1. Communications, including citizens who signed the register to speak, and reports. 3. Discussion and appropriate action regarding the proposed Bexar County Fiscal Year 2015-16 Operating and Capital Budget to include: a. Sheriffs Office (Estimated Presentation Time: As Required)
Public Hearing: Accept public comment regarding the proposed Bexar County Ad Valorem Tax Rate of 0.3145 per $100 value for 2015 Tax Year in support of its Operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-16. (Estimated Presentation Time: As Required)
1. Communications, including citizens who signed the register to speak, and reports. 3. Discussion and appropriate action regarding the proposed Bexar County Fiscal Year 2015-16 Operating and Capital Budget to include: a. Sheriffs Office (Estimated Presentation Time: As Required)
Public Hearing: Accept public comment regarding the proposed Bexar County Ad Valorem Tax Rate of 0.3145 per $100 value for 2015 Tax Year in support of its Operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-16. (Estimated Presentation Time: As Required)