1. Opening Prayer: - Jose Angel Siller, BiblioTech Branch Manager (Sergio "Chico" Rodriguez) 2. Pledge of Allegiance (Sergio "Chico" Rodriguez)
CEREMONIAL ITEM(S): a. Presentation of a service pin recognizing a Bexar County employee for 25 years of service: Name Mary Velasquez Years 25 Date Employed 1/28/1991 Office/Department District Clerk (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court) b. Presentation of a Proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing March 5, 2016 to be St. Luke Men's Club Wild Game Dinner Day. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 Minutes) (Court/Nelson W. Wolff)
SPECIAL PRESENTATION: a. Presentation of a donation from the Hidalgo Foundation of Bexar County, Inc., in the amount of $250,000 for the Early Intervention Program of the Children's Court. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Tracy Wolff)
Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attorney's Office to take action, if necessary: a. Bexar County Auditor's Monthly Financial Report (Unaudited and Unadjusted) for the month of December 31, 2015. b. Bexar County Sheriffs Office State Asset Forfeiture Fund - 312. c. U. S. District Court, Summons in a Civil Action to Bexar County, Texas, Bexar County Judge Nelson W. Wolff - Re: Matthew Jamal Jackson v. Bexar County, TX, Sheriff Susan Pamerleau, Jail Administrator Chief A. Banasco. d. Citation directed to Nelson W. Wolff- Re: Manuel Castro vs. Facilities Management Department et al.
All items under the Consent Agenda are heard and acted upon collectively unless opposition is presented, in which case the contested item will be considered, discussed, and appropriate action taken separately.
Item(s) Brought by the Commissioners Court: (Court)
9. Approval of a request by Commissioner Sergio "Chico" Rodriguez, Precinct 1 to re-appoint Manuel Leal to the board of directors for the Hallie Heights, Heathers Cove, Hunters Pond, Lackland Hills, Mission Creek, Mission Del Lago, Ridge Stone and Stablewood Farms Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones for terms to begin upon appointment and expire May 31, 2017.
10. Approval of a request by Commissioner Paul Elizondo, Precinct 2 to reappoint Cindy L. Colston, Martha "Marti" Romans, Gary Schott, and Alfred Lonnie Stockton to the Bexar County Emergency Service District #7- for a term to begin upon appointment and expire December 31, 2017.
11. Approval of a request by Commissioner Paul Elizonado, Precinct 2 to reappoint Teresa Gold and Bro. Edward Loch to the Bexar County Historical Commission for a term to begin upon appointment and to expire December 31, 2017.
Item(s) Brought by District Attorney: (Nicholas "Nico" LaHood)
12. Approval of the submission of an electronic grant application to the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division for the Bexar County Criminal District Attorney's Human Trafficking Unit Program in the amount of $113,212; the term of the grant will be from October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017: authorization of the County Judge to execute a Resolution to effect this approval; and acceptance of funds upon award. No Bexar County match is required.
Items(s) Brought by Sheriffs Office: (Susan Pamerleau)
14. Authorization and approval for the Sheriffs request to pay bills from Fiscal Year 16 invoice(s) in the amount of $200.92.
15. Approval of a request from the Sheriffs Office to enter into a vehicle loan agreement offered by Coyote Powersports, LLC. The Sheriffs Office had been offered the use of a 2016 Can Am Spyder RD F3S 1300 for testing and evaluation, at no cost, other than maintenance, for a one year term. Accepting this agreement will allow our Motor Unit to test and evaluate this vehicle to determine its suitability to replace or augment the current motorcycle fleet.
16. Approval of an amendment to the interlocal cooperation contract between the Texas State University and the Bexar County Sheriffs Office for the Tobacco Enforcement Program (TEP) to allow the Sheriffs Office to conduct Controlled Buy/Sting operations to include the sale of e-cigarette sales to minors. The term of the contract is from September 1, 2015 through August 31, 2016.
17. Approval of the submission of an electronic grant application to the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division for the Violence Against Women Formula Grants for the Bexar County Sheriffs Office in the amount of $312,024 which encompasses an allocation of $200,000 (65%) in State Funds, and a minimum required in-kind County contribution of $108,934 (35%); approval of a resolution; and acceptance of grant funding upon award. The term of the grant is from September 1, 2016 through August 31,2017.
18. Request approval of a grant submission of an electronic grant application to the Governor's Office for Criminal Justice Division funding for the Bexar County Sheriffs Office Critical Response Program (Grant Number: 746002039) in the amount of $126,281 approval of a resolution, and acceptance of funds if awarded. There is no local match and the term of the grant is from October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017.
Item(s) Brought by Comity Tax Assessor-Collector: (Albert Uresti)
19. Approval and execution of a Memorandum of Understanding between Bexar County and CPS Energy authorizing CPS Energy to act as a Deputy Tax Collector and process vehicle registrations.
Item(s) Brought by County Auditor: (Susan Yeatts)
20. Authorization and approval for the County Auditor to pay routine bills from Monday, February 22, 2016 through Friday, March 4, 2016.
21. Authorization to distribute payroll, including overtime uniform and auto allowances to be paid Monday, February 29, 2016.
22. Approval of bills to include claims registers for Wednesday, February 10, 2016, and Friday February 12, 2016; Wednesday, February 17, 2016; and Friday, February 19, 2016.
23. Request approval for $171,562.19 in Tax Overpayment or Erroneous Payment Refunds due to 19 individual tax accounts for tax payments received per Section 31.11, which have been reviewed by the Auditor's Office and found to be valid.
24. Approval of Tax Assessor-Collector's Report of Taxes collects in January 2016 and approval of the order transferring tax collections for the month of January 2016 from unallocated receipts.
25. Acceptance of an FLSA summary report regarding non-exempt County personnel that have accrued FLSA hours in excess of 199 but less than 240, and law enforcement personnel FLSA hours in excess of 439 but less than 480, as of the month of January 2016. Authorization to pay those employees who have accumulated hours in excess of the FLSA maximum level.
Item(s') Brought by Juvenile Probation: (Lvnne Wilkerson)
26. Approval sought for the submission of an application to the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division for funding of the New Life project in the amount of $72,493, representing $47,120 in Violent Crimes Against Women grant funds, plus an in-kind match of $25,373, over the term September 1, 2016 through August 31, 2017, for acceptance of funds if awarded, and for authorization of the County Judge to execute a resolution to effect this approval. There is no cash match required of the County.
Items(s) Brought by Civil District Courts: (Barbara Schafer)
27. Approval of a request from Civil District Courts Administration authorizing the County Auditor to reimburse the amount of $80 to Barbara Schafer, Family Drug Court Administrator.
28. Approval of a submission of an electronic grant application to the Governor's Office for Drug Court Funding for the Bexar County Family Drug Court (Grant Number: 17367-13) in the amount of $352,029 approval of a resolution, and acceptance of funds if awarded. There is no local match requirement and the term of the grant is from September 1,2016 through August 31,2017.
29. Approval of a submission of an electronic grant application to the Office of the Governor for Victim Assistance - Victims of Crime Act Formula Grant Program for the PEARLS Court of the 150th Civil District Court in the amount of $119,455 which encompasses an allocation of $97,013 (80%) in State Funds, and a minimum required in-kind County contribution of $22,442 (20%); approval of a resolution; and acceptance of grant funding upon award. The term of the grant is from April 1, 2016 through March 31,2017.
Items(s) Brought by Criminal District Courts Admin: (Melissa Barlow Fisher)
30. Approval and execution of an Interlocal Agreement between Bexar County and Bexar County Hospital d/b/a University Health System for statutorily mandated testing for certain sexually transmitted diseases of persons indicted for, or who waived indictment for, offenses under Penal Code Sections 21.02, 21.11 (a)(1), 22.011, or 22.021.
Approval of the submission of a Professional Services Agreements for training services between Bexar County Criminal District Attorney's Office and Ted Vosk, Andreas Stolz, Karl Citek, and Chester Flaxmayer for reimbursement of fees and expenses, provided through a grant from the Texas Department of Transportation, as described within said contracts.
Authorization to endorse the transfer of the Collaborative Applicant designation for the Continuum of Care from Bexar County to the South Texas Regional Alamo Alliance for the Homeless (SARAH).
Approval of contract for professional services with Donna Baugh, Consultant, in the amount of $7,500 in connection with the program design of the County Guardianship program.
Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding the Bexar County Innovation Policy for Economic Development. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (David Marquez)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding requesting the authority for Facilities Management to release a Request for Qualifications for Architectural and Engineering Services in relation to the Adult Detention Center Annex Conversion Project. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Dan Curry)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the Saturday, May 7, 2016 Special Election to Fill a Vacancy in State Representative District 120 to include: a. An Order calling the Special Election; b. An Order designating the main early voting location and branch locations; c. An Order setting compensation for the deputy early voting clerks for early voting; d. An Order designating the rate of pay for one temporary employee at the Auditors to assure timely and accurate processing of the election payroll; e. An Order adopting a voting system to be used; f. An Order adopting the resolution designating the number of clerks authorized; g. An Order adopting a resolution for the rate of pay for Election Day judges and clerks; h. An Order establishing an early ballot board; i. An Order establishing a Central Counting Station and appointing a Presiding Judge; j. Appropriate budgetary transfer. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Jacque Callanen)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding a Grant Agreement between Bexar County and theArtsFund to implement an arts internship program to provide ten (10) local nonprofit organizations with one (1) paid internship each for a total not to exceed $38,500. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Laura Jesse)
Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding the Bexar County Summer High School Internship Program. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Thomas Guevara/Pooja Tripathi)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding approval of the following items: a. An order adopting the County's written Investment Policy in accordance with Section 2256.005 (e) of the Texas Public Funds Investment Act; b. The Investment Quarterly Report for the 4th Quarter of FY 2014-15 in accordance with Section 2256.023 (a) of the Texas Public Funds Investment Act; c. The Investment Quarterly Report for the 1st Quarter of FY 2015-16 in accordance with Section 2256.023 (a) of the Texas Public Funds Investment Act; d. The FY 2015-16 Authorized Broker/Dealer List in accordance with Section 2256.025 of the Texas Public Funds Investment Act. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Tina Smith-Dean)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding: a. Awarding a contract to Majestic Services, Inc. providing for the purchase of Construction Services for the Kirby Animal Shelter Expansion Project in Precinct 4, in the amount of $799,000, for the Bexar County Public Works Department, to include the appropriate budgetary transfer; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for the record. b. Approval of a Ground Lease Agreement (GLA) between City of Kirby and Bexar County regarding the operation of the combined animal care facility in the City of Kirby. Precinct Number 4. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Mary Quinones /Renee Green)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding approval of an Engineering Services Agreement between Bexar County and Halff Associates, Inc. for Professional Engineering Services in an amount not to exceed $149,951 for preliminary engineering services fees related to the River East (Salado Creek) Corridor Feasibility Study. Precinct Number 4. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Renee Green)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding an amendment to the professional services agreement for month to month depository services with Bank of America, N.A. with new pricing, terms and conditions for an estimated monthly amount of $25,000.00. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Susan Yeatts)
(Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code) EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS MAY BE DISCUSSED AND ACTED UPON, IF APPROPRIATE, IN OPEN SESSION. 76. § 551.071 Consultation with Attorney for advice regarding: a. Pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers in the following matters: i. Juanita Trevino and as Representative of the Estate of Jesus Trevino, deceased v. Bexar County
1. Opening Prayer: - Jose Angel Siller, BiblioTech Branch Manager (Sergio "Chico" Rodriguez) 2. Pledge of Allegiance (Sergio "Chico" Rodriguez)
CEREMONIAL ITEM(S): a. Presentation of a service pin recognizing a Bexar County employee for 25 years of service: Name Mary Velasquez Years 25 Date Employed 1/28/1991 Office/Department District Clerk (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court) b. Presentation of a Proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing March 5, 2016 to be St. Luke Men's Club Wild Game Dinner Day. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 Minutes) (Court/Nelson W. Wolff)
SPECIAL PRESENTATION: a. Presentation of a donation from the Hidalgo Foundation of Bexar County, Inc., in the amount of $250,000 for the Early Intervention Program of the Children's Court. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Tracy Wolff)
Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attorney's Office to take action, if necessary: a. Bexar County Auditor's Monthly Financial Report (Unaudited and Unadjusted) for the month of December 31, 2015. b. Bexar County Sheriffs Office State Asset Forfeiture Fund - 312. c. U. S. District Court, Summons in a Civil Action to Bexar County, Texas, Bexar County Judge Nelson W. Wolff - Re: Matthew Jamal Jackson v. Bexar County, TX, Sheriff Susan Pamerleau, Jail Administrator Chief A. Banasco. d. Citation directed to Nelson W. Wolff- Re: Manuel Castro vs. Facilities Management Department et al.
All items under the Consent Agenda are heard and acted upon collectively unless opposition is presented, in which case the contested item will be considered, discussed, and appropriate action taken separately.
Item(s) Brought by the Commissioners Court: (Court)
9. Approval of a request by Commissioner Sergio "Chico" Rodriguez, Precinct 1 to re-appoint Manuel Leal to the board of directors for the Hallie Heights, Heathers Cove, Hunters Pond, Lackland Hills, Mission Creek, Mission Del Lago, Ridge Stone and Stablewood Farms Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones for terms to begin upon appointment and expire May 31, 2017.
10. Approval of a request by Commissioner Paul Elizondo, Precinct 2 to reappoint Cindy L. Colston, Martha "Marti" Romans, Gary Schott, and Alfred Lonnie Stockton to the Bexar County Emergency Service District #7- for a term to begin upon appointment and expire December 31, 2017.
11. Approval of a request by Commissioner Paul Elizonado, Precinct 2 to reappoint Teresa Gold and Bro. Edward Loch to the Bexar County Historical Commission for a term to begin upon appointment and to expire December 31, 2017.
Item(s) Brought by District Attorney: (Nicholas "Nico" LaHood)
12. Approval of the submission of an electronic grant application to the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division for the Bexar County Criminal District Attorney's Human Trafficking Unit Program in the amount of $113,212; the term of the grant will be from October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017: authorization of the County Judge to execute a Resolution to effect this approval; and acceptance of funds upon award. No Bexar County match is required.
Items(s) Brought by Sheriffs Office: (Susan Pamerleau)
14. Authorization and approval for the Sheriffs request to pay bills from Fiscal Year 16 invoice(s) in the amount of $200.92.
15. Approval of a request from the Sheriffs Office to enter into a vehicle loan agreement offered by Coyote Powersports, LLC. The Sheriffs Office had been offered the use of a 2016 Can Am Spyder RD F3S 1300 for testing and evaluation, at no cost, other than maintenance, for a one year term. Accepting this agreement will allow our Motor Unit to test and evaluate this vehicle to determine its suitability to replace or augment the current motorcycle fleet.
16. Approval of an amendment to the interlocal cooperation contract between the Texas State University and the Bexar County Sheriffs Office for the Tobacco Enforcement Program (TEP) to allow the Sheriffs Office to conduct Controlled Buy/Sting operations to include the sale of e-cigarette sales to minors. The term of the contract is from September 1, 2015 through August 31, 2016.
17. Approval of the submission of an electronic grant application to the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division for the Violence Against Women Formula Grants for the Bexar County Sheriffs Office in the amount of $312,024 which encompasses an allocation of $200,000 (65%) in State Funds, and a minimum required in-kind County contribution of $108,934 (35%); approval of a resolution; and acceptance of grant funding upon award. The term of the grant is from September 1, 2016 through August 31,2017.
18. Request approval of a grant submission of an electronic grant application to the Governor's Office for Criminal Justice Division funding for the Bexar County Sheriffs Office Critical Response Program (Grant Number: 746002039) in the amount of $126,281 approval of a resolution, and acceptance of funds if awarded. There is no local match and the term of the grant is from October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017.
Item(s) Brought by Comity Tax Assessor-Collector: (Albert Uresti)
19. Approval and execution of a Memorandum of Understanding between Bexar County and CPS Energy authorizing CPS Energy to act as a Deputy Tax Collector and process vehicle registrations.
Item(s) Brought by County Auditor: (Susan Yeatts)
20. Authorization and approval for the County Auditor to pay routine bills from Monday, February 22, 2016 through Friday, March 4, 2016.
21. Authorization to distribute payroll, including overtime uniform and auto allowances to be paid Monday, February 29, 2016.
22. Approval of bills to include claims registers for Wednesday, February 10, 2016, and Friday February 12, 2016; Wednesday, February 17, 2016; and Friday, February 19, 2016.
23. Request approval for $171,562.19 in Tax Overpayment or Erroneous Payment Refunds due to 19 individual tax accounts for tax payments received per Section 31.11, which have been reviewed by the Auditor's Office and found to be valid.
24. Approval of Tax Assessor-Collector's Report of Taxes collects in January 2016 and approval of the order transferring tax collections for the month of January 2016 from unallocated receipts.
25. Acceptance of an FLSA summary report regarding non-exempt County personnel that have accrued FLSA hours in excess of 199 but less than 240, and law enforcement personnel FLSA hours in excess of 439 but less than 480, as of the month of January 2016. Authorization to pay those employees who have accumulated hours in excess of the FLSA maximum level.
Item(s') Brought by Juvenile Probation: (Lvnne Wilkerson)
26. Approval sought for the submission of an application to the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division for funding of the New Life project in the amount of $72,493, representing $47,120 in Violent Crimes Against Women grant funds, plus an in-kind match of $25,373, over the term September 1, 2016 through August 31, 2017, for acceptance of funds if awarded, and for authorization of the County Judge to execute a resolution to effect this approval. There is no cash match required of the County.
Items(s) Brought by Civil District Courts: (Barbara Schafer)
27. Approval of a request from Civil District Courts Administration authorizing the County Auditor to reimburse the amount of $80 to Barbara Schafer, Family Drug Court Administrator.
28. Approval of a submission of an electronic grant application to the Governor's Office for Drug Court Funding for the Bexar County Family Drug Court (Grant Number: 17367-13) in the amount of $352,029 approval of a resolution, and acceptance of funds if awarded. There is no local match requirement and the term of the grant is from September 1,2016 through August 31,2017.
29. Approval of a submission of an electronic grant application to the Office of the Governor for Victim Assistance - Victims of Crime Act Formula Grant Program for the PEARLS Court of the 150th Civil District Court in the amount of $119,455 which encompasses an allocation of $97,013 (80%) in State Funds, and a minimum required in-kind County contribution of $22,442 (20%); approval of a resolution; and acceptance of grant funding upon award. The term of the grant is from April 1, 2016 through March 31,2017.
Items(s) Brought by Criminal District Courts Admin: (Melissa Barlow Fisher)
30. Approval and execution of an Interlocal Agreement between Bexar County and Bexar County Hospital d/b/a University Health System for statutorily mandated testing for certain sexually transmitted diseases of persons indicted for, or who waived indictment for, offenses under Penal Code Sections 21.02, 21.11 (a)(1), 22.011, or 22.021.
Approval of the submission of a Professional Services Agreements for training services between Bexar County Criminal District Attorney's Office and Ted Vosk, Andreas Stolz, Karl Citek, and Chester Flaxmayer for reimbursement of fees and expenses, provided through a grant from the Texas Department of Transportation, as described within said contracts.
Authorization to endorse the transfer of the Collaborative Applicant designation for the Continuum of Care from Bexar County to the South Texas Regional Alamo Alliance for the Homeless (SARAH).
Approval of contract for professional services with Donna Baugh, Consultant, in the amount of $7,500 in connection with the program design of the County Guardianship program.
Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding the Bexar County Innovation Policy for Economic Development. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (David Marquez)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding requesting the authority for Facilities Management to release a Request for Qualifications for Architectural and Engineering Services in relation to the Adult Detention Center Annex Conversion Project. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Dan Curry)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding the Saturday, May 7, 2016 Special Election to Fill a Vacancy in State Representative District 120 to include: a. An Order calling the Special Election; b. An Order designating the main early voting location and branch locations; c. An Order setting compensation for the deputy early voting clerks for early voting; d. An Order designating the rate of pay for one temporary employee at the Auditors to assure timely and accurate processing of the election payroll; e. An Order adopting a voting system to be used; f. An Order adopting the resolution designating the number of clerks authorized; g. An Order adopting a resolution for the rate of pay for Election Day judges and clerks; h. An Order establishing an early ballot board; i. An Order establishing a Central Counting Station and appointing a Presiding Judge; j. Appropriate budgetary transfer. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Jacque Callanen)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding a Grant Agreement between Bexar County and theArtsFund to implement an arts internship program to provide ten (10) local nonprofit organizations with one (1) paid internship each for a total not to exceed $38,500. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Laura Jesse)
Presentation, discussion and appropriate action regarding the Bexar County Summer High School Internship Program. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Thomas Guevara/Pooja Tripathi)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding approval of the following items: a. An order adopting the County's written Investment Policy in accordance with Section 2256.005 (e) of the Texas Public Funds Investment Act; b. The Investment Quarterly Report for the 4th Quarter of FY 2014-15 in accordance with Section 2256.023 (a) of the Texas Public Funds Investment Act; c. The Investment Quarterly Report for the 1st Quarter of FY 2015-16 in accordance with Section 2256.023 (a) of the Texas Public Funds Investment Act; d. The FY 2015-16 Authorized Broker/Dealer List in accordance with Section 2256.025 of the Texas Public Funds Investment Act. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Tina Smith-Dean)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding: a. Awarding a contract to Majestic Services, Inc. providing for the purchase of Construction Services for the Kirby Animal Shelter Expansion Project in Precinct 4, in the amount of $799,000, for the Bexar County Public Works Department, to include the appropriate budgetary transfer; and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to execute and file the appropriate award documents for the record. b. Approval of a Ground Lease Agreement (GLA) between City of Kirby and Bexar County regarding the operation of the combined animal care facility in the City of Kirby. Precinct Number 4. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Mary Quinones /Renee Green)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding approval of an Engineering Services Agreement between Bexar County and Halff Associates, Inc. for Professional Engineering Services in an amount not to exceed $149,951 for preliminary engineering services fees related to the River East (Salado Creek) Corridor Feasibility Study. Precinct Number 4. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Renee Green)
Discussion and appropriate action regarding an amendment to the professional services agreement for month to month depository services with Bank of America, N.A. with new pricing, terms and conditions for an estimated monthly amount of $25,000.00. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Susan Yeatts)
(Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code) EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS MAY BE DISCUSSED AND ACTED UPON, IF APPROPRIATE, IN OPEN SESSION. 76. § 551.071 Consultation with Attorney for advice regarding: a. Pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers in the following matters: i. Juanita Trevino and as Representative of the Estate of Jesus Trevino, deceased v. Bexar County