1. Opening Prayer: Marlena Kelly (Paul Elizondo) 2. Pledge of Allegiance (Paul Elizondo)
a. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing the Filipino veterans of World War II in recognition of their loyal and selfless service to the Philippines and to the United States. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Tommy Calvert) b. Presentation of a resolution on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing the political and social contributions of Henry B. Gonzalez on the centennial celebration of the late congressman's birth; and awarding an Hidalgo each to his widow Bertha Gonzalez, son Charles Gonzalez and posthumously to Congressman Gonzalez. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Court/Paul Elizondo) c. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing May 25, 2016 as "The Children's Hospital of San Antonio Day" in Bexar County. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 Minutes) (Court/Nelson Wolff) d. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing May 2016 as National Historic Preservation Month. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 Minutes) (Court/Nelson Wolff) e. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing the week of May 15 2016 to May 21, 2016 as National Public Works Week. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Court/Sergio "Chico" Rodriguez)
a. In observance of Memorial Day 2016, a ceremony will be held at Commissioners Court on May 17, 2016 to honor those service members from Bexar County and surrounding area who have died while serving our country over the past year. (Estimated Presentation Time: 25 minutes) (Marlena Kelly)
Communications from citizens who signed the register to speak.
Discussion and appropriate action regarding a Real Estate Lease Agreement between Bexar County, Texas and South San Antonio Independent School District for a term of four (4) years with four (4) one-year renewal options in the amount of $64,000 annually for space located at 1450 Gillette Blvd., formerly known as Olivares Elementary School, for use by the Sheriffs Training Academy and Center for Professional Development. Precinct 1. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the County Judge to execute a Professional Services Agreement between Bexar County and Piwonka Sturrock LLC in the amount of $27,900 for Architectural and Engineering Services in connection with design documents for the renovation of the 3r floor, Children's Court Special Programs, Bexar County Courthouse, and approval of the appropriate budgetary transfer. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding authority for the San Antonio River Authority to negotiate with the highest ranked proposer to hire a Construction Manager-at-Risk for the San Pedro Creek Improvements project, with an agreement to be brought to Commissioners Court for approval at a later date. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes)
Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding an Incentive Application submitted by Audubon Metals Texas, LLC. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding a Memorandum of Understanding between Alamo Colleges Economic and Workforce Development Department and Bexar County for the provision of Support Help Desk (Network+ certification) and I-BEST training with associated coursework. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the electronic grant application to the Joint (BJA/SAMHSA) Adult Drug Court Solicitation to Enhance Services, Coordination, and Treatment FY 2016 Competitive Grant Announcement for the Bexar County Adult Drug Court, in the amount of $1,582,167 which includes $1,375,000 in federal funds and $207,167 in in-kind local match, and acceptance of funds if awarded. The term of the grant is from October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2019. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the execution of a Professional Services contract with the Center for Health Care Services for the purpose of providing mental health and support services in the criminal justice system in order to divert persons with mental illness from the Magistrate's office of from the Bexar County Adult Detention Center into treatment. The term of the contract is for the period October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016, for an amount not to exceed $1,437,000, to include appropriate budget transfer of $187,000. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding a request to adopt a Resolution opposing the Texas Department of Motor Vehicle's recent proposed rule changes affecting motor vehicle title and registration process and handling fees, the Tax Assessor-Collector's Office, and various deputy classification types. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action considering approval of an order adopting the Bexar County Commissioners Court Canvassing Authority Report for the purpose of certifying the results of the Special Election for the Unexpired Term of State Representative 120 held with the Joint General, Special and Bond Election held on Saturday, May 7, 2016, in Bexar County, Texas. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
All items under the Consent Agenda are heard and acted upon collectively unless opposition is presented, in which case the contested item will be considered, discussed, and appropriate action taken separately. Item(s) Brought by the County Clerk: (Gerard Rickhoff) 10. Approval of the following item related to the Bexar County Clerk's Electronic Recording Program: a. Resolution of the Bexar County Commissioners Court and the Bexar County Clerk in Support of an Electronic Recording Program being implemented and Maintained by the Office of the Bexar County Clerk; and b. Attachment A: Agreement of Understanding "AOU" (Regarding Electronic Recording by the Bexar County Clerk's Office); and c. Attachment B: Policy and Procedures in Connection with the Use of the Bexar County Clerk's e-recording Program. Items(s) Brought by Sheriffs Office: (Susan Pamerleau) 11. Approval of a grant application to the Texas School Safety Center, Texas State University for the solicitation entitled Tobacco Enforcement Program (TEP) FY 2017 in the amount of $61,950 to continue efforts to enforce tobacco compliance laws; no cash match; to allow officers to work overtime to conduct Controlled Buy/Sting operations on 826 retailers throughout Bexar County; and acceptance of funding upon contract execution for contract term from September 1, 2016 to August 31, 2017. 12. Authorization and approval for the Sheriffs to pay bill(s) from Fiscal Year 16 invoice(s) in the amount of $391.42 for inspection on equipment, items for K9 and items for our Crisis Intervention Team. Item(s) Brought by County Auditor: (Susan Yeatts) 13. Authorization and approval for the County Auditor to pay routine bills from Monday, May 16, 2016 through Friday, June 3, 2016. 14. Authorization to distribute payroll, including overtime, uniform allowances, and auto allowances to be paid Tuesday, May 31, 2016. 15. Approval of bills to include claims registers for Wednesday, May 4 2016, Friday, May 6, 2016, Wednesday, May 11, 2016, and Friday, May 13, 2016. 16. Approval of Tax Assessor-Collector's Report of Taxes collected in April 2016 and approval of the order transferring tax collections for the month of April 2016 from unallocated receipts. 17. Acceptance of the certification by the County Auditor, pursuant to Local Government Code §111.0108, of additional revenue available for the Bexar County Sheriffs State Asset Forfeiture Fund 312 in the amount of $17,550. The Commissioners Court is not hereby adopting a special budget. 18. Request approval for $385,551.43 in refunds for payments received by Tax Assessor-Collector's Office in the form of tax overpayments made by individuals, businesses, corporations, etc. due to 20 individual tax accounts per Section 31.11, which have been reviewed by the Auditor's Office and found to be valid. Item(s) Brought by Fire Marshal's Office: (Chris Lopez) 19. Approval of a request from the Fire Marshal's Office authorizing the County Auditor to pay invoices #4677 in the amount of $83.00 to Ribelin Sales, Inc. for inside delivery charges for an order of evidence supplies delivered in FY15. Item(s) Brought by County Tax Assessor-Collector: (Albert Uresti) 20. Approval of a request for the waiver of penalty and interest, for the Bexar County taxing jurisdiction, in the amount of $47.97 on account #19031-099-0840, Escobedo Pablo Jr., tax year(s) 2015 in accordance with Section 33.011 of the Texas Property Tax Code. 21. Approval of a request for the waiver of penalty and interest, for the Bexar County taxing jurisdiction, in the amount of $29.55 on account #16951-045-0590, Escobedo Pablo Jr., tax year(s) 2015 in accordance with Section 33.011 of the Texas Property Tax Code. 22. Approval of a request for the waiver of penalty and interest, for the Bexar County taxing jurisdiction, in the amount of $75.08 on account #14595-103-2080, Delia Martinez, tax year(s) 2014 in accordance with Section 33.011 of the Texas Property Tax Code. 23. Approval of a request for the waiver of penalty and interest, for the Bexar County taxing jurisdiction, in the amount of $54.64 on account #18089-021-0720, Clem Bruce &Patricia, tax year(s) 2015 in accordance with Section 33.011 of the Texas Property Tax Code. 24. Approval of a request for the waiver of penalty and interest, for the Bexar County taxing jurisdiction, in the amount of $93.47 on account #09043-003-0120, Azima Yasaman Living Trust, tax year(s) 2015 in accordance with Section 33.011 of the Texas Property Tax Code. Item(s) Brought by Civil District Courts: (Judge Peter Sakai) 25. Approval of a submission of an electronic grant application to the Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency and Prevention (OJJDP) for the Bexar County Family Drug Court in the amount of $533,334 which includes $400,000 in Federal funds and $133,334 in local in-kind matching funds and acceptance of funds if awarded. The term of the grant is from October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2019. Item(s) Brought by Purchasing: (Mary Quinones) 26. Awarding a delivery order to AAA Time Saver Services to provide for the purchase of construction services to furnish all labor and materials for the ADC Video Visitation and Re-Entry Door Modification Project, in the amount of $68,865, as requested by the Facilities Management Department; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute contract and file appropriate award documents for the record. 27. Ratification granting a discretionary exemption for the purpose of awarding a contract on a sole source basis to VOTEC to purchase Election Management Software with Votesafe for the August 25, 2015 through August 24, 2016 in the amount of $137,318 as requested by the Elections Department; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate documents for the record. 28. Awarding a contract to the lowest and best bid submitted by Park Place Recreation Designs (ESBE) to provide for the purchase of construction services of Fall Zone Material, ADA renovations and playground equipment at Mission County Park #2 in Precinct 1 in the amount of $151,398 as requested by the Heritage and Parks Department; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 29. Awarding a delivery order to Mainline Information Systems, Inc. for the purchase of onsite and remote system programming support in the amount of $195,000, for the Information Technology Department; through a State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) contract and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute contract and file appropriate award documents for the record. Item(s) Brought by Community Resources: (Eddie Ortega) 30. Authorization for the County Judge to sign an Inter-local Agreement between Bexar County and CPS Energy for the Residential Energy Assistance Partnership, Inc. Program (REAP) to provide utility assistance to qualified CPS Energy rate-payers. 31. Approval and execution of the Management Agreement between Bexar County and the New Hope Church for the new Hope Children's Center utilizing Program Year 2015 Community Development Block Grant funds in the amount of $4,862.80. Item(s) Brought by Public Works: (Renee Green) 32. Approval of a Revival and Fourth Amendment to Lease Agreement between Bexar County, Texas and SATX SCL, LLC, a Texas Limited Liability Company (as successor in interest to Scott C. Looney and others), dba Conroy Square, for a period of three years, for the currently leased 7,030 square feet of rentable office space located at 3355 Cherry Ridge, Suites 208 and 212, at an initial rate of $10,545 per month, effective April 1, 2016, for the continued use by the Texas Agri-Life Extension Service. Precinct Number 3 33. Approval of the First Amendment to the Professional Construction Material Testing and Inspection Services Agreement between Bexar County and Burge Martinez Consulting, Inc., (SMWBE) in the amount of $3,780 for a total not to exceed contract amount of $13,260 in connection with the Flood Control Capital Project, Cacias Road LWC, SA45, Purchase Order Number 907045, Precinct Number 4. 34. Approval of a two-year Right-of-Entry Permit to the United States of America for the right to use Bullis County Park for a temporary 30-minute rest/refueling stop for the military, for the period of time from April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2018. Precinct Number 3 35. Approval of Final Recapitulation of project cost between Bexar County and Capital Excavation in connection with Public Works Capital Project, Bulverde Road Phase V; indicating a decrease in the amount by $220,340.86 and a final construction amount of $8,071,478.37. Precinct Number 3. 36. Approval of subdivision plat#l 50390 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Champions Park Unit 4D, owner: Pulte Homes of Texas, L.P., located southwest of Unbridled and Night Star, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 1. 37. Approval of subdivision plat#l 50413 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Talise de Culebra Unit 6A, owner: LGI Homes-Texas, LLC, located southeast of Waterlily Way and Watersedge CV, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 2. 38. Approval of subdivision plat#140296 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: MR Estates Subdivision, owner: Michael G. Rodriguez, located southeast of Trumbo Road and Pleasanton Road, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 1. 39. Approval of subdivision plat#l 50578 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Seale Unit 9, owner: Milestone Potranco Development, LTD, located northeast of Ivory Keys and Emerald Edge, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 1. 40. Approval of subdivision plat#160064 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Westpointe East Unit 22-0, owner: CW-Westpointe, LLC, located southwest of Merrit Vista and Wilby lane, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 1. 41. Authorizing the purchase of a Permanent Drainage Easement being 0.107 of an acre (4,654 square feet) tract of land being out of Lot 13, Block 3 of the Evans Valley Acres Subdivision, recorded in Volume 6400, Pages 185-188 of the Deed and Plat Records of Bexar County, Texas, said Lot 13 conveyed to Leon P. Persyn and wife, Kathleen R. Persyn, by instrument recorded in Volume 1907, Pages 542 - 543 of the Official Public Records of Bexar County, Texas all within CB 4526A of the City of Helotes, Bexar County, Texas in the amount of $15,750, total appraised value, plus applicable closing costs. French Creek Tributary NWWC (LC23) Flood Control Project. Precinct Number 3. 42. Authorizing the purchase of a Permanent Drainage Easement being 0.271 of an acre (11,802 square feet) tract of land being out of a 5.661 acre tract conveyed to Pamela Abee-Taulli and Kathleen Hagino-Davidson by instrument recorded in Volume 3728, Page 216 - 218 of the Official Public Records of Bexar County, Texas, all within the CB 4526 of the City of Helotes, Bexar County, Texas from Pamela Abee-Taulli and Kathleen Hagino-Davidson, Owners of Record in the amount of $9,000, total appraised value, plus applicable closing costs. French Creek Tributary NWWC (LC23) Flood Control Project. Precinct Number 3. 43. Authorizing the purchase of a Permanent Drainage Easement being 0.083 of an acre (3,614 square feet) tract of land being out of Lot 1, Block 1 of the Cedar Springs Subdivision Unit 7, recorded in Volume 9531, Page 110 of the Deed and Plat Records of Bexar County, Texas, said Lot 1 conveyed to James A. Meiske and Laura J. Meiske by instrument recorded in Volume 8200, Page 280 - 282 of the Official Public Records of Bexar County, Texas from James A. Meiske and Laura J. Meiske, Owners of Record in the amount of $6,000, total appraised value, plus applicable closing costs. French Creek Tributary NWWC (LC23) Flood Control Project. Precinct Number 3. 44. Approval to establish Traffic Control devices as Stop Zones, School Zone, and No Parking Anytime Zones at specified locations in Precincts 1, 2 and 3. STOP ZONES TO BE ESTABLISHED: Precinct Number 1 Amber Creek Unit 3 A Plat #110316 The Stop Sign shall be on Buckhorn Bayou at its intersection with Balboa Island, (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Buckhorn Bayou at its intersection with Placid Bay. (1 stop) Alamo Ranch Unit 14A Plat #140381 The Stop Sign shall be on Brewster Mill at its intersection with Freeport Leaf. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Freeport Leaf at its intersection with Red Maple Way. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Freeport Leaf at its intersection with Lone Star Leaf. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Sweetwater Way at its intersection with Red Maple Way. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Sweetwater Way at its intersection with Lone Star Leaf. (1 stop) Precinct Number 2 Savannah Subdivision Unit IB Plat #140535 The Stop Sign shall be on Belgian Falls at its intersection with Joplin Terrace. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Palmetto Falls at its intersection with Ranch Bend. (1 stop) SCHOOL ZONE TO BE ESTABLISHED: Precinct Number 2 Franklin Elementary Rescind Commissioners Court order dated 9/17/2013 stating that the maximum speed limit on Silver Spot from 200 ft. north of Raw Silver to 200 ft. south of Raw Silver shall be 20 mph (when flashing) on school days only. This rescind is due to extension of school zone. The maximum speed limit on Silver Spot from 200 ft. north of Raw Silver to 1000 ft. south of Raw Silver shall be 20 mph (when flashing) on school days only. NO PARKING ANYTIME ZONES TO BE ESTABLISHED: Precinct Number 1 No Parking Anytime (tow-away zone) on Military Dr West from Creek Pebble to 740 ft. west of Creek Pebble on north side of road only. Precinct Number 3 No Parking Anytime (tow-away zone) on Boerae Stage Rd both sides of road from Cross Mountain Trail eastbound to Baywater Stage. 45. Order accepting the following streets and drains in the identified subdivisions for County maintenance to begin May 17,2016: SUBDIVISION STREET/DRAIN Preserve at Indian Springs, Unit 2, Phase 4 Plat Number 130358 Precinct # 3 Preserve Peak 782.23 If Asphalt Width: 28' Preserve Pass 344.12 If Asphalt Width: 28' Preserve Rise 533.59 If Asphalt Width: 28' Westpointe East, Unit 22-K.l Plat Number 140229 Precinct # 1 Derussy Hills 563.58 If Asphalt Width: 28' Delafield Pass 228.96 If Asphalt Width: 28' Pitcher Road 488.76 If Asphalt Width: 28' Tower Forest 362.1 If Asphalt Width: 28' Reserve of Lost Creek, Unit 3-A Plat Number 130401 Precinct # 3 Paraiso Crest 398.07 If Asphalt Width: 28' Paraiso Manor 813.11 If Asphalt Width: 28' Wolf Creek, Unit 5 and Unit 6-B Plat Number 130029 Precinct # 1 Gray Fox Creek 1,509.55 If Asphalt Width: 322.79 If of 40'wide Asphalt Width: 1,186.76 If of 28' wide Gentle Fox Bay 1,431.59 If Asphalt Width: 28' Blue Wolf Pier 671.63 If Asphalt Width: 28' Drain "A" 11.0 If Drain "B" 44.16 If SUBDIVISION STREET/DRAIN Redbird Ranch Reeves Loop, Phase 2 Plat Number 140005 Precinct # 1 Asphalt Width: 24' wide Reeves Loop (Eastbound Lanes) 822.44 If Asphalt Width: 27'wide Reeves Loop (Westbound Lanes) 822.44 If Drain "A" 59.45 If Drain "B" 28.51 If Drain "C" 166.58 If Windfield, Unit 7-R Plat Number 130030 Precinct # 4 Uresti Fields 774.69 If Asphalt Width: 28' Foster Fields 241.23 If Asphalt Width: 28' Drain "A" 11.0 If Drain "C" 61.74 If Talise de Culebra, Unit 5-B Plat Number 130372 Precinct # 2 Champions Park, Unit 8 Plat Number 130584 Precinct # 1 Shoreline Drive 815.36 If Asphalt Width: 28' Oxbow Way 775.36 If Asphalt Width: 28' Bluewater Cove 146.96 If Asphalt Width: 28' Waterlily Way 304.41 If Asphalt Width: 40' Clearwater Cove 44.06 If Asphalt Width: 28' Silver Rose 364.94 If Asphalt Width: 28' Decidedly 150.71 If Asphalt Width: 28' Night Fight 1,111.71 If Asphalt Width: 28' War Emblem 640.97 If Asphalt Width: 28' Applejack 150.71 If Asphalt Width: 28' Drain "A" 11.0 If Drain "B" 31.02 If Stillwater Ranch, Unit 16 & 19 Plat Number 140379 Precinct # 2 Lajitas Bend 418.77 If Asphalt Width: 28' Study Butte 490.93 If Asphalt Width: 28' Twisted Spur 713.46 If Asphalt Width: 28' Shady Mountain 943.04 If Asphalt Width: 28' Silver Pointe 770.35 If Asphalt Width: 44' Drain "A" 136.0 If SUBDIVISION STREET/DRAIN Sanctuary, Unit 5-B Handies Peak 952.06 If Plat Number 130302 Asphalt Width: 28' Precinct # 2 Pikes Peak 432.49 If Asphalt Width: 28' Snowmass Mount 658.9 If Asphalt Width: 28' Drain "K" 110.43 If Item(s) Brought by Economic Development: (David Marquez) 46. Authorization and approval for the Economic Development Department to pay an invoice in the amount of $5,000 as submitted by Free Flow Research for the sponsorship of an Information Technology Economic Impact Study. 47. Authorization and approval for the Economic Development Department to pay an invoice in the amount of $5,000 as submitted by Tech Bloc for sponsorship of the 2016 Tech Bloc Rally. Item(s) Brought by the County Manager: (David Smith) 48. Approval of a Non-Disclosure Agreement between Bexar County and CIVIQ Smartscapes, LLC. Item(s) Brought by Judicial Services: (Mike Lozito) 49. Approval of the submission of a grant application to the U.S. Department of Justice for the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program FY 2016 Competitive Grant Announcement for the Central Magistration Diversion Program administered by the Department of Judicial Services in the amount of $312,500 which includes a required in-kind match in the amount of $62,500 over the course of three years; the term of the grant will be from October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2019; acceptance of funding if award. (The grant is due on May 19,2016). Item(s) Brought by Resource Management: (Tina Smith-Dean) 50. Approval of Budget Transfer (BT16-001) as requested by Judicial Services in the amount of $685,356 from the Non Departmental Contingency budget to Central Magistration Facility to cover the cost of operating expenses at the Central Magistration Facility located at 401 S. Frio St. 51. Approval of a letter agreement between Bexar County and Aetna to comply with Texas Government Code 2251.021 relating to the definition of late payments by a governmental entity and including language that prohibits Aetna from subcontracting with offshore subcontractors to provide member services relating to private information such as claims, patient management or network management. 52. Approval of an amendment to the Master Service Agreement between Bexar County and Aetna to include language to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) Omnibus Rule relating to privacy, security, enforcement, and breach notification rules and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. 53. Approval of an access agreement between Bexar County and Aetna to provide Bexar County employees access to the Vital Savings Program, a program that provides discounted dental services to enrollees. Item(s) Brought by Bexar Heritage and Parks (Betty Bueche) 54. Authorizing the County Auditor staff to pay invoices from Union Pacific Railroad in conjunction with the Hot Wells County Park Stabilization Project, totaling $15,396.43. Item(s) Brought by Facilities: (Dan Curry) 55. Authorization to execute Professional Services Agreement Amendment #2 between Bexar County and DHR Architects, in an amount not to exceed $32,065.60 in fees for the architectural and engineering services related to ADC Annex to be located at 200 N Comal St., San Antonio, TX 78207.
8. Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attorney's Office to take action, if necessary: a. First Amendment to Cooperative Agreement between Bexar County, Texas, and the City of San Antonio River Authority to complete the design for the San Pedro Creek Improvement Project, approved on April 19, 2016. b. Bexar County Sheriffs Office State Asset Forfeiture Fund 312. c. Notice of claim submitted by the Law Office of Grace M. Vzomba, Re: Manuel Castro vs. Facilities Management Department. d. Notice of Citation Directed to Bexar County by Serving its Registered Agent, County Judge Nelson W. Wolff, Re: Alexea Combs vs. Bexar County. e. Notice of Claim pursuant to Texas Tort Claims submitted by BLF Baseluos Law Firm, Re: Melanie Huerta-Perez, legal guardian and parent of Emerie Huerta. f. Certified letter from John Marsh to Shapiro Schwartz, LLP, Re: Notice of Trustee's Sale from May 3, 2016 - John Marsh & Ingrid Marsh for property located on 2 Montique Court, San Antonio, Texas. 9. Approval of Commissioners Court minutes for May 3, 2016.
a. 11:30 a.m.: Convene as Board of Directors, Bexar County Housing Finance Corporation. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Board/Norton Rose Fulbright) b. 11:40 a.m. or immediately following item 5(a): Convene as Board of Directors, Bexar County Health Facilities Development Corporation. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Board/Norton Rose Fulbright) c. 11:50 a.m. or immediately following item 5(b): Convene as Board of Directors, Bexar County Industrial Development Corporation. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Board/Norton Rose Fulbright)
66. § 551.071 Consultation with Attorney for advice regarding: a. Legal issues pertaining to the following matters in which the duty of the attorney for Bexar County under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas Clearly conflicts with the Open Meetings Act: i. Constable Vehicle Use and Overtime policies;
Discussion and appropriate action regarding acceptance of an FLSA summary report regarding non-exempt County personnel that have accrued FLSA hours in excess of 199 but less than 240, and law enforcement personnel FLSA hours in excess of 439 but less than 480, as of the month ending April 2016. Authorization to pay those employees who have accumulated hours in excess of the FLSA maximum level for an estimated amount of $32,396. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) Adjournment.
1. Opening Prayer: Marlena Kelly (Paul Elizondo) 2. Pledge of Allegiance (Paul Elizondo)
a. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing the Filipino veterans of World War II in recognition of their loyal and selfless service to the Philippines and to the United States. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Tommy Calvert) b. Presentation of a resolution on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing the political and social contributions of Henry B. Gonzalez on the centennial celebration of the late congressman's birth; and awarding an Hidalgo each to his widow Bertha Gonzalez, son Charles Gonzalez and posthumously to Congressman Gonzalez. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Court/Paul Elizondo) c. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing May 25, 2016 as "The Children's Hospital of San Antonio Day" in Bexar County. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 Minutes) (Court/Nelson Wolff) d. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing May 2016 as National Historic Preservation Month. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 Minutes) (Court/Nelson Wolff) e. Presentation of a proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing the week of May 15 2016 to May 21, 2016 as National Public Works Week. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Court/Sergio "Chico" Rodriguez)
a. In observance of Memorial Day 2016, a ceremony will be held at Commissioners Court on May 17, 2016 to honor those service members from Bexar County and surrounding area who have died while serving our country over the past year. (Estimated Presentation Time: 25 minutes) (Marlena Kelly)
Communications from citizens who signed the register to speak.
Discussion and appropriate action regarding a Real Estate Lease Agreement between Bexar County, Texas and South San Antonio Independent School District for a term of four (4) years with four (4) one-year renewal options in the amount of $64,000 annually for space located at 1450 Gillette Blvd., formerly known as Olivares Elementary School, for use by the Sheriffs Training Academy and Center for Professional Development. Precinct 1. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the County Judge to execute a Professional Services Agreement between Bexar County and Piwonka Sturrock LLC in the amount of $27,900 for Architectural and Engineering Services in connection with design documents for the renovation of the 3r floor, Children's Court Special Programs, Bexar County Courthouse, and approval of the appropriate budgetary transfer. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding authority for the San Antonio River Authority to negotiate with the highest ranked proposer to hire a Construction Manager-at-Risk for the San Pedro Creek Improvements project, with an agreement to be brought to Commissioners Court for approval at a later date. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes)
Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding an Incentive Application submitted by Audubon Metals Texas, LLC. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding a Memorandum of Understanding between Alamo Colleges Economic and Workforce Development Department and Bexar County for the provision of Support Help Desk (Network+ certification) and I-BEST training with associated coursework. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the electronic grant application to the Joint (BJA/SAMHSA) Adult Drug Court Solicitation to Enhance Services, Coordination, and Treatment FY 2016 Competitive Grant Announcement for the Bexar County Adult Drug Court, in the amount of $1,582,167 which includes $1,375,000 in federal funds and $207,167 in in-kind local match, and acceptance of funds if awarded. The term of the grant is from October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2019. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the execution of a Professional Services contract with the Center for Health Care Services for the purpose of providing mental health and support services in the criminal justice system in order to divert persons with mental illness from the Magistrate's office of from the Bexar County Adult Detention Center into treatment. The term of the contract is for the period October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016, for an amount not to exceed $1,437,000, to include appropriate budget transfer of $187,000. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding a request to adopt a Resolution opposing the Texas Department of Motor Vehicle's recent proposed rule changes affecting motor vehicle title and registration process and handling fees, the Tax Assessor-Collector's Office, and various deputy classification types. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
Discussion and appropriate action considering approval of an order adopting the Bexar County Commissioners Court Canvassing Authority Report for the purpose of certifying the results of the Special Election for the Unexpired Term of State Representative 120 held with the Joint General, Special and Bond Election held on Saturday, May 7, 2016, in Bexar County, Texas. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes)
All items under the Consent Agenda are heard and acted upon collectively unless opposition is presented, in which case the contested item will be considered, discussed, and appropriate action taken separately. Item(s) Brought by the County Clerk: (Gerard Rickhoff) 10. Approval of the following item related to the Bexar County Clerk's Electronic Recording Program: a. Resolution of the Bexar County Commissioners Court and the Bexar County Clerk in Support of an Electronic Recording Program being implemented and Maintained by the Office of the Bexar County Clerk; and b. Attachment A: Agreement of Understanding "AOU" (Regarding Electronic Recording by the Bexar County Clerk's Office); and c. Attachment B: Policy and Procedures in Connection with the Use of the Bexar County Clerk's e-recording Program. Items(s) Brought by Sheriffs Office: (Susan Pamerleau) 11. Approval of a grant application to the Texas School Safety Center, Texas State University for the solicitation entitled Tobacco Enforcement Program (TEP) FY 2017 in the amount of $61,950 to continue efforts to enforce tobacco compliance laws; no cash match; to allow officers to work overtime to conduct Controlled Buy/Sting operations on 826 retailers throughout Bexar County; and acceptance of funding upon contract execution for contract term from September 1, 2016 to August 31, 2017. 12. Authorization and approval for the Sheriffs to pay bill(s) from Fiscal Year 16 invoice(s) in the amount of $391.42 for inspection on equipment, items for K9 and items for our Crisis Intervention Team. Item(s) Brought by County Auditor: (Susan Yeatts) 13. Authorization and approval for the County Auditor to pay routine bills from Monday, May 16, 2016 through Friday, June 3, 2016. 14. Authorization to distribute payroll, including overtime, uniform allowances, and auto allowances to be paid Tuesday, May 31, 2016. 15. Approval of bills to include claims registers for Wednesday, May 4 2016, Friday, May 6, 2016, Wednesday, May 11, 2016, and Friday, May 13, 2016. 16. Approval of Tax Assessor-Collector's Report of Taxes collected in April 2016 and approval of the order transferring tax collections for the month of April 2016 from unallocated receipts. 17. Acceptance of the certification by the County Auditor, pursuant to Local Government Code §111.0108, of additional revenue available for the Bexar County Sheriffs State Asset Forfeiture Fund 312 in the amount of $17,550. The Commissioners Court is not hereby adopting a special budget. 18. Request approval for $385,551.43 in refunds for payments received by Tax Assessor-Collector's Office in the form of tax overpayments made by individuals, businesses, corporations, etc. due to 20 individual tax accounts per Section 31.11, which have been reviewed by the Auditor's Office and found to be valid. Item(s) Brought by Fire Marshal's Office: (Chris Lopez) 19. Approval of a request from the Fire Marshal's Office authorizing the County Auditor to pay invoices #4677 in the amount of $83.00 to Ribelin Sales, Inc. for inside delivery charges for an order of evidence supplies delivered in FY15. Item(s) Brought by County Tax Assessor-Collector: (Albert Uresti) 20. Approval of a request for the waiver of penalty and interest, for the Bexar County taxing jurisdiction, in the amount of $47.97 on account #19031-099-0840, Escobedo Pablo Jr., tax year(s) 2015 in accordance with Section 33.011 of the Texas Property Tax Code. 21. Approval of a request for the waiver of penalty and interest, for the Bexar County taxing jurisdiction, in the amount of $29.55 on account #16951-045-0590, Escobedo Pablo Jr., tax year(s) 2015 in accordance with Section 33.011 of the Texas Property Tax Code. 22. Approval of a request for the waiver of penalty and interest, for the Bexar County taxing jurisdiction, in the amount of $75.08 on account #14595-103-2080, Delia Martinez, tax year(s) 2014 in accordance with Section 33.011 of the Texas Property Tax Code. 23. Approval of a request for the waiver of penalty and interest, for the Bexar County taxing jurisdiction, in the amount of $54.64 on account #18089-021-0720, Clem Bruce &Patricia, tax year(s) 2015 in accordance with Section 33.011 of the Texas Property Tax Code. 24. Approval of a request for the waiver of penalty and interest, for the Bexar County taxing jurisdiction, in the amount of $93.47 on account #09043-003-0120, Azima Yasaman Living Trust, tax year(s) 2015 in accordance with Section 33.011 of the Texas Property Tax Code. Item(s) Brought by Civil District Courts: (Judge Peter Sakai) 25. Approval of a submission of an electronic grant application to the Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency and Prevention (OJJDP) for the Bexar County Family Drug Court in the amount of $533,334 which includes $400,000 in Federal funds and $133,334 in local in-kind matching funds and acceptance of funds if awarded. The term of the grant is from October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2019. Item(s) Brought by Purchasing: (Mary Quinones) 26. Awarding a delivery order to AAA Time Saver Services to provide for the purchase of construction services to furnish all labor and materials for the ADC Video Visitation and Re-Entry Door Modification Project, in the amount of $68,865, as requested by the Facilities Management Department; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute contract and file appropriate award documents for the record. 27. Ratification granting a discretionary exemption for the purpose of awarding a contract on a sole source basis to VOTEC to purchase Election Management Software with Votesafe for the August 25, 2015 through August 24, 2016 in the amount of $137,318 as requested by the Elections Department; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate documents for the record. 28. Awarding a contract to the lowest and best bid submitted by Park Place Recreation Designs (ESBE) to provide for the purchase of construction services of Fall Zone Material, ADA renovations and playground equipment at Mission County Park #2 in Precinct 1 in the amount of $151,398 as requested by the Heritage and Parks Department; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for record. 29. Awarding a delivery order to Mainline Information Systems, Inc. for the purchase of onsite and remote system programming support in the amount of $195,000, for the Information Technology Department; through a State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) contract and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute contract and file appropriate award documents for the record. Item(s) Brought by Community Resources: (Eddie Ortega) 30. Authorization for the County Judge to sign an Inter-local Agreement between Bexar County and CPS Energy for the Residential Energy Assistance Partnership, Inc. Program (REAP) to provide utility assistance to qualified CPS Energy rate-payers. 31. Approval and execution of the Management Agreement between Bexar County and the New Hope Church for the new Hope Children's Center utilizing Program Year 2015 Community Development Block Grant funds in the amount of $4,862.80. Item(s) Brought by Public Works: (Renee Green) 32. Approval of a Revival and Fourth Amendment to Lease Agreement between Bexar County, Texas and SATX SCL, LLC, a Texas Limited Liability Company (as successor in interest to Scott C. Looney and others), dba Conroy Square, for a period of three years, for the currently leased 7,030 square feet of rentable office space located at 3355 Cherry Ridge, Suites 208 and 212, at an initial rate of $10,545 per month, effective April 1, 2016, for the continued use by the Texas Agri-Life Extension Service. Precinct Number 3 33. Approval of the First Amendment to the Professional Construction Material Testing and Inspection Services Agreement between Bexar County and Burge Martinez Consulting, Inc., (SMWBE) in the amount of $3,780 for a total not to exceed contract amount of $13,260 in connection with the Flood Control Capital Project, Cacias Road LWC, SA45, Purchase Order Number 907045, Precinct Number 4. 34. Approval of a two-year Right-of-Entry Permit to the United States of America for the right to use Bullis County Park for a temporary 30-minute rest/refueling stop for the military, for the period of time from April 1, 2016 thru March 31, 2018. Precinct Number 3 35. Approval of Final Recapitulation of project cost between Bexar County and Capital Excavation in connection with Public Works Capital Project, Bulverde Road Phase V; indicating a decrease in the amount by $220,340.86 and a final construction amount of $8,071,478.37. Precinct Number 3. 36. Approval of subdivision plat#l 50390 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Champions Park Unit 4D, owner: Pulte Homes of Texas, L.P., located southwest of Unbridled and Night Star, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 1. 37. Approval of subdivision plat#l 50413 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Talise de Culebra Unit 6A, owner: LGI Homes-Texas, LLC, located southeast of Waterlily Way and Watersedge CV, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 2. 38. Approval of subdivision plat#140296 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: MR Estates Subdivision, owner: Michael G. Rodriguez, located southeast of Trumbo Road and Pleasanton Road, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 1. 39. Approval of subdivision plat#l 50578 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Seale Unit 9, owner: Milestone Potranco Development, LTD, located northeast of Ivory Keys and Emerald Edge, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 1. 40. Approval of subdivision plat#160064 within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of San Antonio: Westpointe East Unit 22-0, owner: CW-Westpointe, LLC, located southwest of Merrit Vista and Wilby lane, not within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Precinct Number 1. 41. Authorizing the purchase of a Permanent Drainage Easement being 0.107 of an acre (4,654 square feet) tract of land being out of Lot 13, Block 3 of the Evans Valley Acres Subdivision, recorded in Volume 6400, Pages 185-188 of the Deed and Plat Records of Bexar County, Texas, said Lot 13 conveyed to Leon P. Persyn and wife, Kathleen R. Persyn, by instrument recorded in Volume 1907, Pages 542 - 543 of the Official Public Records of Bexar County, Texas all within CB 4526A of the City of Helotes, Bexar County, Texas in the amount of $15,750, total appraised value, plus applicable closing costs. French Creek Tributary NWWC (LC23) Flood Control Project. Precinct Number 3. 42. Authorizing the purchase of a Permanent Drainage Easement being 0.271 of an acre (11,802 square feet) tract of land being out of a 5.661 acre tract conveyed to Pamela Abee-Taulli and Kathleen Hagino-Davidson by instrument recorded in Volume 3728, Page 216 - 218 of the Official Public Records of Bexar County, Texas, all within the CB 4526 of the City of Helotes, Bexar County, Texas from Pamela Abee-Taulli and Kathleen Hagino-Davidson, Owners of Record in the amount of $9,000, total appraised value, plus applicable closing costs. French Creek Tributary NWWC (LC23) Flood Control Project. Precinct Number 3. 43. Authorizing the purchase of a Permanent Drainage Easement being 0.083 of an acre (3,614 square feet) tract of land being out of Lot 1, Block 1 of the Cedar Springs Subdivision Unit 7, recorded in Volume 9531, Page 110 of the Deed and Plat Records of Bexar County, Texas, said Lot 1 conveyed to James A. Meiske and Laura J. Meiske by instrument recorded in Volume 8200, Page 280 - 282 of the Official Public Records of Bexar County, Texas from James A. Meiske and Laura J. Meiske, Owners of Record in the amount of $6,000, total appraised value, plus applicable closing costs. French Creek Tributary NWWC (LC23) Flood Control Project. Precinct Number 3. 44. Approval to establish Traffic Control devices as Stop Zones, School Zone, and No Parking Anytime Zones at specified locations in Precincts 1, 2 and 3. STOP ZONES TO BE ESTABLISHED: Precinct Number 1 Amber Creek Unit 3 A Plat #110316 The Stop Sign shall be on Buckhorn Bayou at its intersection with Balboa Island, (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Buckhorn Bayou at its intersection with Placid Bay. (1 stop) Alamo Ranch Unit 14A Plat #140381 The Stop Sign shall be on Brewster Mill at its intersection with Freeport Leaf. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Freeport Leaf at its intersection with Red Maple Way. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Freeport Leaf at its intersection with Lone Star Leaf. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Sweetwater Way at its intersection with Red Maple Way. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Sweetwater Way at its intersection with Lone Star Leaf. (1 stop) Precinct Number 2 Savannah Subdivision Unit IB Plat #140535 The Stop Sign shall be on Belgian Falls at its intersection with Joplin Terrace. (1 stop) The Stop Sign shall be on Palmetto Falls at its intersection with Ranch Bend. (1 stop) SCHOOL ZONE TO BE ESTABLISHED: Precinct Number 2 Franklin Elementary Rescind Commissioners Court order dated 9/17/2013 stating that the maximum speed limit on Silver Spot from 200 ft. north of Raw Silver to 200 ft. south of Raw Silver shall be 20 mph (when flashing) on school days only. This rescind is due to extension of school zone. The maximum speed limit on Silver Spot from 200 ft. north of Raw Silver to 1000 ft. south of Raw Silver shall be 20 mph (when flashing) on school days only. NO PARKING ANYTIME ZONES TO BE ESTABLISHED: Precinct Number 1 No Parking Anytime (tow-away zone) on Military Dr West from Creek Pebble to 740 ft. west of Creek Pebble on north side of road only. Precinct Number 3 No Parking Anytime (tow-away zone) on Boerae Stage Rd both sides of road from Cross Mountain Trail eastbound to Baywater Stage. 45. Order accepting the following streets and drains in the identified subdivisions for County maintenance to begin May 17,2016: SUBDIVISION STREET/DRAIN Preserve at Indian Springs, Unit 2, Phase 4 Plat Number 130358 Precinct # 3 Preserve Peak 782.23 If Asphalt Width: 28' Preserve Pass 344.12 If Asphalt Width: 28' Preserve Rise 533.59 If Asphalt Width: 28' Westpointe East, Unit 22-K.l Plat Number 140229 Precinct # 1 Derussy Hills 563.58 If Asphalt Width: 28' Delafield Pass 228.96 If Asphalt Width: 28' Pitcher Road 488.76 If Asphalt Width: 28' Tower Forest 362.1 If Asphalt Width: 28' Reserve of Lost Creek, Unit 3-A Plat Number 130401 Precinct # 3 Paraiso Crest 398.07 If Asphalt Width: 28' Paraiso Manor 813.11 If Asphalt Width: 28' Wolf Creek, Unit 5 and Unit 6-B Plat Number 130029 Precinct # 1 Gray Fox Creek 1,509.55 If Asphalt Width: 322.79 If of 40'wide Asphalt Width: 1,186.76 If of 28' wide Gentle Fox Bay 1,431.59 If Asphalt Width: 28' Blue Wolf Pier 671.63 If Asphalt Width: 28' Drain "A" 11.0 If Drain "B" 44.16 If SUBDIVISION STREET/DRAIN Redbird Ranch Reeves Loop, Phase 2 Plat Number 140005 Precinct # 1 Asphalt Width: 24' wide Reeves Loop (Eastbound Lanes) 822.44 If Asphalt Width: 27'wide Reeves Loop (Westbound Lanes) 822.44 If Drain "A" 59.45 If Drain "B" 28.51 If Drain "C" 166.58 If Windfield, Unit 7-R Plat Number 130030 Precinct # 4 Uresti Fields 774.69 If Asphalt Width: 28' Foster Fields 241.23 If Asphalt Width: 28' Drain "A" 11.0 If Drain "C" 61.74 If Talise de Culebra, Unit 5-B Plat Number 130372 Precinct # 2 Champions Park, Unit 8 Plat Number 130584 Precinct # 1 Shoreline Drive 815.36 If Asphalt Width: 28' Oxbow Way 775.36 If Asphalt Width: 28' Bluewater Cove 146.96 If Asphalt Width: 28' Waterlily Way 304.41 If Asphalt Width: 40' Clearwater Cove 44.06 If Asphalt Width: 28' Silver Rose 364.94 If Asphalt Width: 28' Decidedly 150.71 If Asphalt Width: 28' Night Fight 1,111.71 If Asphalt Width: 28' War Emblem 640.97 If Asphalt Width: 28' Applejack 150.71 If Asphalt Width: 28' Drain "A" 11.0 If Drain "B" 31.02 If Stillwater Ranch, Unit 16 & 19 Plat Number 140379 Precinct # 2 Lajitas Bend 418.77 If Asphalt Width: 28' Study Butte 490.93 If Asphalt Width: 28' Twisted Spur 713.46 If Asphalt Width: 28' Shady Mountain 943.04 If Asphalt Width: 28' Silver Pointe 770.35 If Asphalt Width: 44' Drain "A" 136.0 If SUBDIVISION STREET/DRAIN Sanctuary, Unit 5-B Handies Peak 952.06 If Plat Number 130302 Asphalt Width: 28' Precinct # 2 Pikes Peak 432.49 If Asphalt Width: 28' Snowmass Mount 658.9 If Asphalt Width: 28' Drain "K" 110.43 If Item(s) Brought by Economic Development: (David Marquez) 46. Authorization and approval for the Economic Development Department to pay an invoice in the amount of $5,000 as submitted by Free Flow Research for the sponsorship of an Information Technology Economic Impact Study. 47. Authorization and approval for the Economic Development Department to pay an invoice in the amount of $5,000 as submitted by Tech Bloc for sponsorship of the 2016 Tech Bloc Rally. Item(s) Brought by the County Manager: (David Smith) 48. Approval of a Non-Disclosure Agreement between Bexar County and CIVIQ Smartscapes, LLC. Item(s) Brought by Judicial Services: (Mike Lozito) 49. Approval of the submission of a grant application to the U.S. Department of Justice for the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program FY 2016 Competitive Grant Announcement for the Central Magistration Diversion Program administered by the Department of Judicial Services in the amount of $312,500 which includes a required in-kind match in the amount of $62,500 over the course of three years; the term of the grant will be from October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2019; acceptance of funding if award. (The grant is due on May 19,2016). Item(s) Brought by Resource Management: (Tina Smith-Dean) 50. Approval of Budget Transfer (BT16-001) as requested by Judicial Services in the amount of $685,356 from the Non Departmental Contingency budget to Central Magistration Facility to cover the cost of operating expenses at the Central Magistration Facility located at 401 S. Frio St. 51. Approval of a letter agreement between Bexar County and Aetna to comply with Texas Government Code 2251.021 relating to the definition of late payments by a governmental entity and including language that prohibits Aetna from subcontracting with offshore subcontractors to provide member services relating to private information such as claims, patient management or network management. 52. Approval of an amendment to the Master Service Agreement between Bexar County and Aetna to include language to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) Omnibus Rule relating to privacy, security, enforcement, and breach notification rules and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. 53. Approval of an access agreement between Bexar County and Aetna to provide Bexar County employees access to the Vital Savings Program, a program that provides discounted dental services to enrollees. Item(s) Brought by Bexar Heritage and Parks (Betty Bueche) 54. Authorizing the County Auditor staff to pay invoices from Union Pacific Railroad in conjunction with the Hot Wells County Park Stabilization Project, totaling $15,396.43. Item(s) Brought by Facilities: (Dan Curry) 55. Authorization to execute Professional Services Agreement Amendment #2 between Bexar County and DHR Architects, in an amount not to exceed $32,065.60 in fees for the architectural and engineering services related to ADC Annex to be located at 200 N Comal St., San Antonio, TX 78207.
8. Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attorney's Office to take action, if necessary: a. First Amendment to Cooperative Agreement between Bexar County, Texas, and the City of San Antonio River Authority to complete the design for the San Pedro Creek Improvement Project, approved on April 19, 2016. b. Bexar County Sheriffs Office State Asset Forfeiture Fund 312. c. Notice of claim submitted by the Law Office of Grace M. Vzomba, Re: Manuel Castro vs. Facilities Management Department. d. Notice of Citation Directed to Bexar County by Serving its Registered Agent, County Judge Nelson W. Wolff, Re: Alexea Combs vs. Bexar County. e. Notice of Claim pursuant to Texas Tort Claims submitted by BLF Baseluos Law Firm, Re: Melanie Huerta-Perez, legal guardian and parent of Emerie Huerta. f. Certified letter from John Marsh to Shapiro Schwartz, LLP, Re: Notice of Trustee's Sale from May 3, 2016 - John Marsh & Ingrid Marsh for property located on 2 Montique Court, San Antonio, Texas. 9. Approval of Commissioners Court minutes for May 3, 2016.
a. 11:30 a.m.: Convene as Board of Directors, Bexar County Housing Finance Corporation. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Board/Norton Rose Fulbright) b. 11:40 a.m. or immediately following item 5(a): Convene as Board of Directors, Bexar County Health Facilities Development Corporation. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Board/Norton Rose Fulbright) c. 11:50 a.m. or immediately following item 5(b): Convene as Board of Directors, Bexar County Industrial Development Corporation. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Board/Norton Rose Fulbright)
66. § 551.071 Consultation with Attorney for advice regarding: a. Legal issues pertaining to the following matters in which the duty of the attorney for Bexar County under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas Clearly conflicts with the Open Meetings Act: i. Constable Vehicle Use and Overtime policies;
Discussion and appropriate action regarding acceptance of an FLSA summary report regarding non-exempt County personnel that have accrued FLSA hours in excess of 199 but less than 240, and law enforcement personnel FLSA hours in excess of 439 but less than 480, as of the month ending April 2016. Authorization to pay those employees who have accumulated hours in excess of the FLSA maximum level for an estimated amount of $32,396. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) Adjournment.