek Enhanced Conveyance NWWC, Segment III LC17 Project, Precinct Number 2. 48. Approval of subdivision plat#l 50162 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Big Wolf Creek Corner, owner: Rajsha Real Estate Group, Inc., located southwest of Marbach Road and Big Wolf Creek Road, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone, Precinct Number 1. 49. Approval of subdivision plat#l 50388 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Grosenbacher Ranch Unit 1A Replat, owner: Milestone Potranco Development, LTD, located southwest of Gosenbacher Road and Madrona, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone, Precinct Number 1. 50. Approval of subdivision plat#160259 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Falcon Landing Unit 1 BSL, owner: K.B. Home, located southeast of Catalina Port and Culebra Road - F.M. 471, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone, Precinct Number 1. 51. Approval to rename Branching Pass to Sawyer Valley in accordance with the Addressing Standards as adopted by Bexar County Commissioners Court on April 27, 1993 and last revised on July 12, 1995. The street Sawyer Valley connects with Branching Pass so the change would be to establish continuity, Precinct Number 2. 52. Approval of a Second Amendment to Lease Agreement between Bexar County, Texas and BFSC Group, L.P., for an initial term of three years, plus an optional two year extension for the currently leased 6,000 square feet of rentable office space located at 8407 Bandera Road, at an initial rate of $12,780 per month, effective April 1, 2016, for the continued use by the Tax Office for their NW Tax Office location, Precinct Number 2. 53. Authorizing the purchase of a Permanent Drainage Easement being 0.015 of an acre, or 649 square feet, tract of land being out of Lot 4, Block 3, of the Helotes Park Subdivision, recorded in Volume 4900, Pages 231 - 239 of the Deed and Plat Records of Bexar County, Texas, said Lot 4 conveyed to David M. Caton, and wife, Janice K. Caton by instrument recorded in Volume 7401, Pages 1982 - 1983 of the Official Public Records of Bexar County, Texas, from David M. Caton and wife, Janice K. Caton in the amount of $9,960 total appraised value, including administrative settlement for damages not included in appraisal, plus applicable closing costs. French Creek Tributary NWWC (LC23) Flood Control Project, Precinct Number 3. 54. Authorizing the purchase of a Permanent Drainage Easement being 0.027 of an acre, or 1,182 square feet, tract of land being out of Lot 18, Block 1 of the Evans Valley Acres Subdivision, recorded in Volume 6400, Pages 185-188 of the Deed and Plat Records of Bexar County, Texas, said Lot 18 conveyed to Jerry J. Estrada and Jane E. Estrada by instrument recorded in Volume 8740, Pages 301 - 303 of the Official Public Records of Bexar County, Texas, all within C.B. 4526A of the City of Helotes, Bexar County, Texas from Jerry J. Estrada and Jane E. Estrada, Owners of Record, in the amount of $2,000 total appraised value, plus applicable closing costs. French Creek Tributary NWWC (LC23) Flood Control Project, Precinct Number 3. 55. Authorizing the purchase of a Permanent Drainage Easement being 0.032 of an acre, or 1,374 square feet, tract of land being out of Lot 19, Block 1 of the Evans Valley Acres Subdivision, recorded in Volume 6400, Pages 185 - 188 of the Deed and Plat Records of Bexar County, Texas, said Lot 19 conveyed to the Trustees of the June Sako Living Trust, by instrument recorded in Volume 15337, Pages 1941 - 1974 of the Official Public Records of Bexar County, Texas, all within C.B. 4526A of the City of Helotes, Bexar County, Texas from Yuexin He and Xiao Dong Jin, Owners of Record, in the amount of $2,300 total appraised value, plus applicable closing costs. French Creek Tributary NWWC (LC23) Flood Control Project, Precinct Number 3. 56. Authorizing the purchase of a Permanent Drainage Easement being 0.355 of an acre, or 15,459 square feet tract of land being out of Lot 2, Block 3 of the Evans Valley Acres Subdivision, recorded in Volume 6400, Pages 185 - 188 of the Deed and Plat Records of Bexar County, Texas, said Lot 2 conveyed to Ruben Yanez, Sr. and Sylvia M. Yanez by instrument recorded in Volume 11599, Pages 208 - 210 of the Official Public Records of Bexar County, Texas, all within the C.B. 4526A of the City of Helotes, Bexar County, Texas, from Ruben Yanez, Sr. and Sylvia M. Yanez, Owners of Record, in the amount of $48,200, total appraised value, including administrative settlement for damages not included in appraisal, plus applicable closing costs. French Creek Tributary NWWC (LC23) Flood Control Project, Precinct Number 3. Item(s) Brought by Resource Management: (Tina Smith-Dean) 66. Approval of a change request to the client Specification Document with Benelogic, LLC for configuration for setup of voluntary benefit plans associated with Minnesota Life. 67. Approval of the appointment of Frost Bank (acting as the Senior Manager), Estrada Hinojosa, and Siebert Brandford Shank & Company as members of the Underwriting Syndicate for the proposed issuance of "Bexar County, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2016". Item(s) Brought by Judicial Services: (Mike Lozito) 68. Approval and execution of the Sixth Amendment and Extension to Agreement between Center for Healthcare Services to increase funding by $29,500 for treatment services to the Adult Felony Drug Court participants utilizing Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Grant#lH79TI026078-01 and Grant#5H79TI0224177-03 and Bureau of Justice Grant# 2015-DC-BX0059. The term of the Agreement will begin September 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016 and not exceed $388,064.42. 69. Approval and execution of the Seventh Amendment to an Agreement for Professional Services between Bexar County and Elite Counseling to increase funding by $39,835.59 to provide treatment services to the Felony Drug Court; Felony Dual Diagnosis, Felony Reentry and Esperanza Courts for an amount not to exceed $287,623.84. The term of the Agreement will begin September 30, 2015 through September 29, 2016 with approved funding from the SAMHSA Grant Year 1, Grant# 1H79TI026078-01, Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant# 2015-DC-BX0059 and Criminal Justice Division Grant#2760302. 70. Approval and execution of the Fifth Amendment to Agreement for Professional Services between Bexar County and San Antonio Lifetime Recovery Inc., to increase the amount by $39,675.23 for substance abuse treatment services for the Misdemeanor Adult Drug Court with approved funding not to exceed $195,653.23 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration Grant#lH79TI026078-01 funding to cover the grant terms of September 30, 2015 to September 29, 2016.
Attorney's Office to take action, if necessary: a. Security Guard Services Agreement between Bexar County and Blue Armor Security Services, Inc., approved June 7, 2016. b. Third Amendment to Interlocal Agreement, the City of San Antonio and the Board of Directors for the Verano TIRZ, approved May 3, 2016. c. Amended and Restated Development Agreement with the City of San Antonio, Bexar County, Verano Land Group, LP and the Board of Directors of the Verano TIRZ, approved May 3, 2016. d. Non-Disclosure Agreement between Bexar County and CIVQ Smartscapes, LLC, approved May 17, 2016. e. Memorandum of Agreement between Bexar County and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for Vehicle Idling Limitations, approved May 3, 2016. f. Agreement for Reap Contribution and Services between Bexar County and Residential Energy Assistance Partnership, Inc., approved May 17, 2016. g. Contract between Bexar County and the Texas Department of State Health Service. h. Notice of Claim Ramos, submitted by Law Office of Robert M. Stone, Re: Esmeralda Morales
Discussion and appropriate action authorizing the County Judge to execute a professional services agreement with Marmon Mok in the amount of $1,301,150 for design and construction administration related to new Public Works Building Project as requested by Facilities Management to include the associated budgetary transfer. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
a. 10:30 a.m.: Discussion and appropriate action regarding the 2016-2020 Bexar County Five year Consolidated Plan for the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs. (Estimated Presentation Time: 20 minutes) (Eddie Ortega) b. 10:50 a.m.: immediately following item 4a Discussion and appropriate action regarding the final selections of projects to be funded with Community Development Block Grant ($2,180,749) HOME ($536,215) and ESG ($189,629) Program funds for the 2016-2017 budget year. (Estimated Presentation Time: 20 minutes) (Eddie Ortega)
Presentation discussion and appropriate action authorizing the County Judge to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Munoz & Company in the amount of $1,235,000 for design and services through the completion of construction documents for the necessary upgrades and improvements, Phase 1, to the Bexar County Adult Detention Center Facility (ADC), and appropriate budget transfers. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Dan Curry)
Discussion and appropriate action related to the release of RFP's for Construction Manager at Risk Services related to multiple capital projects as requested by the Facilities Management Department. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Dan Curry)
Presentation, discussion, and appropriate action regarding the intermediate design of the San Pedro Creek Restoration Project. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (David Smith/Suzanne Scott)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding San Pedro Creek Improvements project: a. Approval of a Cooperative Agreement between Bexar County and the San Antonio River Authority for the completion of construction of Phases 1&2 of the San Pedro Creek Improvements project; and b. Authorization for the San Antonio River Authority to enter into an Agreement with Sundt/Davila, J.V., for pre-construction and construction services for Phases 1&2; and c. Authorization for the San Antonio River Authority to enter in to an Agreement with HDR Engineering Munoz & Company, and Pape-Dawson, for pre-construction phase services required for Phases 1&2. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (David Smith/Suzanne Scott)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding de-obligation of 2014 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program funds in the amount of $155,522.10 from Housing Authority of Bexar County. (Estimated Presentation Time: 15 minutes) (Eddie Ortega)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the execution of an Agreement with Infor (US), Inc. for the purchase of Upgrade and Cloud Hosting Subscription Services and support for the Infor (Lawson) application implemented in Bexar County not to exceed amount of $754,077.20 for a one-year period beginning July 31, 2016 and ending June 30, 2017 and providing for two (2) automatic one (1) year options to renew, as requested by the Bexar County Information Technology (BCIT) Department, and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for the record. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Catherine Maras)